Getting a new 15" powerbook!


Mac Daddy
Jun 9, 2003

getting the base model 15", hopefully i can pick it up from the apple store tomorrow. i lost my student ID, but i have my alumni card, and i take grad classes still. so hopefully theyll give me the student discount so i can buy it there. if not, gotta buy it online :|

anyways, ill post a review and pics when i get it, i really cant wait. i was going to get a powermac, but i like the portability of a notebook, and am ready to move from an ibook to a powerbook.

in summary, w00t.
make sure to either a) get raped and get it with a gig of ram or b) upgrade to a gig of ram asap, you'll notice the difference especially if you're a 'power' user (as i inferred from your considering a power mac).

just picked it up.

its love.

my ibook gets much better wireless reception tho.

used the setup assistant via firewire, and it moved everything over in a breeze.

full review coming soon :)
yeah..the Airport antena is more exposed on the iBook (plastic case vs metal case with little plastic windows) so there will be a difference....but if you have a connection that is all you really need...congrats
i can still get access where i need too, its just a 4 vs 5 bars thing in my living room, no biggie.

love it so far, if you havent used the setup assistant yet, it really is neat.

told me i had 10 hours left tho, and it took about 30minutes to transfer my 40 gigs worth of junk.
awesome dude Im very jealous... now wanna give me your old iBook?

jk, but are you going to sell te iBook?