Glassholes Use Google to Destroy a Restaurant's Rating

1. Note underlined.
2. I would absolutely have a problem with you if you pointed your phone in my face out of nowhere.

You might have a problem with it -- but there is nothing illegal about it. And I'd love to hear about any (real) personal experiences you have had with total strangers coming right up to your face to video you. I'm going to wager zero.

There is nothing illegal about what the glasshole did either, if they have a large following online, and they want to get the word out on what happened, that's just how connected everyone is in 2014. There is stupid on both sides of this equation.

Fact of the matter is, if I wanted to be some weirdo and video you, with glass, cell phone, secret glasses spycam that's undetectable by anyone except the most keen observer.... I will be able to do it. It's okay for the restaurant, banks, traffic lights, and basically any security camera in existence to capture your precious image while you are out and about... everyone is fine with that.

At the end of the day if it's a private business they can kick anyone out they please, but they also need to be able to handle the blow back. Sounds like they can't in this situation. Why people are so fixated on privacy when they are out in public, I will never understand. Let them run around looking like douches with cameras on their head, I really don't care. If you or anyone else are THAT concerned with having your random ugly face in the background of some picture, you should just stay at home and never leave the house. You are in full control there.

Just as a point to how retarded 'people' are -- nobody would have a 2nd thought if she whipped out her camera and was taking pics of her date, her food, or some other celebration they were having. The camera looks different than people are used to and suddenly everyone goes all dark ages on them.

Just like all the internet tough guys are free to go about hitting/punching/destroying their tech, I'm free to have you thrown in jail for assault and destruction of property.
Once again the technophobes on oftForum our in full anti-technology mode.

This is no different then somebody using a phone in the cafe.

Oh hear we go again. If [H] goers don't embrace and support ALL technology we're going soft. People dislike it for a multitude of reasons, the most obvious being it's overrated and more of a fashion statement than a technological achievement.

The comparisons to a video camera and phone are correct, however, many people have already accepted courtesy with those devices in public. You don't have to silence your phone in a movie theater, but the establishments kindly ask you to do so. There's nothing stopping you from recording, taking pictures in public, or talking loudly on the phone either. If the establishment asks you to please disable those devices then it's still your choice.

They reserve the right to not put up with a patrons shit.
Technology is the downfall of all intelligent species in the Universe and is the reason why we have never been contacted by an advanced race of Extraterrestrials. All species that have technology eventually commit suicide with it. This is what Stephen Hawking believes and I agree with him. I HATE TECHNOLOGY! I just like playing awesome video games. :)
I just want to rip this device off their face and stomp on it.
Just like all the internet tough guys are free to go about hitting/punching/destroying their tech, I'm free to have you thrown in jail for assault and destruction of property.

So: Blah blah blah, I assume that "me having a problem with it" means violence. I am defending a twitter following over reasonable concerns for privacy.

Did I get all that? You continue to ignore the difference between a short amount of time taking a pic / celebration video and constant video monitoring.
Public places are paid for by tax dollars and are own/operated by government agencies. While there are some places that serve food, like military cafeterias, a restaurant is private property and people dining there are not in a public place. An expectation of privacy is totally reasonable.

And if I were to work as a security guard watching cameras I could just easily duplicate all the stupid shit people do on camera and upload it. Oh wait, they already have multiple TV shows that do that.
If this was the eyePhone ® , ppl would go ape shit over it and rob ppl for their devices....

when in public, one forgoes the notion of privacy
The same thing happened with camera phones 14 years ago and it's happening now with wearable ones. There will always be backlash but in 5-10 years this technology will be everywhere and people will eventually have to deal with it. Welcome to the future ladies and gentlemen, buckle up.
And if I were to work as a security guard watching cameras I could just easily duplicate all the stupid shit people do on camera and upload it. Oh wait, they already have multiple TV shows that do that.

TV shows, behind the scenes, have to go through a lot of trouble to obtain permission of the people depicted or block their faces if they don't get permission before they can broadcast. If not, they risk some pretty ugly lawsuits.
For the record, I don't really have any issue with Google Glass the device. I take issue with people using it to be creepy, inconsiderate douchebags to everyone around them. This unfortunately is frighteningly common with this item.
People are focusing too much on it being Google Glass. The restaurant didn't ask her to remove her Google Glass because they hated technology, they asked her to remove it because it makes the other patrons uncomfortable. Imagine if, instead of Glass, she had a 14" pink dildo on her head. Would it be wrong of the establishment to ask her to remove it then? I would also like to point out that they did not refuse her service. They just asked her to remove an item of clothing that was bothering the other patrons.

Secondly, the issue with the reviews isn't the 1-star review she gave. The restaurant is fine with that. The problem is with the 12 other 1-star reviews from people who have never even been to the restaurant. It's especially disturbing if this trend continues. Imagine if your business pisses off the wrong person, and now you've gone from 4.5 Stars to 2 because they have a cult following that will spam your business with fake negative reviews. This sort of thing can destroy a business.
And if I were to work as a security guard watching cameras I could just easily duplicate all the stupid shit people do on camera and upload it. Oh wait, they already have multiple TV shows that do that.

FYI - Those have to be authorized for release. Trust me, there are some you'd want to see but were written over. Life, deal with it. So if you did it easily you'd be charged with a crime and fired.
People in the restaurant are paying the restaurant for a service. The restaurant has a vested interest in keeping those people comfortable, happy, and satisfied with their time there. If someone is being disruptive to the patrons of the restaurant, the restaurant has the right to ask the people to stop, and then ask them to leave if they continue, and eventually even have them forcibly removed by law enforcement if they insist on continuing the behavior.

Trying to twist the issue into some kind of argument about technophobia misses the point. If you don't like it that they don't want you to use your glass there, go somewhere else. You have a choice to dine elsewhere. Shoving your unwanted crap in someone else's face and then blaming them when they get annoyed is why glass users get labeled "glassholes". You're no different from the jerk that lights up in a non-smoking establishment and then cries about your "rights", or the obnoxious loudmouth talking on their cell phone in the middle of a theater. Rudeness is rudeness, technology-related or not, and blaming someone else for not liking rude behavior on your part is typical of people with an "entitled" attitude. Sorry to break the news to you, but your shit stinks too. Stop shoving peoples' noses in it and maybe they won't get mad at you.
On topic - The reviews from those that haven't even eaten there and/or only comment on the anti-glass stance should be removed. She however has just as much right to post a review that they asked she removed Glass as they do to ask her to do so. It sucks that she used her activist activities to urge others to bash the restaurant, if she did actually make a "call to arms" and not just have over-zealot followers teaming up with her on their own.

Off topic - I still can't understand the idea that someone is so self-absorbed because they want to record everything they do and that goes on around them, while others are "normal" because they think they are so special they don't need to be recorded by others. Pot calling kettle black IMO. You are just as self-absorbed thinking you are so important you should be able to hang out at the bar and get wasted without anyone recording it. If you want that sort of privacy, do it behind your closed doors.

And there is a huge difference between someone "shoving unwanted crap in your face" and someone wearing Glass sitting 10 feet away. Sure, if they walk up to you within normal conversation distance, I can see that as being in your face, but if they are wearing them across the room... they aren't in your face so don't go getting in theirs....
Give it 10 years after it becomes mainstream and people will look back and laugh about it. Same thing happened with phones in the 1900s, and then cellphones after, people fear things they're not used to, technology and otherwise, but their kids grow up living in a more modern age, life goes on.
The inside of a restaurant is not "public", it's private property. Also, it becomes illegal to use Google Glass if the restaurant owner asks you to take it off and you do not, then asks you to leave and you do not. Then they can have you removed by force. Same applies to some douchebag sitting there recording everyone around him with his phone. If that were my restaurant he'd be gone. If for some reason you can't find it in yourself to remove them for a few minutes while you eat, you have issues.
13 one-star reviews showed up on the restaurant's Google profile,
Who would have thought she had 12 friends.

That said, better make sure she just posts a single star with no comments otherwise here comes the lawsuits :D
Some amusing reference from the past:

(AT&T - 1890s) "Would you rush into an office or up to the door of a residence and blurt out 'Hello! Hello! Who am I talking to?' No, one should open conversations with phrases such as 'Mr. Wood, of Curtis and Sons, wishes to talk with Mr. White...' without any unnecessary and undignified 'Hellos."



Now Google is coming out with its own version of etiquette, don't be a "glasshole" etc. History sure repeats itself.
You could wear both, and then I could Beats your Google Glass.


This chick is a stuck up snobby bitch, who thinks her MBA means she's entitled to do whatever she wants. Snobby NYC c-bag. I hope she gets struck by a taxi and ran over and filmed.
A couple of those reviews are straight libel.
"Troglodytes with poor attitudes"
"Ignorant bigots and hateful. Perhaps being illegally discriminate too. The food is irrelevant as the service is less than poor."

Really, reviews like that SHOULD get sued and have no business being made.

But, if 13 1 star reviews dropped your rating THAT BAD then you've not been open that long or are struggling for positive reviews.
If I found Glass useful enough to wear and a restaurant ordered me to remove them, I'd leave and never give them my business again. As long as Glass users aren't polluting the environment with noise and camera-equipped phones are allowed that location, this shouldn't be an issue. The people who have an issue with this are luddites who are all too eager to laugh at the geeks, like this is junior high. I'm not surprised this restraunt's behavior was rewarded with spite. It's a natural reaction to persecution.
Home to a bunch of newly minted pricks. See what excessive wealth does to a group of once normal individuals.
The way I see it, if your in private place such as this restaurant and they politely ask you to not use it, what is wrong with that?

It's definitely not like they're looking at you because of your race, which did happen to my family once. (We ate a fancy restaurant and EVERYONE in the restaurant were caucasian and all the diners were over 55. )
If I found Glass useful enough to wear and a restaurant ordered me to remove them, I'd leave and never give them my business again. As long as Glass users aren't polluting the environment with noise and camera-equipped phones are allowed that location, this shouldn't be an issue. The people who have an issue with this are luddites who are all too eager to laugh at the geeks, like this is junior high. I'm not surprised this restraunt's behavior was rewarded with spite. It's a natural reaction to persecution.

Typical entitled attitude. People have a right to a sense of privacy. When someone has a cell phone out, it is visible. With the glass on, it becomes more vague. A private business has to right to enforce certain policies that help make their guests feel more secure.
FYI - Those have to be authorized for release. Trust me, there are some you'd want to see but were written over. Life, deal with it. So if you did it easily you'd be charged with a crime and fired.

So then you have nothing to worry about. :rolleyes:
Typical entitled attitude. People have a right to a sense of privacy. When someone has a cell phone out, it is visible. With the glass on, it becomes more vague. A private business has to right to enforce certain policies that help make their guests feel more secure.

More secure about what? Why do you people have it in your head that someone with google glass is going to be recording 24/7 and staring at you to see if you pick your nose or scratch your ass? You guys are way too insecure.
Typical entitled attitude. People have a right to a sense of privacy.

These two statements don't compute man. Believing someone has a right to privacy is an entitled attitude. Privacy doesn't exist unless it's created through work. The idea that someone should do the work to create privacy on your behalf, that's an entitled attitude.
These two statements don't compute man. Believing someone has a right to privacy is an entitled attitude. Privacy doesn't exist unless it's created through work. The idea that someone should do the work to create privacy on your behalf, that's an entitled attitude.

That's silly logic. It doesn't require work for someone to NOT to wear something in public. The idea that someone should shut up and let you record their daily actions without a compelling reason to do so is about as entitled an attitude as I can imagine.
You guys are way too insecure.

So if people don't want to be surrounded by recording devices, they're insecure.

Are you insane? Or are you just a porn director that has used this line for years with hesitant prospective colleagues?
It comes to mind that there are probably a whole bunch of Hollywood/Music Celebrities who are sitting back and grinning rather smugly at all of this. They probably know more than any group how it feels to have a camera pointed in your face and your family's face 24/7. They've had to deal with this kind of invasion of personal privacy ever since the camera was miniaturized enough to become portable.

I'd really like to know what the A-listers really think of our squeamishness of being recorded at anytime, any place, and having absolutely no control over what happens to those images. Think people like Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Aniston, Maria Carey, Barbara Streisand. I'd imagine that they're selfishly hoping that perhaps something positive for them will come of it. Something that restricts all this camera-in-your-face bullshit that they have to deal with seemingly 24/7. Maybe we (as a mostly western society) shouldn't have been so quick to judge their reactions when they finally lost their patience and lashed out at the paparazzi.

Seems like there are quite a few folks out there who fancy themselves as amateur paparazzi. I guess I forgot about that "profession" on career day when I was imagining myself becoming an astronaut, or a Military weapons tester, or computer scientist. Something about the paparazzi just seemed so.....Sleazy.

So what do I think of Google's Glass? Technologically, it's cool. As a nerd/geek who's had more computers than girlfriends, I'm impressed by the technology and engineering to put something like that together. But as with much of the experience of my life, I find that there are a lot of assholes and douche bags out there as well. And I have no doubt that Google Glass will just become another tool in their bag of magic asshole tricks. And with all of revelations of the NSA's capabilities, I'm not sure that what society needs right now is more, rather than less, of these mobile computing cloud devices.
Business turns away a paying customer. Customer complains online. Customer is therefore an asshole.

Wait, what?
This is no where near the same..

A phone is obvious when it is on and filming and how often do you see people with their cell phones up filming ever second they are at a location? You don't.

Also a restaurant is a private establishment, and thus if they do not like you wearing glass because of complaints from other patron's, pull you're head out of you're you know what and have a little respect for other's around you.


The difference is that you have to actively use a cell phone that way. Those with glass must have twisted thinking that because 'it came that way' rigged to record anything they look at and easily uploading to the web, it takes away their accountability for those actions.
The difference is that you have to actively use a cell phone that way. Those with glass must have twisted thinking that because 'it came that way' rigged to record anything they look at and easily uploading to the web, it takes away their accountability for those actions.

+1... LOL.

Why can't you get a G glass without a camera?
The difference being if you hold up a phone in a cafe the person in front of the phone generally has a good idea you are filming them. With Google Glasses you do not. If they want to put a red light on when it is in recording mode then it might be okay by most people. Do you want to go into a restroom with someone with Google glasses without knowing if they are filming you?

Once again the technophobes on oftForum our in full anti-technology mode.

This is no different then somebody using a phone in the cafe.
Gee, this doesn't make Glassholes look like a bunch of entitled, childish, rude jerks at all...

Glass is the ultimate in anti-social technology. If you're using it in a restaurant, you're being rude as hell to your dining companions.
People keep bringing up the "oh it's obvious if a camera is recording you" well aside from the fact that google glass has a light that shows it's recording (which can be hacked off I assume) how about you ask the guy OBVIOUSLY staring at you to back off? In my opinion it's easier to record someone anonymously on a phone than it is to record with google glass.