Good/Cheap linux compatible TV Tuner


Jul 22, 2005
My brother is looking to get a relatively cheap TV Tuner card that will be compatible with his HTPC that is running Ubuntu and will be running the Ubuntu build of MythTV. He wants to start with a cheaper card to test it out and see how he likes it. Depending on his impressions he would maybe jump in for a more expensive card. What is a good card that can meet these requirements?
i actually just pulled an old hauppage windtv-go (pci slot) from my old computer and put it into my new build last night. works well with ubuntu 32/64bit, but it's so old that it doesnt have vista/win7 support drivers (that i can find), so i can only watch tv in linux though i dualboot with win7. hope that helps.
I have used my Hauppage PVR-250 with my Gentoo box. That card is only standard def though, do you need HD?
For broadcast or what? Nearly any old TV tuner card will in Linux, theres only one or two chipsets, and they'll all look like washed out crap NTSC TV on a high res monitor. However with the digital tv transition, these cards are about to become worthless.