Going through a Receiever


Jun 19, 2002
This is more of a question on my Sony Reciever than an actual HTPC question but.

I have a Sony STR-DE885 receiver and want to run everything through it since my tv only have one "input" selection. I live in a dorm and i keep my computer on the desk across the room, i just bought a 25 foot svideo cable to go around to my reciever. But I cant get any signal to go through it. Is there a problem with mixing S-video with RCA's? My TV has s-video in, but i have never used it due to lack of svideo cable and already having high quality RCA's. When going directly into the TV's S-video with my computer, it works fine, but overrides the RCA input and i no longer can use my reciever.

Just a minute ago i tested to see if the cables could work together. I hooked the output of the Sony into my TV with S-video and keeping my dvd to reciever in RCA's, i get no picture there.

So basically what i am asking, if i go spend some money on some svideo cables, will this all work out? Everything i own has svideo outs, its just a matter of goign and spending the money on them.

most receivers will not convert cable types. If you run one svideo in, you have to run an svdieo out. if you run composit (rca style) in, you have to run composite out. so, if your TV only has one type of input, you are stuck using that input. If you have a device that only has svideo output, like a pc, you can get a converter to convert from svideo to composite.
yeah i went to another room and stole an s-video cable and it works fine, just have to go buy some of my own and convert all my of my components to s-video.

Darn, should have waited...

I just ordered 3 6' gold plated s-video cables on ebay for $5 each... half price on that site.
i just ordered $40 in other cables and adapters from that site, thanks for the link.