gonna make a small jump to an A64 setup..3700+ or 3400+?


I <3 Hybrids
Aug 8, 2000
Just simply put which one of these should I drop some coin on?
Im thinking about pairing it with a DFI lanparty socket 754 mobo since Im hearing good things about it in the realm of OCing on either chip on this board?
Im leaning more towards the 3400+ due to cost...but will I be disappointed? when compaired to my AXP 2500+m @ 2.6ghz
you wont be dissapointed from your current system, regardless of which one you pick. how much do you have to spend?
Hmm... If you're on a budget the 3200+ and even the 3000+ are excellent values, if you're upgrading with an eye to the future and want to sorta "future-proof" yourself or have more legs for future upgrades the 3500+ is a good sweet point. Both the 3400+ and the 3700+ are a bit much imo for a system that you're looking to OC, unless money's no object... but then there's always the FXs. ;) :cool:
I was in the same dilemma, and I picked the 3700...now if only I could come up with the best case to O/C this with...water cooling for the cpu or vapochill for the cpu...or custom water cooling for the cpu/chipset/gpu...or maybe just stick with air? Oh the decisions. :(
Impulse said:
Hmm... If you're on a budget the 3200+ and even the 3000+ are excellent values, if you're upgrading with an eye to the future and want to sorta "future-proof" yourself or have more legs for future upgrades the 3500+ is a good sweet point. Both the 3400+ and the 3700+ are a bit much imo for a system that you're looking to OC, unless money's no object... but then there's always the FXs. ;) :cool:

I would go socket 939 but right now it seems as if not one mobo company can get off its ass and make a board worth a damn in my opinion. When the NF2 chipset came out everyone went apeshit and got a working PCI lock pretty quickly...the 939 family has just come out sure but not one company seems to really be trying for a PCI lock...with the exception of MSI but I dunno if their neo 2 platnum is really worth a damn right now...unless someone can show me otherwise, some positive OC results that are stable as well as some personal thoughts...not "I bought it I love it"
Right now it just seems as if the DFI board on socket 754 has everything in place and does its damn job....Id like to spend roughly 400-500$ which for me is small and with that I can go either way 939 or 754...but its a toss up
Visable-assassin said:
I would go socket 939 but right now it seems as if not one mobo company can get off its ass and make a board worth a damn in my opinion. When the NF2 chipset came out everyone went apeshit and got a working PCI lock pretty quickly...the 939 family has just come out sure but not one company seems to really be trying for a PCI lock...with the exception of MSI but I dunno if their neo 2 platnum is really worth a damn right now...unless someone can show me otherwise, some positive OC results that are stable as well as some personal thoughts...not "I bought it I love it"
Right now it just seems as if the DFI board on socket 754 has everything in place and does its damn job....Id like to spend roughly 400-500$ which for me is small and with that I can go either way 939 or 754...but its a toss up

I'm in the same situation. I have in my cart at newegg, a S939 3000+, an Asus 939 mobo, and 512MB of compatible XMS Corsair memory. total cost is $412. I decided to wait until next weekend to see how I feel about it, and get some more reviews in. But I feel that I should just go with the DFI board and a 2800+ or a 3000+. Not sure yet.
Yeah I agree on that count, 754 seems more mature, the DFI Lanparty is hard to pass up. By the time you want a new processor there'll be dual cores and reasons to upgrade the mobo anyway (PCIe).
Impulse said:
Yeah I agree on that count, 754 seems more mature, the DFI Lanparty is hard to pass up. By the time you want a new processor there'll be dual cores and reasons to upgrade the mobo anyway (PCIe).

right now the DFI mobo is lookin real sweet. and untill someone gets off their ass and makes a 939 mobo with PCI locks that work 100% and with out beta BIOS' and what not...it kind of pointless to me. RIght now MSIs neo 2 is lookin good but people are still having problems with it...is ASUS' A8V (AV8 whichever it is) rev 2 with 100% working locks out yet?
Ran fine with 3700 at 242x12 -1.75V(moded Bios1.5V to 1.8V) w/ Epox 8KDA3+(moded NB cooler). The only dissapoinment is 3700 price dropped to sub $500(from $700) 3 wks after I bought it.
Get a 2800 or a 3000 w/ a newcastle core and pair it up with a DFI lanparty and a vapo.... better than any of this dual channel stuff. I can't find any reason to spend extra $$ on better bandwith scores when it makes a marginal difference in games. Take the money and buy some OCZ 3700EB ram and take the DFI to new FSB heights.
TheLonelySwedish said:
Get a 2800 or a 3000 w/ a newcastle core and pair it up with a DFI lanparty and a vapo.... better than any of this dual channel stuff. I can't find any reason to spend extra $$ on better bandwith scores when it makes a marginal difference in games. Take the money and buy some OCZ 3700EB ram and take the DFI to new FSB heights.

you havent read the thread have you?
the 2800 or 3000+ do not interest me. Nor does a vapo since that alone puts me out of my budget for a small upgrade. Also I refuse to OCZ anything in my system besides I love my Corsair XMS 3200 PRO XL
I'd get the 3400 if you can find a 1MB cache version... that thing rocks! The new ones are 512KB tho :(