Good Distro for my hardware? (ATi)


Feb 28, 2005
Just want to know what distro people have good luck with when running similar hardware to mine.

I had Fedora Core 5 working with fglx gears (sp?) but I couldn't get UT2004 to run.

Another note, I don't use the nVidia network, I use the Marvell Gigabit adapter, I have some pretty big issues with the nVidia adapter in the past.

Looking to use Fluxbox/Blackbox window manager, mentioning incase of compatibility issues.

Thinking I might try SuSe Linux Enterprise Desktop, I installed it through VMWare to try out it's simplicity to see if I could recommend it to a friend, and it actually has built in ATi and nVidia drivers.
Honestly, I'd stay in Windows if you wanted to play games, since the 3D acceleration in Linux ATI drivers is subpar.