Getting no mouse pointer in some games


Jun 14, 2003
Both SupCom and BF2 load up to no mouse pointer.

Well, the graphical rendition of a mouse pointer is visible on screen in SupCom, but it is not linked to the actual movement of the mouse. It just sits there, while I can move the mouse and get the options to light up. The game is totally unplayable like this.

Shall I RMA this Nvidicrap card and get one that works (x2900xt?)
Currently, 162.22.

I've tried the 163.11 Beta Drivers and the original Vista drivers 100.somethingorother..
Are you running Vista? The release notes mention City of Hero's has missing mouse cursor problem. Perhaps it's related.
Yes, Vista Home Premium 64 bit. I'm seeing a few people here and there with this same problem, but mostly people seem to be playing these games while I'm stuck with a $2500 rig that I can go to forums with.
Are you serious about switching an 8800ultra to a 2900xt? *barf*. You would lose so much performance....
I have this problem in city of heroes it's the way the game handle the cursor in vista. You can fix it by changing the updater command from:

"C:\Games\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe"


"C:\Games\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe" -compatiblecursors 1

Of course the directory where you installed CoH might be different. Just open the shortcut for the game on the desktop with a right click and select properties to change it.

Like so:

It's a known problem and the CoH devs are looking into it. Maybe there is a similar trick for other games.
I don't think the 8800 is bad on Vista, rather there are compatibility problems with some games. Perhaps more so on Vista x64. I'm running 7900gtx on Vista x64 Ultimate and have experienced some issues - delay loading of opengl32.dll causing failure of wglCreateContext on first call. The only game I've had time to install and play a bit was City of Heros and it has the cursor problem but there's a comand line fix.
Are you serious about switching an 8800ultra to a 2900xt? *barf*. You would lose so much performance....

Please tell me how I'd be losing performance by going from a video card that *doesn't work* to one that does?

Are you serious?
lol, go on do it, get yourself a 2900. It might not even fix the problem :)

Try plugging the mouse into a different USB port in case it resets something by reloading the driver.
Wow, what a smart ass. I don't believe the problem is the mouse driver, as I've used two different sets of mice and keyboards. Clearly this is an OS or video driver problem. The video driver won't let me change anything under the troubleshooting tab, so I'm pretty much dead in the water.

what a joke.
I know this is probably not your current problem, but I wanted to through this out there, I have a G7 cordless and sometimes my netgear (also running at 2.4 frequency) will actually cause my mouse to stop working when I was playing both bf2 and bf2142 - I moved my netgear further away (closet across room) and it cured the problem.

Btw, I am using vista 64 bit ultimate addition with no problems with supcom - I am getting some bsod's with vista 64 bit with bf2142 after a couple of hours of gameplay.

Meanwhile I running solid as a rock in windows xp and never crash in bf2142. Wierd.
I figured it out. I just needed to boot into xp off my other hdd, ignore the vista side for 1 week and try again. I changed nothing, but everything now works.

Odd, but who am I to question such things?