Gigabyte 7dpdw-p vs Tyan Tiger MPX, and a few dualy questions


Sep 27, 2003
I'm looking to build a dualy server using mobile bartons. I know I'm going to need to pinmod these for the multipliers for them to run at a decent speed. There are lots of people on newegg and some other places saying the gigabyte board will take the mobiles and smile, but I haven't found anything about the tyan board. Anyone know if pinmods will work? or if it has multi adjustments in the board.

Also, as a general board, which one would you buy? The Tyan is $25 more and has less features, but I trust tyan more than I do gigabyte for server stuff, but people seem to have good stuff to say about the gigabyte.

Also, what would be a good PSU to use with these, would a antec 550w be overkill? And same for hearsinks, my current choice is a volcanno 10 for each, I'm looking to put this in a 3u rack box (that can take standard ATX psus. And do I need registered memory? or is that a nice helper?

sorry for the long rambling post, but to sum it up:
Tyan vs. Gigabyte (server vs workstation)
Which will mobile chips work better in?
Good PSU (numbers would be good on consumption)
Good HSF for 3u box
ECC memory needed?

thanks in advance


links for boards
Tyan @ newegg
Gigabyte @ newegg
Don't own either but i have looked at both and will answer the best i can.

I think the pinmods work in both.

The Tyan would probably be more stable so personally I'd go for that but O/Cability of the Gigabyte would be tempting. Maybe the MSI one if you could find one cuz it can actually O/C well. A 550w would be good, depends on what else you are gonna have in there.

Heatsinks look good i guess, no experience with socket A tho.

I believe you can use unregistered memory in only the 1st and 2nd slots of both boards, if u want to use all the slots you have to use registered. Registered is more stable, but slower. It really depends on how much you need if you need less than 2GB (2x1GB) or even 4GB (2x2GB) I would go w/ unregistered. Dunno depends on what you are using it for.
Dont own a Tyan MPX but do own a Tyan K7D.
Also own both the MSI K7D Master & GA-7DPXDW.

As for CPU, only running MP's/ modded XP's here.

As for overclocking......
Tyans dont.
GA-7DPXDW. Only FSB upto 150 Mhz and no PCI lock.
MSI K7D. FSB upto 150 Mhz and no PCI lock, CPU's 1.1 to 1.85 volts.
Thats it.

Max 2 meg unbuffered.

Check that a Volcano (10?) will fit on the Tyan board as the fit is very very tight/ not posible due to the capacitors being so close.
With my Tyan, I cannot fit Volcano 11's
MSI is in the middle as you just need to mod the corner of one HS to make them fit.
And the Gigabyte has the most room. No modding needed to get both on.

Luck.......... :D
Do any of them have muli adjustments within the BIOS? Or will I have to do the pinmod?

edit: volcano 10 link, i've used them before and they are tiny, plus slim.

And Tigerbiten: which board would you choose overall if you could have just one?
The MSI you can adjust up to 12.5 but thats no use if you're aiming at 15-17.

With a 60mm fan you'll be fine, it's the 80mm ones you have fun with.

Best / Worst point of each board.
Tyan. Rock stable. Unknown
MSI. Best overclock potential. Not built anymore.
Gigabyte. IDE raid. Slightly bigger Mobo.

Luck.......... :D
We run both at work, both run fine and are very stable at stock speeds. I've never encountered any problems with either of them that could be blamed on the board.
I run a tyan 2462(K7 thunder), and this board doesn't have a problem with the mobile bridges so you can leave them intact, meaning you can just adjust multipliers, and vcore if necessary.... I believe its the same for the tiger... but I would recommend a Thunder over a tiger, for stability reasons.