Get A Geek In Five Easy Lessons

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
How I missed this little gem, written by AMD's corporate vice president of marketing, is beyond me. My personal favorite:

3. Ask questions. You don’t really have to understand what these questions mean, but throw them into the conversation and then act interested when he answers. (Actually, this works for pretty much any topic.)
5. Ignore his clothes.

Most geeks don’t wear pants. They wear jeans or shorts. Just get over it and wait for the ring to diversify his wardrobe. But if flip flops are non-negotiable, I understand.

To some of you, these lessons may seem daunting. But there’s good news here. You won’t have to learn sports. Trust me – most geeks know less than you about Red Sox vs. Yankees, the new NFL overtime rules, or why Canadian hockey teams can’t win the Stanley Cup anymore.

Guess I'm more of a geek that I thought :) Didn't know that shorts and flip-flops are considered geeks clothing.
"Baby, you are hotter than my water cooled, overclocked, processor."

That's the only geek pick-up line you"ll ever need. :D
Here's what I learned from the article. Apparently AMD actually has a marketing division. Who would have ever guessed?
If you get an AMD CPU geek won't he cheap out all the time during dates? Need one of those Intel extreme editions kind of fellows. Unless they spent all their money on that.
If you get an AMD CPU geek won't he cheap out all the time during dates? Need one of those Intel extreme editions kind of fellows. Unless they spent all their money on that.

Technically, he will be slow and perform poorly. If it were a Intel guy, he would get the "job" done efficiently and quickly.

Now that I think about it, I don't want to be either one.