Getting the performance out of the Oblivion 'Chuck' patch


Limp Gawd
Dec 21, 2004
I am testing an x1800xt 512 because I got tired of the problems I was having with my 7900gt and wanted to see if red could do better. My main game is Oblivion.

I've got the 6.3 Chuck patch installed with Catalyst 6.3, and I'm not getting AA to work with HDR. When I try in the game's video options, it still won't let me. When I try to force it by unchecking Application Decides in the CCCC and setting 4xAA, it doesn't seem to work because I'm still seeing too many jagged edges. What do I need to do to get it working right?
so you selected HDR in the oblivion launcher and 4xAA in CCC? It should work but it doesn't work for me either :confused:
Catalyst AI must be enabled, if you have it turned off, application specific tweaks wont be used.
Catalyst AI is and was on, at the Standard level. HDR was on in the game, and 4xAA in the CCC. The first round of Oblivion I did today, the AA clearly looked to be not working, as roof lines looked obviously jagged. But maybe it took a system restart to fully take hold, because the jagginess didn't seem as bad the second time I played.

I'll turn the AA up to 6x and see if I can see a difference again.

One other thing I noticed, the rippling-air effect that always surrounds Oblivion gates ignores occluding obstacles. So, when I'm within 'visual range' of an Oblivion gate, if it's behind a hill or something else, I still see that ripple effect, only it's drawn on the hill or other object. Is this just a quirk on my system, or do other people with x1800's/x1900's get this too? It surprised me because my 7900gt didn't do that. The first time I noticed it, I thought it was an invisible/chameleon enemy sneaking up on me!
What Res are you running oblivion at?
I'm at 1680 X 1050 and with HDR on the game looks great and the AA is almost not needed at all.

I just wish they would fix the Shadow problem.
the shadow problem is fixed in the 1.1 patch!
I'm using self shadow and shadow on grass. Doesn't look like everyone has a beard anymore and my shadow texture is not turning on and off wildly.
1280x1024; that's what my lcd likes.

Even with the CCC set to supposedly force 6xAA, some things like the edges of roofs and the edges of my sword still appear a bit jagged when I look closely. I'm used to a lot lower settings in games, so I don't notice it until I look for it or lean a little closer, but it's definitely there.

Anyone else getting the Oblivion gate heat-wave effect imposed over objects that come between you and the gates?
Shark-MegaByte said:
Anyone else getting the Oblivion gate heat-wave effect imposed over objects that come between you and the gates?

Yes. I've always wondered if it's specific to ATI x1xxx cards or is a bug in the game, but it doesn't bother me (too much).
I too switched from both 7900GT and 7900GTX (sli) setups to x1900xtx because of the problems, and got that exact same glitch with the oblivion gates. When you are semi-near one, you can see the glimmering effect through hills and trees and such.

I saw another post at another forum that mentioned it as well. So we are not the only ones.

However, it only happened the first time I fired up Oblivion...and I believe that was with both 4xAA and HDR enabled...and with the 6.5 Chucks installed. Since I play at 19x12 rez, my framerates were pretty bad, so I took off the AA (I think, this was 2 weeks ago) and the issue disappeared.

Even with AA disabled, I was incredibly impressed at times with the visuals...especially one scene during the middle of the day by that huge church in the one town (I wish I could remember which town, but I have had so many problems again with the 7900 cards since May 2nd, that I haven't had more then 15 hours in Oblivion total since March and it's been totally sporadic). The sky with the sun behind the church steeple (looking upwards to it)...I had to step back and just take it in for a moment.
For some reason enabling AA through CCC doesn't work in Oblivion unless I reload the graphics driver using a 3rd party application (I use Rivatuner, but Tray Tools works as well).

This can also be achieved by changing resolution in CCC, and then just changing it back.

Basically enable AA in CCC, and then reload the driver.