Good deal on a Razer Soundcard

I don't know why some people hate this card that much. It's pretty much as the x-meridian at a much lower cost; the drivers have finally caught up and it works fine.

It gets such a bad rep because of Razer's joke-luster support for their products; the sad part is that they are competing against Creative and Auzentech; both of whom have terrible support to begin with. There was a time when a Vista/x64 driver was non-existant and being *developed* for about 6 months; during which time a user-made beta driver was created by a frustrated user.
I bit on these from woot. This is a huge upgrade since Iam coming from audigy2.
I Wooted too. I did some research and it seems like it's a good card with some nice features, but the driver support is a little lacking. As long as the drivers are available and work in XP, that's all I'm after. For $75, I can eBay it if I don't like it, and it's likely to be a huge improvement over my Audigy OEM.
Wooted this deal as well... Anything has to be better than the onboard sound and the Audigy 2ZS cards I have.
I wooted too. Just after I finished ordering my new Sennheiser HD595's and JDSLabs cMoy amp I decided to hit up the woot of the day. Well, low and behold the AC-1 shows up! I am sure it will be a big improvement over the onboard crap I'm using now. and @ $75 how can you go wrong?

Now we wait...
I'm not waiting anymore. I ordered two cards from woot and they both showed up today.

Both installed and the card in my HTPC immediately has made a huge difference. Hooked it up via optical out to my Onkyo 805. My Onkyo automatically recognized the Dolby digital output and off I went.

Whoever says this sound card isn't good really doesn't know what they are talking about. I have had a couple of Creative sound cards and they have never produced the crisp, overall sound that I hear from the Razer card.

Also, there are Vista drivers for this card and they work just fine. Running Vista 64 on my office/gaming PC and the Razer card installed quickly and the sound out of my Klipsch pro-medias has never sounded better!
I'm not waiting anymore. I ordered two cards from woot and they both showed up today.

Both installed and the card in my HTPC immediately has made a huge difference. Hooked it up via optical out to my Onkyo 805. My Onkyo automatically recognized the Dolby digital output and off I went.

Whoever says this sound card isn't good really doesn't know what they are talking about. I have had a couple of Creative sound cards and they have never produced the crisp, overall sound that I hear from the Razer card.

Also, there are Vista drivers for this card and they work just fine. Running Vista 64 on my office/gaming PC and the Razer card installed quickly and the sound out of my Klipsch pro-medias has never sounded better!

Good specs indeed, but the proprietary headphone connector and lack of analog speaker output is pretty lame if you ask me. I can always tell a product to stay away from, when in order to take "full advantage" of it, I have to buy ANOTHER product made by the same brand. Unless you're plannin on live encoding every bit of audio that comes from the card or you plan on using it with those subpar headphones, this card is not worth the money.
Good specs indeed, but the proprietary headphone connector and lack of analog speaker output is pretty lame if you ask me. I can always tell a product to stay away from, when in order to take "full advantage" of it, I have to buy ANOTHER product made by the same brand. Unless you're plannin on live encoding every bit of audio that comes from the card or you plan on using it with those subpar headphones, this card is not worth the money.

The Ac-1 includes an adapter for analog output. It is just as versatile as any other card out there.
Good specs indeed, but the proprietary headphone connector and lack of analog speaker output is pretty lame if you ask me. I can always tell a product to stay away from, when in order to take "full advantage" of it, I have to buy ANOTHER product made by the same brand. Unless you're plannin on live encoding every bit of audio that comes from the card or you plan on using it with those subpar headphones, this card is not worth the money.

Sorry, but you just made an ignorant post. As posted by football76 the card has an analog speaker output via an adapter that is included in the card. Next read a review before you post something that makes you look like a complete newb!

EDIT: And another thing, you don't have to use this card with the Barracuda headphones to take full advantage of it. This card is based on the same chip that is in the X-Meridian card. That is one strong foundation to build upon right there. I am using this card with my Sennheiser PC160 headphones and it sounds amazing. Blows my onboard sound out of the water. The positional audio that this card is designed for really does help you locate the sounds around you.
Got mine today! Installed on Vista x64 in about 5 minuets, including required reboot. Works perfectly! No hitches, glitches, etc... It just works. :cool:
Not even remotely an audiophile.

I finally got around to installing this card Saturday. Paid 90 dollars off ebay, plus the usual postage rapage.

After a few hours of playing with it... BF2142, BF2 and GH3. I am also am now running Vista 64. Used some HD55's for my cans.

Card installed flawlessly. And FAST. Like in 1 minute. Not one piece of bloat ware. Did not have one issue in about 6 hours of game play. Where with the Xi-Fi Gamer, I was pulling my hair out after 30 minutes with BSOD's and crashes.

Right off the bat...I am happier with the Razer than the Xi_Fi for the Vista64 drivers.

The control panel for the Razer is nothing special. It gets the job done. Some of the settings (like the EQ) are tucked away. But easy to find.

Anyway...sound quality.

Xi-Fi has much better sound quality IMO. BF2142 sounds worlds better with the Xi_Fi. I know they built the game with Xi-Fi in mind. But I really wasn't expecting that huge a difference. Everything sounds cleaner/more clear on the Xi-Fi. From bullets leaving the barrel, to air strikes rumbling.

One thing that Razer has them beat on, is sounds in the distance. You hear people coming a mile away, with pretty good clarity. So much so, you may need to turn that feature waaaaay down. And it felt like I was cheating. The constant "Medic!" calls got annoying as hell.

GH3...Both cards sounded about the same, with the slight edge to Xi_Fi again.

Music. Again the Xi-Fi Gamer slight edge.

Overall I personally think the XFG is a better card all around when compared to the Razer. And the the Razer is not worth the manufactures' price of 200 bucks. (No revelation there) But like I said...The ease of installation and drivers for Vista64 makes this card a keeper for me. Especially at 100 dollars delivered.

I am becoming a Razer schill it seems.