"Ghostbusters" Director Faces Backlash after Promising to "Hand Movie Back to Fans"

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Aug 20, 2006
Ghostbusters 3 director Jason Reitman ticked off supporters of 2016’s all-female reboot this week when he told Bill Burr his upcoming movie would “go back to the original technique and hand the movie back to fans,” adding it wouldn’t be “the Juno of Ghostbusters movies.” Fans of Paul Feig’s attempt took this as an insult, with some accusing Reitman of being sexist and suggesting the reboot was dishonest to the franchise due to the lack of male leads. Reitman has since apologized, claiming his comments came out wrong.

Reitman went out of his way to reassure those still seemingly traumatized by Paul Feig’s all-female 2016 reboot of the franchise that his movie wouldn’t be anything like that, saying, “I’m not making the Juno of Ghostbusters movies,” referencing his 2007 Ellen Page film centering on a pregnant teenage girl. "We are in every way trying to go back to original technique and hand the movie back to the fans," said Reitman, noting that his team painstakingly researched techniques used in the 1984 original film, directed by his father Ivan Reitman, for the movie's first teaser.
Oh geeze, he's clearly talking about the story and art direction. The original Ghostbusters was shot in a realistic tone with comedy bits. Feigs was shot like a comedy with Scooby-Doo-esque CGI.

If the teaser was any indication, he'll be going back to the tone of the originals and that's what he meant.
"Fans of Paul Feig’s attempt took this as an insult..." what all 10 of them? Who cares if the handful people who liked that movie are insulted? The movie was terrible, No one could have honestly been happy with the final product. There are tons of movies that come out that are just bad for a myriad of reasons. Write better, blame less!
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Oh geeze, he's clearly talking about the story and art direction. The original Ghostbusters was shot in a realistic tone with comedy bits. Feigs was shot like a comedy with Scooby-Doo-esque CGI.

If the teaser was any indication, he'll be going back to the tone of the originals and that's what he meant.

This - even Ghostbusters 2 suffered from what made the 2016 reboot bad, even if to a lesser extent. Scenes such as slimer driving the bus etc... just cartoony in places and a comedy with some ghosty elements rather than a horror movie with comedy elements.
I like how they make it about women in Ghostbusters is the reason why people hate it. Many men like women in their entertainment, usually with a cute face and big boobs. Learn to market better. But the 2016 version was awful. Every bit of it was not entertaining or interesting.

I guarantee you they'll put a female in the new Ghostbusters and it'll work. Ghostbusters 2016 was not the first time we saw a female Ghostbuster, it was Extreme Ghostbusters where we saw our first female Ghostbuster and that show was well received by fans. The wheelchair guy was dumb but the show worked cause it was well written and well made. It didn't divorce the original Ghostbusters and did a good job respecting them.


I hope they do a 2016 mention in #3 and TRASH IT!
Maybe consider 2016 a movie in 3 and they say it sucks or something.
They should, and they should put a single female Ghostbuster who is funny and mock the 2016 version at some point.
Shit like this is just baiting. I'm sorry, but [H] really pisses me off when they post stories like this to the Front Page section. How in the blue Hell are you supposed to make any sort of reply to this without getting political? If you do, Paul will come down on you like a ton of bricks.

It's cruel I tell ya.
I like how they make it about women in Ghostbusters is the reason why people hate it. Many men like women in their entertainment, usually with a cute face and big boobs. Learn to market better. But the 2016 version was awful. Every bit of it was not entertaining or interesting.

I guarantee you they'll put a female in the new Ghostbusters and it'll work. Ghostbusters 2016 was not the first time we saw a female Ghostbuster, it was Extreme Ghostbusters where we saw our first female Ghostbuster and that show was well received by fans. The wheelchair guy was dumb but the show worked cause it was well written and well made. It didn't divorce the original Ghostbusters and did a good job respecting them.

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They should, and they should put a single female Ghostbuster who is funny and mock the 2016 version at some point.

I always considered Janine to be a Ghostbuster, she even wore the suit now an then.
blacklash? Why don't these guys just keep their damn damn mouths shut? You don't have to appease anyone, you don't have to pander to someones feelings, you don't have to say sorry and you certainly don't have to talk to fans.

As soon as you try and calm one group of people, you piss off another. It's a never-ending cycle.

And take this advice to your real life. Never ever make excuses for yourself or apologize and sure asf never make a promise .... This just ends up making you weak with people near you.
His comments did come out wrong. What he meant to say was “this won’t be the Showgirls” of Ghostbuster movies”

And seriously, when will McCarthy fanboys get it through their heads that people don’t hate the reboot over an all female leads, they hate it because it’s a horrible freaking movie? It’s literally exactly like every other Melissa McCarthy movie, only with CGI in it.
Bring in whoever rebooted batman to consult. Keep the ghostbuster non-PC humor with a bit more grit. That might even get me into a movie theater.
Aykroyd had been trying for decades to get the third movie done, and when Harold Ramis died that kind of put everything to the wind. If you really want to see what Ghostbusters 3 would have been, the video game like 10 years ago was heavily based upon the script for the third movie up to that point, "Hellbent".
I dunno, I read it as the director assuring fans that it won't be like his earlier movie, "Juno" - which has a very different comedic feel than Ghostbusters. Not as a snipe at the 2016 Ghostbusters. Another poster mentioned that the 2016 Ghostbusters had a 'Scooby Doo'-like feel and I never thought of it that way, but it fits perfectly. The original Ghostbusters was more dark comedy, similar vein to Gremlins.

Still, I have a feeling this movie is going to be crushed into the ground by Hollywood politics.
so the few and far between fans of the most recent shit show that was Ghostbusters 2016, are making noise now that the vast majority of old school fans will be getting a movie they want?

two words: Fuck em'

The funny thing is of the most recent film, I actually like Melissa McCarthy she's done some hilarious stuff. The problem though with the whole thing was the movie was turned into some political soap box of "look at what we can do, all woman cast, we are so edgy" More thought was put into "what kind of statement can we make with this film" instead of "how can we make this a great movie"
so the few and far between fans of the most recent shit show that was Ghostbusters 2016, are making noise now that the vast majority of old school fans will be getting a movie they want?

two words: Fuck em'

The funny thing is of the most recent film, I actually like Melissa McCarthy she's done some hilarious stuff. The problem though with the whole thing was the movie was turned into some political soap box of "look at what we can do, all woman cast, we are so edgy" More thought was put into "what kind of statement can we make with this film" instead of "how can we make this a great movie"

welcome to the current state of movies, TV, comic books, and video games.

I believe it when I keep hearing that the younger generation is more right-leaning, if only to rebel against all the bullshit.

law of unintended consequences when you try to force a particular viewpoint down people's throats...
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