Gesture-Based Computing on the Cheap

A little laggy. know, i really need gesture based computing to get my frag on...seems to me the few clips they showed is the perfect segment for this. the prototype glove is a little weird, but being able to manipulate CAD or exploded diagrams like they showed would be a huge help to those that deal with it every day.
That has to be the most simple implementation I've seen. The lag is very bad for "low latency". Maybe they should ditch that AMD processor and GTX480 :p

Agree about wishing brake jobs were that easy.
cool, the gloves are ugly as hell, but the idea and implementation seem to be good. I'd rather see development here then with touchscreens and other input devices. Imagine a game where you walk around a house, picking up and using items like that... could be very cool
next step would be UV ink or some other non-visible semi-permanent hand treatment so you don't need a wacky glove.

Very cool implementation, although nothing earth shattering in the tech.
I like,
They where going for simple and color blob tracking is "easy", with that info you can map a 3d hand to it no problem . .and without having to "figure" out what it is looking at or which "dot" in a IR version goes where.

The problem I have though with all of these "no/low hardware" gesture based systems is that it is ignoring tactile feedback! . . now just flinging windows around does not need any and that is cool, but if you are going to do anything complex with speed and accuracy you need some tactile feedback! as plain visual (and not even true/good 3D visual) really just does not cut it.
Sorry but Natal wins all gesture 10000% better... Maybe Microsoft will license the tech out, or bundle it in Windows 8?

Natal is one of the few products that actually truly delivers on what it promises. And does it well.
Sorry but Natal wins all gesture 10000% better... Maybe Microsoft will license the tech out, or bundle it in Windows 8?

Natal is one of the few products that actually truly delivers on what it promises. And does it well.

I sincerly hope this is true. If not for Natal 1, then Natal 2.
I sincerly hope this is true. If not for Natal 1, then Natal 2.

The licensing part? IDK if it's true. It'd be slick if they could do it... The Natal system also uses IR tho...

As far as performing as promised, I've had several friends go to CES and try it out (just YouTube some Natal vids)... It works very well. It works better than the Wii.
I think it depends a lot on how different release Natal will be from the hardware shown so far. MS is probably going to remove a lot of hardware so they can get the cost down.
I think it depends a lot on how different release Natal will be from the hardware shown so far. MS is probably going to remove a lot of hardware so they can get the cost down.

I don't know what they'd remove, being devs are already working with current hardware.
Not really, there is a very big difference in technique and hardware requirements.
Also this one is simple and low end easy (and also geared to hands only)
Natal is not simple or easy (lots of development time there) and made to track generalized human body movement . . not fine hand movement . .
So . . quite different . . (not really better one way or the other)
Natal does pretty well with some finer hand movements though... Maybe not finger tips, but it's done well tracking the fine hands.