Gigabyte 5870 Instock at the EGG as of this posting

I have obsessively checked Newegg for the past two days every 30 minutes and I missed this! :mad:
Yeah, it's ridiculous how fast these things are selling out. Apparently, the economy isn't in too bad of shape if so many people have $400 to throw at a new video card. :confused:
Well at least you'll got a card. I thought I had a card being shipped to me from TigerDirect, but after ordering it and being charged for it, I found out it was OOS. I bought it through Amazon's marketplace and my cc was charged (not a hold) and I even had a ship date for today. But TigerDIrect says they will refund my money by Wednesday so I guess I'm SOL until then. This is depressing as hell because like 30 mins after I made the order, Kyle put the XFX offer on Hardocp and I was like damn I should have waited for that. Now I discover today I won't even get the one that I ordered. ;(

Hmm... Any chance on a 5870 offer Kyle? :)
