Gold Duping in WoW

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Nov 8, 2002

It seems as though WoW has been exploited by using instances to duplicate gold.


It would seem that many lvl 30s are exploiting a problem with Maraudon to dupe items and gold. People are able to carry massive ammounts of gold to basically shift the economy of their server. In one instance, one player had 10 krol blades on the AH at one time, and that's just the beginning.
that link brings me to a page that says 'service unavailable' rofl wtf? i am so incredibly happy i quit wow a few months ago, im not wasting cash each month and i have loads of time on my hands.. no wow = it's a good thing :)
Blah, this reminds me of SWG. I think there was a new credit dupe every week on that POS game. I really hope WOW doesn't start having this kind of crap on a regular basis.
They'll squash it quickly I'm sure. The duping bug is easily found, so I'm not going to explain how to do it. I HOPE everyone that duped even 1 gold coin gets banned indefinately.

Oh well. Sux0rifix.
This looks like its going to be pretty bad... if they rollback the servers, you're going to have thousands of pissed off players for lost playing time (my level 17 hunter won't exist). Imagine if you did some high level instance runs and picked up an epic only to have it disappear?

If they do not rollback, the economy is going to turn to shit with the thousands and thousands of extra gold on the servers (Diablo 2 anyone). Man I honestly have no idea what they're going to do.
If they have unique identifiers for every item in game, which they should, they can just scan for 2 items with the same identifier and delete the extra, or preferably both.

As for the gold, its doubtful they have that kinda system. But they MUST have some kind of logging system.

They're certainately in a pickle. Glad I don't work there :).
In SWG they just axed the player accounts and anyone who recieved from those roll back...but who knows how WoW does it, i never tried it...
There is definitely something going on. The maintenance period has been extended..

"The weekly maintenance has been extended while we investigate the validity of the claims regarding a possible exploit in the game. We remind our players that discussing possible exploits on the official forums is a violation of the Code of Conduct, and such threads will be deleted without prior notice"
The one thing Bliz did this time around from D2 was to add more logging and identifiers in. All they need to do is find out which players went in and out of instances and compare their gold values/transaction. Big increase makes it easy to investigate.

This was a hot topic when WoW was being developed. People didn't want to deal with duping...ever again....PERIOD.
It's not that simple. Yes, they will likely be able to delete duplicate items, but the real problem is the gold that has been moved from one person to another over the past 3-4 days. For example, a player duplicates an items, sells it for 1,000 gold. The gold is then used to purchase other items, which basically starts a long trail of gold traveling from one player to another. It would be nearly impossible to trace this gold back.

Bliz is really facing a double-edge sword at the moment.
Valen said:
It's not that simple. Yes, they will likely be able to delete duplicate items, but the real problem is the gold that has been moved from one person to another over the past 3-4 days. For example, a player duplicates an items, sells it for 1,000 gold. The gold is then used to purchase other items, which basically starts a long trail of gold traveling from one player to another. It would be nearly impossible to trace this gold back.

Bliz is really facing a double-edge sword at the moment.

I think you missed something. It is duplicated gold and not items. All items have a unique ID key...if you dupe or both will go poof! As for the gold you just need to find the original person and ban them. Most of the dupers will have either a) sold the gold to some place like IGE (fine by me..both get banned) or b) used it to buy a high end item (in that case item is off the market anyways and he gets banned. Either way there can be a net effect of minimal economic impact.

Bliz has been pretty good about hunting down people who violate their ToS.

Trepidati0n said:
I think you missed something. It is duplicated gold and not items. All items have a unique ID key...if you dupe or both will go poof!

When one person has half a dozen Krol Blades on the AH at the same time, I think it's safe to say that it's more than just gold.

sell it at the AH and you have effectively 'laundered' your gold. Hopefully they have a way to trace back the items, but you know if that's how they *poof* the dupes that one or more people are going to end up with disappearing epics that they paid real gold for and had no way of knowing they were dupes in the first place.

No matter how they go about fixing the problem Blizzard will alienate a portion of their legitimate playerbase. I don't think there is a way around that.
Why such crazy fixes and harsh measures? Fix the exploit and move on.
It's not like anyone's ruining my gameplay experience. Big deal if someone has a better Item than me. I've kicked people's asses in pvp wearing almost all Green stuff (mostly all +Stam stuff on a Hunter = ~5k hp :) ).

If they can find out who did it, cool...ban them. I don't think everyone should suffer from a rollback or get banned because someone bought an item off you and gave you gold that you had no clue was duped.

I haven't really played since Battlefield 2 came out, so it won't affect me. I'm just saying I hope everyone doesn't suffer for the acts of a few cheaters...which is almost always the case.
This has gotten so ridiculous on my server (Bleeding Hollow) it crashes like 5 times a day and the instances are hardly ever working right anymore.
peepeeface said:
This has gotten so ridiculous on my server (Bleeding Hollow) it crashes like 5 times a day and the instances are hardly ever working right anymore.

reroll on stormscale horde and play with [H]. Doesn't seem to be any problem what-so-ever on our server.
They were really harsh about banning farmers, so I'm sure every single gold duping asshole will get the axe too.
ThunderGod66 said:
Why such crazy fixes and harsh measures? Fix the exploit and move on.
It's not like anyone's ruining my gameplay experience. Big deal if someone has a better Item than me.
People that use an exploit need to be banned ASAP. This does more than just ruin a persons gaming experience, this can destroy an entire servers economy and prices will skyrocket effectively destroying a newbs chances at buying upgrades for themselves. Learn from past MMOs and don't suffer the same fates they have.

Vildayyan Darkhealer
Proud Officer of Sans Requiem
Druzzil Ro (Xev) Server
PCJ said:
They were really harsh about banning farmers, so I'm sure every single gold duping asshole will get the axe too.

nope, they put a stop to it, as in fix it, thats it. They cant realistically read millions of line of log that each server spits out daily to ban them.

WoW phase will be dead in a year, dont worry. Its like Pogs, pokemon, or those stupid digipets.
FanATIc said:
nope, they put a stop to it, as in fix it, thats it. They cant realistically read millions of line of log that each server spits out daily to ban them.

WoW phase will be dead in a year, dont worry. Its like Pogs, pokemon, or those stupid digipets.

i do not believe wow will be dead in a year... lol
EQ will be dead in a year. oh wait...its been around for like 7....WoW just keeps growing. not shrinking.....
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