Good 4 Player Game for 360???


Jun 9, 2005
I was lucky enough to get my hands on a 360 yesterday and spent a lot of time playing and I still havent found a game that has some good 4 player action! Does anyone know of any??? After buying COD2 and finding that unless you want to do a 4 person deathmatch you have to own multiple Xboxes (I cant get more than 1 person on live at anytime) I was terribly disappointed. I buy consoles for having people over. If I want to game solo, I play on my PC. So far I have played Perfect Dark Zero, Proj. Gotham and Quake. And the funny thing is after playing all of those...Halo2 was in the 360 for the rest of the night! I'd really like a game where 4 people can play simultaneously on the same Xbox... :confused:
what the? Perfect Dark Zero doesn't have Bots or 4 player split screen?
I know the Perfect Dark (n64) did!

You can't play online with 4 players in PDZ?

No wonder you had Halo2 in there.. Atleast its got those kind of options...
You mean the multiplayer on PD has devolved from the N64 version, unless you're online??