GOOD 3rd person shooter for PC?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 31, 2000
My son wants to take on some 3rd person action on his pc, I was thinking of Metal Gear solid or Battlefield 2.....or something else?

Give me some ideas...he likes the CoD series, Crysis, etc., stuff like that, but wants a true third person style to try....ideas?
Battlefield 2 isnt a 3rd person shooter, but its still a lot of fun

The only truly excellent third person shooters I could recommend are Max Payne 1 and 2. Although more a combined game, Mafia is also spectacular with some slower paced 3rd person action
I thought Dead Space was really good. Some people complain about the controls though.
jedi knight academy, although old is pretty fun. I know its 3rd person while using a lightsabor, and might have the option to be third person while using guns, I don't quite remeber
Yeah DON'T get Dead Space for him if he's like 10 years old. :p Even Gears of War is less violent than DS.
Star Wars: Jedi Outcast 2 :>
It might not have Crysis-like graphics but it's still great.
Hitman Blood Money. Hitman Contracts...aww hell...Hitman anything.
Depending on his age I would say Dead Space. Best 3rd person shooter I've ever played.
Meh... Great game, but shooter mechanics are pretty shoddy.


I cannot stand playing "shooters" in third person. Which is why I laugh at console games (in general consoles are horrible for 1st or 3rd).

I'm too much of a keyboard/mouse guy. This is my personal preference of course, I know there are plenty of people that are used to controllers but the heck can you aim effectively with a D pad or tiny joystick?:confused:

I cannot stand playing "shooters" in third person. Which is why I laugh at console games (in general consoles are horrible for 1st or 3rd).

I'm too much of a keyboard/mouse guy. This is my personal preference of course, I know there are plenty of people that are used to controllers but the heck can you aim effectively with a D pad or tiny joystick?:confused:

The third person games you're seeing mentioned in this thread play very well with a KBM.

I cannot stand playing "shooters" in third person. Which is why I laugh at console games (in general consoles are horrible for 1st or 3rd).

I'm too much of a keyboard/mouse guy. This is my personal preference of course, I know there are plenty of people that are used to controllers but the heck can you aim effectively with a D pad or tiny joystick?:confused:

The same way you do with a mouse and keyboard, with practice. It's not something you pick up and accel at, much like the kb/m weren't, but you adapt or you complain.
3rd Person Mod for GRAW 2
Brettzies Weapon Pack OTS Edition

discussions here


I cannot stand playing "shooters" in third person. Which is why I laugh at console games (in general consoles are horrible for 1st or 3rd).

I'm too much of a keyboard/mouse guy. This is my personal preference of course, I know there are plenty of people that are used to controllers but the heck can you aim effectively with a D pad or tiny joystick?:confused:

You don't. They either auto aim or the weapons are spray types. GOW is both.
I liked Gears of War alot. +1

Ever tried Americas Army?
+1 to Hitman, Max Payne and Splinter Cell series. Also, make sure you check out "The Punisher" for PC... so far the most brutal 3rd person shooter I've played \m/

Check this out, see it for yourself :D
+1 for mike111 getting his fuckin stupid image post removed!

and for 3rd person shooters , Battlefield heroes is a free one you can actually play ANYWHERE.

fun while it last though