Glossy TN's are better then IPS

mista ting

Apr 13, 2006
the whole S-IPS thing is way over hyped....i got a dell 2007WFP S-IPS A02 and also an old 20" HP with glossy TN screen. seriously i cannot see much of a difference in colors to justify the price of an IPS. and i have calibrated both screens perfectly. the ONLY advantage i can see is the huge viewing angle the S-IPS has, it retains the colors at extreme angles. but who watches their LCD at angles? pointless. i can tell TN's with the anti-glare coating on looks really bad thats why people is giving it a bad name w/o seeing a glossy TN in action.


Glossy TN's is a superior buy to an IPS
TN can't keep a consistent color staring straight at it. Put up a pure blue image and you'll see it fade to purple in one direction or another while positioned dead center of the screen. That's where viewing angle matters, especially on bigger screens.
I had a good reply, but it got lost thanks to my Internet failing as I posted, so I'll just say this;

Your about to get ripped a new one, theres LOTS of reasons why TN monitors are fail, glossy ones EVEN more(the glossy coating inaccurately boosts the contrast ratio which can not be accounted for/calibrated for with calibration tools).
TN can't keep a consistent color staring straight at it. Put up a pure blue image and you'll see it fade to purple in one direction or another while positioned dead center of the screen. That's where viewing angle matters, especially on bigger screens.

yea depends on the screen though the biggest glossy TN i've seen in person is the HP 2709m 28" it dont have that problem. it just goes really dark on the edges when i looked at it from angles
Okay, everyone's entitled to their own opinions...

!!! IPS RULES !!!
TN can't keep a consistent color staring straight at it. Put up a pure blue image and you'll see it fade to purple in one direction or another while positioned dead center of the screen. That's where viewing angle matters, especially on bigger screens.

Personally I don't care what a monitor looks like from extreme angles because I always sit in front of the screen but the vertical vewing angles on TN panels are so bad that they are a problem even when viewing the screen from dead on. Wouldn't mind if it was visible on full screen solid colors only but it's not. In ms paint or whatever, draw two blue rectangles, one at the top and the other on the bottom of the screen and you will end up with two completely different shades of blue. EVERY single TN LCD has this issue, it's only a matter of whether are people are bothered by it or not. Personally, it drives me crazy.
Glossy screens are a marketing tool, they don't improve the image quality, as said. TN panels are only being made because they're the cheapest type of panel, not because they have the best viewing angles or colour reproduction.

Just say no to 6-bit colour and mirror-like screens :)
Switching from an LG s-ips that has the worst antiglare matte sparkle/dirt/distortion i've ever'll now have to pry my opticlear 20wmgx2 or 27" iMac from my cold dead hands :D

in my exp:
glossy > matte
TNs have been getting better.

BUT for colour-accurate work they aren't able to do it. Not just viewing angle, but not according to the laws of physics, either. To get full 8-bit colour, they have to dither their 6-bit colour. Unacceptable.

Doesn't mean I enjoy an Acer 2216W for my gaming screen at LANs.
Glossy screens are shit. It is fake contrast and vibrancy that is brought in with a whole bunch of glare. Its not what your images really look like.

ya, they can look cool, but then you send photos to someone, try printing them, etc. and they look dull and completely off as your glossy monitor is way off.

There are some decent TN panels, but they are all matte if they get close at all to being accurate (one of my Samsung 940b TN monitors is actually very accurate for a TN and prints come out great from it). Glossy screens might look cool, and many prefer them, but they are far from accurate.
My 6 years old (Sony) IPS is still world's better than a batch of 5 different brands of TN's I've obtained in the last year. I've learned to live with the TNs as my primary monitors olny by keeping myself far from IPS monitors. Even looking straight on, I can't see how anyone can even put IPS and TNs on the same playing field.
Switching from an LG s-ips that has the worst antiglare matte sparkle/dirt/distortion i've ever'll now have to pry my opticlear 20wmgx2 or 27" iMac from my cold dead hands :D

in my exp:
glossy > matte

Amen, brother.
Viewing angles create the fundamental difference between LCD technologies.

End of story.
That picture perfectly illustrates the problem with viewing angles. When you look at a TN panel from dead on, the top of the screen is darker and the bottom is brighter than it should be. You move your head up and now the top looks OK but the bottom of the screen is washed out. There is NO angle from which the screen has uniform color. It annoys the hell out of me even on a small screen on my laptop let alone on large computer monitors. I'd honestly take any old IPS screen over any new TN because of this issue alone.
i can tell TN's with the anti-glare coating on looks really bad thats why people is giving it a bad name w/o seeing a glossy TN in action.

The fact that you think that glossy makes the monitor/panel better proves that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
We all have our own opinions, but I personally hate glossy panels, especially on laptops.

The glare/ambient reflected light, alone outdoes the benefits, while outdoors.
We all have our own opinions, but I personally hate glossy panels, especially on laptops.

The glare/ambient reflected light, alone outdoes the benefits, while outdoors.

Same here. I've never found any outdoor viewing conditions in which a glossy laptop screen is anything but an unusable piece of shit.
I believe glossy is better for my own viewing circumstances. I tend not to use my laptop or monitor with a light behind me.

And glossy can work in the sun better. Here's something glossy can do that matte can't. I can turn the backlight off entirely on a glossy laptop, and if it's a bright day I can continue to work as the direct sunlight itself shining on the screen illuminates the LCD. Matte couldn't do that.

What I have observed is that with a glossy panel blacks can be 'deeper' and what I have definitely noticed is that text is sharper. I am always searching for sharper text that is comfortable to look at. A matte coating does definitely diffuse it a bit and gives it an unsharp effect.

Another thing that I don't like about matte coatings, especially on IPS monitors, is that they tend to leave a "grainy" sparkly rainbow effect on whites, etc. My eyes are sensitive to flicker and distortion effects.

I should probably qualify one thing here.. when people say "I hate glossy", other than the fact that we all grew up with CRT televisions and never had a problem, there's a difference between a panel with just a straight shine, and a panel that has an AR (anti-reflective) coating. I have an AR coating on my glasses, and on the inside of my watch crystal and it most definitely does make a difference cutting reflections without creating a matte effect.

Optical AR coatings used on displays would go a long way toward making people hate glossy less.
I was on a quest for many years to find the perfect home monitor and also my notebook computer. I did a lot of research mainly to find out which panels were using IPS and MVA/PVA type screens.

It is virtually impossible to find a newer notebook computer with a IPS or MVA/PVA type screen but you can find a mix between glossy and matte. I tried many older notebook computers with the IPS screen such as the IBM T43P and it has a very nice matte picture. ALso the Fujitsu N3010 (which I still have) with the MVA type glossy panel which to me has the best picture. Tried a 17" MacBook Pro with TN matte screen and it was terrible. Now I have a Dell Studio 17" with the RGB glossy LED screen and it looks great even though it is a TN panel.

As far as desktop LCDs I had the Planar 2611 (IPS) side by side with a HP 2558HC (TN glossy) and thought they both had excellent PQ. Both had excellent viewing angles too which surpised me because some of the older TN panels that I encountered were terrible.
The point is there are crapy TN panels and some good ones.

The other problem on the matte screen is that they use too much anti-glare coating on some of them such as the Dell 3007HC 30" which was very grainy. When I played a video I could see the picture moving behind the coating. I ended up getting the Samsung 305t which uses less anti-glare coating and uses the PVA type panel. I think the colors and picture are a lot better than the Dell 3007HC IPS panel......thats why I have 2 of them.
Personally I prefer the glossy type screen......just wish they made a 30" version.