Gigabyte's 5-fan beast


Dec 19, 2008




This is the 680, apparently a 7970 with a similar cooler is in the works too.
Tiny fans be noisy? Hrmm, this could be interesting
Tiny fans usually = super annoying loud. They can't move slow and push any air.

I can't imagine this thing is going to be quiet (I'm skeptical it's even going to be all that great cooling wise).
"Super Overclock", yet no speeds listed...hmm...

+1 to the "tiny fans are loud as fuck" crowd.
Agreed, either those fans are spinning slow to keep the noise down and the three slot cooler is doing all the work, or those fans are going to be loud. I hate those little fans, even on motherboards. Its hard to imagine they can improve much more on the standard Windforce design, its probably the coolest running 670 or 680 available.
"Super Overclock", yet no speeds listed...hmm...

+1 to the "tiny fans are loud as fuck" crowd.

I agree. When i reboot a server at work and the little baby fans ramp up to 100% for a few seconds IT IS 'OMFG LOUD'. No thank you!
5 times the rattling in 10 months!


I hadn't thought of that but you are 1000% right. On top of being annoyingly loud, when the bearings start going that thing is going to be a DISASTER!
looks pretty dope though hahha... which is the most important thing when it comes to hardware i thought :p
The total fan blade area is probably less than one regular fan. The CFM can't be good.
I can't imagine how much stress that will put on the PCI-E slot. That weight can't be all good with most setups.

That is a poorly thought out configuration. Why even have the fans firing up like that in a case. I understand hot air up but yeah. Nien
The design is probably meant to be used in SLI configurations where the top card is always a few degress hotter than the bottom card, that way it draws air from the sides instead of directly from below. I think it is a very neat design and it is refreshing to see new gpu cooler designs since they don't come out with much.

The weight of it might be a serious turn off for buyers though, I've seen images where the card actually is tilting a 10 degree angle. Perhaps they should include some support rail found on the Asus Mars cards.
So it's like the normal model, just with more... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :eek:

I supposed it might work better than other internal exhust cards when placed right next to another one (from the labels looks like it sucks in air from the back and blows it outward into the case...). Not sure if it's going to be quieter than an EE however...and the fans are going to be buzzy...
So have there been any actual tests of this card and the cooler beyond internet speculation?
I like Gigabyte, but this is one ugly card, and not to mention they stuck 5 mini fans which is probably going to be loud at load, and a three slot cooler? No thanks.
So have there been any actual tests of this card and the cooler beyond internet speculation?

What more do you need? :p

I like Gigabyte, but this is one ugly card, and not to mention they stuck 5 mini fans which is probably going to be loud at load, and a three slot cooler? No thanks.

I count 4s slot in the bottom pictures...but 3 on the top one... 2 different cards?
It looks like to me those fans are exhaust not intake. I'm not completely positive because my eyes are old. If they are exhaust they could be at low rpms. It is still added moving parts extending the list of items that can fail.
I can't imagine how much stress that will put on the PCI-E slot. That weight can't be all good with most setups.

Little to none. You have 3 screws in to the PCI slot bracket. There'll be some torsion, sure, but not much because you'll be holding it down over a fairly large area along the back of the case.
It's ugly and pointless.

Imagine if you didn't have any A/C, but fans in your house/room.

Now you have the option of putting 5 super tiny fans on you to stay cool or 2 large fans what would you choose?

We know what Gigabyte would choose...WOW talk about dumb.
I know there are a lot of haters here who would love to take this card for a ride!

If give it a chance, if I win the p280 case to help silence this I wouldn't mind testing this card for them!
You guys I agree with the hypothesis that small fans need higher RPM but don't underestimate Gigabyte's engineers. The Super Overclock (SOC) series is the best of the best that Gigabyte makes. The reason they chose this design for their flagship cards isn't because it's going to have mediocre cooling performance.

Plus, this has already gotten out of the prototype phase and is ready to be released. If they had a stinker on their hands they'd be incompetent to let it get this far in the release cycle. They would just revert to using the WindForce 3X (a killer heatsink for only 2 slots) if the 5X was performing worse.
