Going from a GF3 Ti500 to...

Triple B

Limp Gawd
Jul 13, 2004
a 9700 Pro, possibly. My friend might be selling his on ebay, and said he'd give me a good deal if I wanted it instead since I have the GF3. I'm on a 1.2ghz Athlon, running off an Abit KG7 Lite mobo with 512 megs of ram in it.

Question 1: Is the 9700 Pro a major upgrade over the GF3 (read: what's the "generation gap" between the two cards, I am clueless how the two gpus match up in the generational timeline)?

Question 2: Will the 9700 Pro give me crap for trying to run on an Abit? I've heard from people (and read a few forum threads) saying that ATi and Abit don't get along well.

Thanks for the help guys, sorry for the n00bish questions.
I have a number of Abit boards, all Intel based mind you, and a variety of ATI cards on them (9800Pro, 9600Pro, 8500, 9200, and even a 7500) and all of them work fine. I dont know if there is an issue with ATI and Abit's AMD boards but none witht the intel based boards I have experienced.
Thanks for the help to both of you. "huge step up" certainly sounds good, and my friend who was having a problem with an ATi on an Abit was also on an Intel platform, so maybe he just got unlucky. Guess I'll see what he wants for it and go from there.
Not familiar with your mobo... but if you have SDR ram instead of DDR, you should be upgrading cpu/mobo before your gpu.
Yah, I think I have SDRAM actually. I wouldn't be upgrading my vid card if he wasn't offering it to me. I plan on waiting until I can get a mobo with dual PCIe slots so I can get some SLI 6800u lovin :D That will be a looooooong time. Ugh, this PC is already 3 years old, time flies...
I was just selling one...

ended up getting $100 for a 9700Pro.
ameoba said:
I was just selling one...

ended up getting $100 for a 9700Pro.

I just can't see getting rid of my 9700pro for $100, It means more for me to keep it.

I just bought a 6800gt for myself, I am going to filter the cards down in my sig, my 10year old will get the 9800pro, and my 5 year old will get the 9700pro, I will probably stick the 9500pro into my mp3 server for now in the lan room.