Going Hi-Tech To Catch Loud Cars

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Remember that photo radar device for loud cars we showed you a while back? Well, it looks like there are towns actually considering using this (tickets = revenue for the city). I have a loud car, so I will refrain from commenting on this. What do you guys think?

The system can be covertly mounted on a vehicle, which is then parked and left unattended at a location that municipalities wish to monitor. Once everything is armed, a microphone proceeds to register noise levels of passing vehicles.
i have a loud car(trans am ws6), a loud truck (chevy 1500) and a loud bike (m109r).... I'm screwed if they bring anything like this near where i commute...
I don't have a problem with it.
I get tired of the assholes with loudass vehicles that, for whatever reason, decide they need to hit 3000RPM to get 100ft to the stop sign outside where I live.
and bass.. ugh. While this doesn't bother me in a "commercial district," on the highway, or anywhere else outside neighborhoods/residential areas, this shit is annoying as hell when that shit wakes me up at 11pm on a Tuesday night.
Some cars can be obnoxious but it's pretty rare IMO. The biggest problem are the idiots with Harleys and straight pipes driving at like 7 AM. So much noise for such a slow bike.
I don't have a problem with it.
I get tired of the assholes with loudass vehicles that, for whatever reason, decide they need to hit 3000RPM to get 100ft to the stop sign outside where I live.
and bass.. ugh. While this doesn't bother me in a "commercial district," on the highway, or anywhere else outside neighborhoods/residential areas, this shit is annoying as hell when that shit wakes me up at 11pm on a Tuesday night.

3000RPM? OHH NO.

My car idles at 1500RPM cause of solid motor mounts. 3000RPM is nothing. The 21st century is soft. Citizens these days are just complete whiners.

Cars are a hobby/interest of many. It's unfortuante there are some asshats, but guess what if it isn't a loud exhaust it'll be something else to wake you up. This mentality of "I don't like it, ban it" is a joke. You don't like something? Too bad. Everyone has dislikes. We deal with it. Banning everything and creating laws to baby sit everything we do is not the answer.
Yeah gotta agree with -j-sta.. every day like clockwork some asshat on a big bike roars down the street, like super duper loud I can hear it in the back of the house as loud. Any car alarms along the streets go off, and the only reason he does it on this street, is on the two streets over there are stop signs.

Granted I know it's a bike and rules are different for them, but there are laws that require mufflers for a reason. You don't get to piss everyone off because you like loud vroom vroom.
Loud cars suck. You can have power without obnoxiously loud exhaust systems. I also think fags (harley riders) should be taken to task for their obnoxious noises.
You guys realize 75% of exotics would fail nd be considered a violation right?

Everyone loves seeing a 599 GTB rip by them with the sound of a V12 and titanium exhaust. But noone likes the ugly sound of a straight piped hardly. I agree I don't like the sound either.

But bitching and inventing laws isn't the answer. You now lose BOTH the V12 sound and the straight piped harley. So you know what you do if you like 1 and not the other? SUCK IT UP.

Is you life really that hard because you hear a loud exhaust go by your house once in awhile? If it is take the stick out of your ass and watch this video.


Now you realize how good so many of us have it, try remember that when you want to bitch about.... EVERYTHING.
When you're setting off car alarms just by driving down the street, you're a freakin' punk who deserves to be ticketed. The real question is the metropolitan's definition of "loud".
3000RPM? OHH NO.

My car idles at 1500RPM cause of solid motor mounts. 3000RPM is nothing. The 21st century is soft. Citizens these days are just complete whiners.

Cars are a hobby/interest of many. It's unfortuante there are some asshats, but guess what if it isn't a loud exhaust it'll be something else to wake you up. This mentality of "I don't like it, ban it" is a joke. You don't like something? Too bad. Everyone has dislikes. We deal with it. Banning everything and creating laws to baby sit everything we do is not the answer.

Its easy enough to keep a loud car quiet with out being too loud. Its the people who think they are showing off who are ruining it for the hobbyiests. I have no problem with loud cars but my sreets are 25mph, when you get a driver who thinks its awesome to peel out everymorning when they leave well they end up getting pissed off neighbors and tickets.

This is honestly the first time I've lived in an area where there was a person like this in the area I lived. But I'm glad his car got towed since he got 3 tickets for doing it and wouldn't learn his lesson.
I just love the jackass with his track pipe 300ZX that lives in the complex near me. He feels the need to rev it as he's driving through the gates, and you can hear it around the corner. Frankly, I don't really want to hear your goddamn Vette/Mustang/Camero from a quarter mile away, either.
I will probably end up with a ticket. My car is loud, but imo not obnoxiously loud. I simply have the best muffler I could obtain, not for noise. I only say something because I live in a smaller town and they are fairly anal about noise, honestly a diesel with a 4" exhaust pisses most off around here.

That said, I see no reasonable way for them to enforce it. I doubt very many if any tickets will stand up in court for anyone who bothers to contest it.

Now those idiots with straight pipes on their harleys and go piss up a rope. The "loud pipes saves lives" argument is bullshit pure and simple. You never hear a bike no matter how loud it is until it drives past you. I don't object to performance mufflers as I have one on my car, but I do agree and object to no muffler systems. Save that shit for the track.
Good luck proving it for anybody that fights it. All the device provides is circumstantial evidence. They cannot prove somebody might not be off camera providing the source of the noise.
I have two loud cars, a 500hp GTO with some mods, and a 1000hp Z06 with some mods, and they both have mufflers, but they are very loud when I step on the gas. However, when just cruising they aren't that loud.... which is more or less the case with every loud car. If you are jogging down a 45mph road and somebody goes by and the volume is too much to bear, it's likely they are speeding or stepping on the gas.

Either way, this shouldn't be an issue. I agree with the posters above, America has become a culture of complaining and whining. If anything in our perfect little world offends us or causes us any discomfort, our solution is to remove it.. sue the person responsible, etc.
I'm arguing cars on a compute forum. I think I'll leave it at that.

With comments like this "When you're setting off car alarms just by driving down the street, you're a freakin' punk who deserves to be ticketed. The real question is the metropolitan's definition of "loud"." it's clear I'm arguing with the crowd of people I can't stand.

"I had to listen to a sound I don't like for 10 seconds today. This is absolute bulshit. Society owes me something"

Maybe I should be pissed off at everyone for setting their shock sensors on their alarms so sensitive that a STOCK exhaust sets them off?
3000RPM? OHH NO.

...Citizens these days are just complete whiners.

... This mentality of "I don't like it, ban it" is a joke. You don't like something? Too bad. Everyone has dislikes. We deal with it. Banning everything and creating laws to baby sit everything we do is not the answer.

when your 'pursuit of happiness' infringes on everyone else's, its not everyone else's problem. If you are proud of your exhaust note, I am happy for you. But if you insist on waking up the entire neighborhood on your way to a convenience store in the middle of the night, you are being a nuisance. Whether its a noise radar or an actual officer makes no difference.
when your 'pursuit of happiness' infringes on everyone else's, its not everyone else's problem. If you are proud of your exhaust note, I am happy for you. But if you insist on waking up the entire neighborhood on your way to a convenience store in the middle of the night, you are being a nuisance. Whether its a noise radar or an actual officer makes no difference.

Flip your argument. Your persuit of happiness is now affecting mine. I'm not defending ripping through residential at 2am or fart cannon civics. I am defending the automotive enthusiast scene that enjoys a nice sounding exhaust, most of which would fail a dB test.

Just cause you don't like it, I shouldn't be alowd something that I enjoy? Something I enjoy all day everyday or something you have to hear for maybe 10 seconds out of your day? Sounds logical.
3000RPM? OHH NO.

My car idles at 1500RPM cause of solid motor mounts. 3000RPM is nothing. The 21st century is soft. Citizens these days are just complete whiners.

Cars are a hobby/interest of many. It's unfortuante there are some asshats, but guess what if it isn't a loud exhaust it'll be something else to wake you up. This mentality of "I don't like it, ban it" is a joke. You don't like something? Too bad. Everyone has dislikes. We deal with it. Banning everything and creating laws to baby sit everything we do is not the answer.

You guys realize 75% of exotics would fail nd be considered a violation right?

Everyone loves seeing a 599 GTB rip by them with the sound of a V12 and titanium exhaust. But noone likes the ugly sound of a straight piped hardly. I agree I don't like the sound either.

But bitching and inventing laws isn't the answer. You now lose BOTH the V12 sound and the straight piped harley. So you know what you do if you like 1 and not the other? SUCK IT UP.

Is you life really that hard because you hear a loud exhaust go by your house once in awhile? If it is take the stick out of your ass and watch this video.


Now you realize how good so many of us have it, try remember that when you want to bitch about.... EVERYTHING.

We get it, you're so badass/cool with your loud car. It's your god given right to be an ass and annoy everyone, and anyone who calls you out on it is whining and bitching too much.

Any ways, I welcome this system. Tired of being woken up like clockwork with car alarms being set off.
America has become a culture of complaining and whining. If anything in our perfect little world offends us or causes us any discomfort, our solution is to remove it.. sue the person responsible, etc.

This to the T.. You just said it better than I've been able to. This is what I'm getting at and it just kills me.
We get it, you're so badass/cool with your loud car. It's your god given right to be an ass and annoy everyone, and anyone who calls you out on it is whining and bitching too much.

Any ways, I welcome this system. Tired of being woken up like clockwork with car alarms being set off.

Yes that is exactly what I'm saying. Your reading comprehension astounds me.
What they need to do is target the obnoxious ghetto blasters playing that stupid ass rap music. Every time I pull up next to one, I want to blow up the car with the dudes in it!
What they need to do is target the obnoxious ghetto blasters playing that stupid ass rap music. Every time I pull up next to one, I want to blow up the car with the dudes in it!

This is the problem. There's a bunch of these jackasses I don't like either. But I'm not willing to lose what I DO like for the sake of getting rid of them. There for I just deal with it. Something that apparently citizens can no longer do. They must have ZERO discomfort.

Law Enforcement can't target one group and not the rest. So they'll have to go after everyone if things like this get implemented.
I think all you asshats with modified exhausts, broken loud ass vehicles, ridiculously loud stereo systems can go fuck yourselves.

But I'm not going to be there to take away your rights. I will stand there and think you are lazy for not fixing your vehicle or are trying to draw my attention away from your insufficient "member", but I'm not going to tell you what to do with your property.
Flip your argument. Your persuit of happiness is now affecting mine.
Just cause you don't like it, I shouldn't be alowd something that I enjoy? Something I enjoy all day everyday or something you have to hear for maybe 10 seconds out of your day? Sounds logical.

you are putting your own interests above everyone elses. Its not bothering me, its bothering everyone (except you apparently). I am not saying you have an obligation to make your car quieter, just understand that you are going to be taxed for owning a loud vehicle in the form of noise ordnance violations. By your logic, can you justify the cost ? That's your call.
Flip your argument. Your persuit of happiness is now affecting mine. I'm not defending ripping through residential at 2am or fart cannon civics. I am defending the automotive enthusiast scene that enjoys a nice sounding exhaust, most of which would fail a dB test.

Just cause you don't like it, I shouldn't be allowed something that I enjoy? Something I enjoy all day everyday or something you have to hear for maybe 10 seconds out of your day? Sounds logical.

In as much as driving is a privilege and not a right, society has a perfect right to legislate your vehicles for safety and noise.

I have no problem with high horsepower vehicles. The real problem isn't the horsepower, it's those physically large, loud-ass, low restriction exhaust systems that are simply there to make noise and show off. And "the automotive enthusiast scene that enjoys a nice sounding exhaust, most of which would fail a dB test" is going to keep doing shit that annoys enough people and a dB test will be the next thing incorporated into state inspections.
Like I said, arguing an automotive enthusiasts perspective on a computer forum = useless. Loud cars are all rust bucket pieces of shit? Good god man. Step out from under your rock.

Pull your heads out of your asses and realize that not all loud vehicles are 19 year olds in fart canon civics. You're targeting ALL vehicles. You know those exotics you stop and stare at outside your local gym pretending you have a clue what you are talking about to your mates.
3000RPM? OHH NO.

My car idles at 1500RPM cause of solid motor mounts. 3000RPM is nothing. The 21st century is soft. Citizens these days are just complete whiners.

Cars are a hobby/interest of many. It's unfortuante there are some asshats, but guess what if it isn't a loud exhaust it'll be something else to wake you up. This mentality of "I don't like it, ban it" is a joke. You don't like something? Too bad. Everyone has dislikes. We deal with it. Banning everything and creating laws to baby sit everything we do is not the answer.
It's people like you that give enthusiasts like me a bad name. There isn't any reason for an obnoxiously loud car or bike on the street....none whatsoever. The only reason people do it is to sound cool and attract attention to themselves. A proper exhaust will flow just as well and not scream to the neighbors that you're a tool.
who decides what is obnoxious (rice burner ala 6" folgers can) or a nice 350 or hemi with a magnaflow etc?

i mean bikes in general suck, some of them harleys need a potato shoves up their tail pipe, but i think classic muscle cars or even modern sports cars with a proper fully working nice sounding exhaust is fine, the old pontiac 6000 missing the exhaust system form headers back is not, even if its not "loud"
Like I said, arguing an automotive enthusiasts perspective on a computer forum = useless. Loud cars are all rust bucket pieces of shit? Good god man. Step out from under your rock.

Pull your heads out of your asses and realize that not all loud vehicles are 19 year olds in fart canon civics. You're targeting ALL vehicles. You know those exotics you stop and stare at outside your local gym pretending you have a clue what you are talking about to your mates.
There are plenty of car enthusiasts on this forum. Making assumptions that we're all ignorant nerds makes you look like an ass....not that you need help with that.
who decides what is obnoxious (rice burner ala 6" folgers can) or a nice 350 or hemi with a magnaflow etc?

i mean bikes in general suck, some of them harleys need a potato shoves up their tail pipe, but i think classic muscle cars or even modern sports cars with a proper fully working nice sounding exhaust is fine, the old pontiac 6000 missing the exhaust system form headers back is not, even if its not "loud"
There's a certain dB that is legal in my state. It doesn't matter what type of car it is, as long as it's under that dB you're fine. That being said muscle cars are some of the worst offenders and are no better than rice burners IMO.
SKiTLz does have a good point.

It should be perfectly legal to be loud and do what you want with your vehicle. Hobbiests and enthusiasts make money off of this, and in the right place in the right times, there's no real problem with it.

I think the point everyone here is trying to make is time/place. Between 11pm and 6am is when most of the population sleeps. If those people are being disturbed because of one person's motor vehicle, that's probably not a good thing. Outside of those times, in residential areas, be as loud as you want. Go from 0 to 6000 RPM np. I don't care. Just please don't do it when I'm sleeping because that kind of noise isn't necessary to drive, nor is it necessary during those hours.
It's people like you that give enthusiasts like me a bad name. There isn't any reason for an obnoxiously loud car or bike on the street....none whatsoever. The only reason people do it is to sound cool and attract attention to themselves. A proper exhaust will flow just as well and not scream to the neighbors that you're a tool.

Because you know me or my driving style or my car exhaust setup? Why do you all keep saying OBNOXIOUSLY loud? This targets loud. Not just the insanely loud. They implemented dBa testing in my local area for bikes and 90% of stock bikes were failing.

My car is whisper quiet unless I am on the gas. And guess what, it is that way because it was restrictive for my power goals not because I had a secret conspiracy theory to wake you all up ripping through your neighbourhoods throwing beer bottles out my window.

But your right. I should conform and join the masses. Buy a mini van and stop checking my rear view mirrors.
There are plenty of car enthusiasts on this forum. Making assumptions that we're all ignorant nerds makes you look like an ass....not that you need help with that.

It was a fair assumption for the posts I quoted. They were "ignorant nerd" comments. So I don't see a problem.

I'm well aware there are probably a decent number of car enthusiasts on here. I've yet to see any solid posts from any though.
I don't have a problem with it.
I get tired of the assholes with loudass vehicles that, for whatever reason, decide they need to hit 3000RPM to get 100ft to the stop sign outside where I live.
and bass.. ugh. While this doesn't bother me in a "commercial district," on the highway, or anywhere else outside neighborhoods/residential areas, this shit is annoying as hell when that shit wakes me up at 11pm on a Tuesday night.

I wouldn't care if there was just a set level. I got pulled over on the way home after blowing a hole in the muffler on my 4cyl GEO STORM (Rest in peace, POS car.), yet people can spend thousands of dollars to make their cars 4 times louder, and thats legal? Big trucks can't use engine brakes to slow themselves down in the winter because thats too loud, but an after-market exhaust thats twice as loud is perfectly fine? The law needs to make up its damned mind.
Wow, why don't they just implant sensors directly in us that will alert the police anytime we go over the speed limit, j-walk, double park, etc?

This type of enforcment seems really unethical. Between red light cameras, speed trap cameras and now noise sensors, why should we even bother hiring traffic cops?
There's a certain dB that is legal in my state. It doesn't matter what type of car it is, as long as it's under that dB you're fine. That being said muscle cars are some of the worst offenders and are no better than rice burners IMO.

up here in Canada its just a judgement call by the officer, but I think they end up writing the actual ticket for improper exhaust and make you get is checked and produce those paper to the court proving your system is DOT approved, so even thought you dont get a ticket, you get to pay fees

window tint is the same, officers discretion, so dont make them angry when its that time of the month.
There are plenty of car enthusiasts on this forum. Making assumptions that we're all ignorant nerds makes you look like an ass....not that you need help with that.

Lol, thanks for this - I think the assumption is that anyone with a loud car is driving a civic or an old Chevy Caprice.

My Wife has a V8 BMW 550i, my daily driver is a G35x and a 3rd gen Acura TL-S (08) is my bass machine. Truck is a Chevy 84 supercharged 350 small block. I enjoy working on cars as much as computers and I like them to be loud whether for music or an aggressive performance sound. Some people do not like it to be loud; if that's their cup of tea..that's fine. I work all day designing and implementing and it gets tense in the working environment...when I'm on the road I like to have fun with it- kind of like an escape.
I've never heard a factory exhaust that bothered me in the middle of the night, but certain aftermarket systems are really just too much. (Douchebags with flowmasters come to mind). I would sort of welcome this for them, at least if they set these things up during the night in residential areas.

Outside of residential areas or during the day, I don't have much of an issue with noise.

One thing that should be mentioned - however - is that for the most part, cars and trucks aren't really the problem here. It's the douchebag bikers.