Good center monitor for 2 22" side (L/R) monitors?


Jan 20, 2002
I just got a couple of these monitors for a good deal and now I'm wondering what I could use as a good center monitor? I'm not really interested in Eye-finity but would like an IPS for the center. Ideally I'd like to turn these two 22"ers into portrait and have the center be landscape... anyone got any ideas??
Just a note, unless you can live with a 3 monitor setup that will look like a giant H shape, you'll have to get a monitor in the region of 40" (in which case a TV) in order for them to be all roughly the same height - this is assuming you use your 22" monitors in portrait.

Otherwise the biggest IPS monitors you can get are 30" ones, such as the Dell U3011, HP ZR30w or Hazro HZ30Wi. These are also very expensive, so it's easier to state what your max budget and usage will be so as people can offer you suggestions.