Gigabyte Z97 G1 Gaming Black ed. or Asus Z97 Deluxe


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 17, 2000
Down to these two very different boards. I do enjoy gaming but would not call my self a hardcore gamer. The gigabyte is temping for the nice on board audio, killer nic, tested stability, and overall great reviews. My only concern with it is fan control ability. The Asus Z97 deluxe is appealing mostly because of its PWM fan control ability on each fan header. I am huge into silence. Both are fairly close in price.. as always.. I appreciate any advice you guys can offer.

Edit: Another board I was considering was the ASUS SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK S because visually it would work well with my build. I just don't know if my Phanteks PH-TC14PE_BK heatsink will work on this board or not. I also don't know if it has true PWM fan control on each fan headers like the Z97 pro and deluxe have.
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Well after much reading and looking for the features I wanted I got the Z97 Deluxe and 4790K.
Glad you picked the Asus. Gigabyte use to make very stable great running boards. I think the China Dregs have gotten to them now.
Glad you picked the Asus. Gigabyte use to make very stable great running boards. I think the China Dregs have gotten to them now.

I would normally have been the first person to argue against GIGABYTE for the UEFI sucking and their firmware being shoddy to say the least. My experiences which lead me to that conclusion weren't that long ago but fortunately GIGABYTE really has made strides with their last few models to improve. I still hate the UEFI but much of the quirky firmware behavior is gone now. The hardware build quality this generation is much improved over just a couple years ago.
I've always had a good experience with Gigabyte but stayed away from the beta UEFI for my board that never went out of beta. I'm sure you will be happy with either board.