Gentoo Install problem


Mar 6, 2003
Hey guys,

I've been taking my time the last coupla weeks trying to get gentoo to install on my monster machine, on the first (and failed) attempt (which took several days). I had not allocated enough diskspace for gentoo. Now I've definitely got enough, but a vexing problem is back from the last install that I dont remember if I solved it or not, or how....


Where it says ...
(Select a mirror) # mirrorselect -a -s4 -o | grep 'GENTOO_MIRRORS=' \
>> /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf

This command doesnt result in anything in the file...
(actually I just tried it to get the output to post to you guys and realized I had ( " ) instead of ( ' ) in the command.....but it still didnt work)

The output is:
grep: no such file or directory
Downloading a list of mirrors.....
/usr/sbin/mirrorselect: line 1: portageq: command not found

I will see what else I can do with it. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated...
Thanks in advance..
well, you can technically skip this step. the point of it is for portage to automatically select the fastest mirror it can find for you, but i've never had any luck with it either. for east coast usa i've found to be the fastest (set the line in /etc/make.conf)
GENTOO_MIRRORS=" [url][/url] <as many as you want>"
Thanks But thats another issue...what editor should I use ? I know its basic knowledge, but frankly I forgot, preferably it would have a menu btw....

Edit: Dont bother answering that, I will use nano....
(like I said I forgot)
nano is the easiest to use.

vi(m) or emacs if you want to feel like a l33t linux user.
nano ;)

also, i believe that mirrorselect command requires a network connection which i'm sure you may have but still. check? i had this problem mostly only when i was installing gentoo at school through their nazi proxy.