Good 4x games??


Dec 11, 2004
I´m looking for a good 4x space game.

I already have Moo1&2, GalCiv2 and Sins....

Which other ones are good/better than those?

Thanks in advance!
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Sword of the Stars Complete Collection (original + 3 expansions). The most enjoyable space strategy game I've played since Moo1+2.
emperor of the fading suns, is by far deepest of most complex space 4x game ever. only a true lover of the genre should get this game though. it makes no comprises.
I love 4x games, though I suck at them lol. My play style is to slow, I will have to check out these games.:D
After recent searches for new 4x game to satisfy my never-ending quest for more strategy (after I got a bit bored with AI wars + 3 expansions) I stumbled across Armada 2526 SuperNova. Cant say much because I havent played it a lot but so far I can only say good words about it (AI doesnt actually suck as much as Civilization V which I cant enjoy because of stupid stupid stupid'o combat AI) . Might as well take a glimpse at official forums.
On another note is Elemental - War of Magic AI actually challenging after recent patches to it? The only thing in pretty much every recent game that is so horribly broken is AI :mad: Sometimes I think that the only thing that never changed in games for past 10 years is AI (more complex games tend to have this problem and 4x genre is pretty much as complex as it can get).
Armada 2526 sort of reminds me of Hegemonia: Legions of Iron or Imperium Galactica. I'm not entirely sure which of the two that I'm thinking of.