Get [H]ard with a free year of Playboy

I had forgot about this until the first issue came today and i saw half nudy woman in PO box. I Quickly tried to remember if i selected Playboy or what. I got Maxim. Thanks OP
I had forgot about this until the first issue came today and i saw half nudy woman in PO box. I Quickly tried to remember if i selected Playboy or what. I got Maxim. Thanks OP

I did it twice. One for Maxim and one for Playboy. I got two copies of Maxim. :(
Thanks, I subbed my roommate for one. Should be interesting when he starts to receive them.
Wow, I can't believe yesterday I finally looked in the mailbox and there it sat... A half-blacked out magazine (front cover and the back had a cheapo knife sales ad or something, I guess to throw it off as a pr0n mag?).

So I was thinking PLAYBOY? No way...

But April 2011 is a hottie for sure :) It sucks now, because when I used to look at as a kid the chics were always older than me... now they are younger and I feel a little more dirty :eek:

Not bad for $0.00, a wickedly funny fake name, and 2 minutes of time. :D They are marked as $5.99 each... SHWING!
Just when I thought Maxim is all I would get, PB showed up in its traditional Black bag today.
Same here, I got 2 Maxim issues before and now I got 1 issue of PB yesterday along with another black bag surprise today as well. Thank you!!!
So, tell me again why get a magazine when you have the interwebnetz?
to decorate the coffee table.

Opened the mail today and schwing....there she lay... I definitely got [H]ard today. find a way to intercept each issue before the wife gets suspect...
think someone signed me up off this. I got a playboy in the mail but i didnt sign up for it LOL. I signed up for the maxim which i received too.
So, tell me again why get a magazine when you have the interwebnetz?

90% less navigation. Depending on the right magazine, it could save you tons of time by finding all the "you gotta see this!" type stuff from the past month for you.

Also, I have found TONS of stuff in recent PC mags that I would have never thought of looking for just browsing the net. Especially with adblock on almost every site, 99% of the time I never see advertised products like those big 200x200 ads you see on the right side of almost any big website. Magazines are still useful, especially when it comes to shitter material.... 99.99999% of people don't have internet in their bathroom and no, I don't like to use my phone, like most people when they go to take a crap. :D (there was a survey about that somewhere in a magazine I think)

Same here, I got 2 Maxim issues before and now I got 1 issue of PB yesterday along with another black bag surprise today as well. Thank you!!!

Ok, you need 2 maxim subscriptions AND 2 playboy subs? WTF? :confused:
Still nothing here. I already had a subscription to Maxim, so maybe I couldn't get this deal...
If I were to pay for porn, I'd get an account at Domai or something. Playboy's girls...ick
took exactly 3 months to the day and my first issue is finally here.
It's Karina Smirnoff if anyone cares. Not my type...
Miss May on the other hand... Wow.
Signed up for the Playboy one based on the responses in this article, free, why not. I had ton's of fun on the survey though. Whomever reads that is going to LOL for sure.
Ok, so now I was watching TV and there's this big news that the hoeish lindsay lohan is going to be "nude in playboy" (from what I hear, no tits) -- anyways, I signed up for this free year in or around, 5/2011... and here it is on the month of this famous big issue, and what do I get instead?


FUCK YOU PLAYBOY! Not getting my $20 for linday's ass, I will just wait for it to show up on the net, BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS IT WILL AND THAT YOU CANNOT STOP IT! BURRRRNNN, you screw me with the free year, why would I even think about paying an obviously nonlegit business?

Anyways, thanks for the 3 or 4 free issues of my "free year of playboy" -- :rolleyes:
Greene, you start getting renewal notices 6 months before your sub actually runs out.
All this is already free on the internet and you don't even have to torrent...
All this is already free on the internet and you don't even have to torrent...

Even a geek can appreciate an analogue from time to time. Only 1 more left on my free sub. Honestly, not all the impressed with Playboy. Its just a name at this point. Or maybe I'm just desensitized by all the free porn.
ahh wow. does anyone know how they mail them? are they discretely wrapped?

Does it matter? When you see a magazin in the mail and you do not know what it is, you know what it is and so does everyone else.