Good bye Asus!


Jun 29, 2005
No more Asus motherboards for me!

Here is the story: I got this Asus M2N-E Deluxe MB in June and bundled it with AMD X2 3800+ and other "regular" stuff. According to Asus, the motherboard should support DDR2 800 RAM, which I had. But it never recognized it. It was always DDR2 667 no matter what I did (BIOS updates, etc.). Since last June, Asus released, at least, 2 different BIOS updates for this motherboard, and apparently none of them were stable. If you didn't disable some options in BIOS, Windows will show "unrecognized hardware" in the profile. Worst thing was sound drivers. Higly unstable and unreliable - means when I plug in headphones, speakers still work (unless I unplug them). Updated drivers two times - still the same.

Last week, I saw Asus released new BIOS version, which, according to them, would correct the memory problem. Downloaded it and flashed using Asus update and that was the last time I used the computer. It never "woke up" again. Tried Asus Crash Free BIOS utility - it didn't even work. All recovery attempts (exaplined in the manual) were useless. Removed CMOS battery, resetted the jumper - nothing.

Past two days I read, in several forums, more horror stories about this MB. This MB was one of the first AM2 ones Asus released (I think). I think it is very bad to release an unrefined product assuming it would be OK. People (like me - until few days ago) wouldn't second guess an Asus MB - no matter what is the model.

I still remember my first (P3) desktop with Asus CUSL-2C, which was rock solid, reliable, and served me for over 4 years without a hitch. What has happened to Asus since then?
I have an M2N-E with the same chip and have yet to have a single problem, and have had it for over 3 months.
Footer4321 said:
I have an M2N-E with the same chip and have yet to have a single problem, and have had it for over 3 months.

Did you try flashing BIOS yet?
vsrdan said:
Do you think it is 570 chipset?

Honestly, yes. I built 570 based systems for a couple of friends, and they were experiencing similar instability.

As for the BIOS flash...asus should replace that asap. Give them a call.
I feel your pain. I had an A7N8X Deluxe, which no matter where I looked said it was a great board, the best out there (before the DFI and ABIT nforce 2 boards). I decided to give Asus a shot and buy it. It worked great for the first 7 weeks, then it was all over. I RMA'ed the board 5 times. Every time I received the board it was a new revision. I'd set up the bios for my ram (Hyper X) and then the bios would corrupt itself. I tried every method short of hot swapping and it wouldn't post. I used all 5 boards collectively for a 8 week period and had to go through this ordeal for over 6 months. That was my first and last asus board. I know alot of people have their own success with Asus and all the best to them. Like your situation, the bios corruption was a common issue with the board. Ironically every other board that had the same chipset didn't suffer from this problem. Hopefully you find a good replacement board. Personally I've had great results from MSI, Biostar and DFI (current).
vsrdan said:
Did you try flashing BIOS yet?

....Everything is running fine, no need to reflash...

Corsair XMS2 DDR2800

The board does have VERY touchy ram requirements, but you cant go wrong with XMS2 memory so I don't really care.
enginurd said:
What RAM do you have?

Buffalo Firestix FSX800D2B-512M (two modules) rated DDR2 800 (CP2 6400) and CL-4. It is not a RAM problem I guess. Everything was OK until I flashed it to latest BIOS.
I know how you feel.
Asus boards seem to be plagued with annoying things.

I flat out gave up on the P5WD2-E cause I got sick of trying to get my IDE hard drives, to be recognized, and my IDE CD Drives to be recognized at the same time...
I had to canibalize a hard drive from my main PC, that had a Sata slave drive in it... cause I never could find a solution for the IDE problem, and just settled for IDE CD, and a Sata drive...

even my P5B Deluxe now has annoyances like this...

why cant I use IDE and SATA at the sametime, without having a extra raid controller enabled?

why the hell does a raid controller... need to be working so my DVD Drives are "Seen"?

Asus boards are always weird... not in a good way either, like a quirk you can overlook...
If you tried to connect them to the marvell controller nothing would have worked I have the P5WD2-E and even with the newest bios it never worked just disable it and use the blue connector for ide drive's and the ich7r for your sata hd and everything should work fine remember to disable the marvell controller in the bios and download bios 604 it should do the job. good luck