Getting bored..


Sep 29, 2004
Yeah well i am getting pretty bored with the games i am curretly playing and have played WoW,CoH,all the counter strikes,All the Battle fields, and well im just getting bored with all of them.. Can anyone recommend any games?
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is pretty fun if you can make it past the learning curve... I love how when I dim the lights and turn the sound on, I actually feel like I'm sneaking around in the dark.
UnMinded said:
Yeah well i am getting pretty bored with the games i am curretly playing and have played WoW,CoH,all the counter strikes,All the Battle fields, and well im just getting bored with all of them.. Can anyone recommend any games?

Yeah, how about soccer, basketball, or any outdoor activity.

Glad I could help :D
ya dude. Games suck these days. Go outside.....embrace the sun for awhile and wait till the games out this christmas. Then go back in ur hole and play till ur eyes bleed :rolleyes:
Try Age of Empires. The 3rd installment is coming out very soon though, and many have high expectations. :)
Try playing Fable - I just got it and it is pretty good although somewhat demanding on hardware.PC version got extra quests and better graphics than on XBox.
Definitely a nice change from Battlefield :)
Psychonauts is a very fun, imaginative platformer with a great sense of humor for the PC. You should be able to get it for $30 or less (it launched at $30). EXCELLENT game with a decent length (about 15 hours). I'd recommend Rollercoaster Tycoon 3: Soaked!, as well.

On the "coming soon" side of things are Age of Empires 3 (should be a great RTS!), Fable: The Lost Chapters (expanded version of the Xbox RPG and upgraded graphics for the PC), The Elder Scrolls 4, FEAR (which should be a good FPS), Civilization 4, Quake 4, etc.

FEAR, TES4, AOE3, and the next unreal engine 3.0 games (such as UT2007) are the major games that have announced dual core usage.
akanafene said:
Try playing Fable - I just got it and it is pretty good although somewhat demanding on hardware.PC version got extra quests and better graphics than on XBox.
Definitely a nice change from Battlefield :)

I am a little confused. You claim you got Fable but the only version of Fable that is released is on xbox. So when you say demanding on Hardware you are talking about the xbox version. Am I correct. Or did you download the PC version? Lost chapters isnt out for nearly a month unless of course you illegally downloaded it. You should clarify what you say. Because from your post I am under the assumption that you illegally downloaded it. Maybee I am overreacting and misinterpreted you.. I just hate people the pirate games.
Fable Leaked

And to the original poster why dont you go play some sports or something. I just was in the mountains for 17 days climbing and I found it a lot more fun then playing videogames. Everyone is different though. When I got back I bough Conker Live and Reloaded for the xbox. Im going through the single player campaign right now. Pretty much a straight port from the N64
akanafene said:
Try playing Fable - I just got it and it is pretty good although somewhat demanding on hardware.PC version got extra quests and better graphics than on XBox.
Definitely a nice change from Battlefield :)
Note: When discussing illegally obtained games, be sure to check that "Today's Date" > "Release Date."
NowhereMan said:
Yeah, how about soccer, basketball, or any outdoor activity.

Glad I could help :D

why would anyone do that? outside= dangerous, theres hurricanes and shit
NowhereMan said:
Yeah, how about soccer, basketball, or any outdoor activity.

Glad I could help :D
it's too bright outside. it hurts my eyes and burns my skin.

i'd much rather play WoW in my basement all day with the lights off
Settlers of Catan. There is a stand alone game, and an online version. I bought the stand alone version, and have been enjoying playing it in the evening or at lunch.
Find an old console and buzz around to used games stores and empty them for like $2 a game.
Serious Sam 1st & 2nd encounter, Max Payne 1 & 2 are good, CALL OF DUTY and it's expansion, Doom 3 and it's expansion, San Andreas, there are plenty of good games to play.
SpeedRunner said:
Serious Sam 1st & 2nd encounter, Max Payne 1 & 2 are good, CALL OF DUTY and it's expansion, Doom 3 and it's expansion, San Andreas, there are plenty of good games to play.
Don't forget free stuff like Wolfenstein:ET and America's Army.
SilverSliver said:
Im playing Fable: The Lost Chapters for PC. Pretty fun.

I cant believe you guys. Its bad enough that you steal games. But its twice as bad that you are so stupid as to post about it when the game isnt even released for another month.
I don’t know what types of games you are in to, but I got really addicted to the following:

Half Life 2 and Deathmatch
Dawn of War
Ford Racing 2 & 3

I'm sure there are more I can't think of right now.
Lionhead/BBX already ripped me off on 49.99 worth of hyped up crap that is Fable for Xbox.

Who's to say Im not a beta tester? Hmm....
NowhereMan said:
Yeah, how about soccer, basketball, or any outdoor activity.

Glad I could help :D

:D Best advice I've heard all year! :D
...forget anykind of games ... wipe your hard drive and load up some flavor of Linux!

Build a smoothwall box!
Learn how to hack NASA's servers!
Do some push ups!
Eat more vegetables ....... :(

Michael.R said:
I cant believe you guys. Its bad enough that you steal games. But its twice as bad that you are so stupid as to post about it when the game isnt even released for another month.

who cares
warsawtag said:
who cares

I do. Why dont you go ask the people that make the videogame. Do you go into a store and steal a game? Why do you do it on the internet?

Did you know that 90% of games lose money? Did you know that 80% of games sales are from top 10 games. You are robbing people from their hard earned money. A Doom level took 1 day to build, a Doom 3 level takes 2 weeks. Dont believe me look it up on google.

I dont think its fair that I will go and pay $50 for a game and other people get it for free.

And even if Fable was overrated and a poor game that still doesnt give you the right to steal it. It is the buyers fault for not making an informed decision.
Just to play devil's advocate...90% of games lose money because they suck. ;) Not because of piracy.

Steam type applications are a great idea because they will help protect the industry, but on the other hand why should you pay $50 for crap games? PC gamers don't have to option to rent the game at blockbuster like others do.

Anyway, try Road to Hill 30 or postal 2 expansion.
Michael.R said:
I do. Why dont you go ask the people that make the videogame. Do you go into a store and steal a game? Why do you do it on the internet?

Did you know that 90% of games lose money? Did you know that 80% of games sales are from top 10 games. You are robbing people from their hard earned money. A Doom level took 1 day to build, a Doom 3 level takes 2 weeks. Dont believe me look it up on google.

I dont think its fair that I will go and pay $50 for a game and other people get it for free.

And even if Fable was overrated and a poor game that still doesnt give you the right to steal it. It is the buyers fault for not making an informed decision.

Still, you should agree that it is pretty exciting to play game which is not going to be released for another month. Especially such a good game as Fable : Lost Chapters.
If it is too painfull for you to think about developers losing money just assume that I got a 'review' edition from the publisher. Yeah, thats the ticket :)
Anyway, I was playing it last night and it somehow reminded me of Baldurs Gate II - very beatifull and epic. Somehow I ended up getting married to a girl in that little town - never though it would be possible in a game :)
warsawtag said:
microsoft flight simulator

Oh man, the last few day's Ive been addicted to 2004 again. Gotta love the 777 and X15c!
I want that X52 flight system though, my crappy joystick broke and now I'm using a mouse as yoke addon.
ianshot said:
Settlers of Catan. There is a stand alone game, and an online version. I bought the stand alone version, and have been enjoying playing it in the evening or at lunch.

w00000t for Settler's! I LOVE Settler's. Is the video game version you're talking about the Microsoft one?

As far as games go, I ALWAYS recommend that people play No One Lives Forever. It's my all time favorite video game.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

I didn't sleep for 3 days.
Its THAT good.
Shmuckety said:
Just to play devil's advocate...90% of games lose money because they suck. ;) Not because of piracy.

Steam type applications are a great idea because they will help protect the industry, but on the other hand why should you pay $50 for crap games? PC gamers don't have to option to rent the game at blockbuster like others do.

Anyway, try Road to Hill 30 or postal 2 expansion.
People with the inexplicable urge to play videogames that are bad enough to not warrant a measly $50 purchase explains a lot about many people on this board. Thanks for the insight. (Not sarcasm)
Michael.R said:
I do. Why dont you go ask the people that make the videogame. Do you go into a store and steal a game? Why do you do it on the internet?

Did you know that 90% of games lose money? Did you know that 80% of games sales are from top 10 games. You are robbing people from their hard earned money. A Doom level took 1 day to build, a Doom 3 level takes 2 weeks. Dont believe me look it up on google.

I dont think its fair that I will go and pay $50 for a game and other people get it for free.

And even if Fable was overrated and a poor game that still doesnt give you the right to steal it. It is the buyers fault for not making an informed decision.

Note: I am not condoning piracy

This reminds me of the argument the record companies use, saying people download mp3s which takes money away from the artists etc etc.

My feeling is that if the world/technology is changing, adapt or die. In nature if a animal could run faster/bit harder and got an advantage, it won. With humans, if your niche gets encroached upon, go sue (the adult version of crying to mummy)

I try to get demos for all games before I buy them, I will even "try" a game before I buy if the publisher is lame enough not to have a demo out before the release (always a warning bell in my mind). Games that pass the test get bought, those that don't, well, they can sit there and lose money, hopefully causing the halfwitted publisher/devs to go broke and live in the gutter, poor and alone.