Good MMO?


Nov 4, 2007
Played WoW, played LOTRO. Loved both when I played them, with lotro going F2P, I am not sure I want to be a part of that.

What's there to play? I haven't gamed much at all in few months, been kind of out of the loop. I like good graphics, scenery, something that LOTRO had, fun classes. I remember AOC being pretty decent, has it gotten better?

Choose one

Seriously, though, I played AOC for three months and loved it despite the bugs. The only reason I quit is because I refuse to raid in MMOs anymore after WoW. Before that I've played WoW, Guild Wars, and Kingdom of Loathing (lol). I know they've added a lot of content since then and fixed a lot of the bad bugs.

And for the most part, I had a good experience with the community. I'd go with that.
Why don't you give LOTRO a chance before you leave it, and see how it pans out come F2P time?

FF14 just entered open beta, if you were curious to try that out as well. The game launches at the end of this month.
Why don't you give LOTRO a chance before you leave it, and see how it pans out come F2P time?

FF14 just entered open beta, if you were curious to try that out as well. The game launches at the end of this month.

I guess I will, but I hated all F2P systems with real world money involved like that, kill the immersion to me :(.

Try Earth and Beyond Emulator, its free now. This was my first MMO back in the day and it still remains my favorite, even though its old.

I would, but I am picky when it comes to good graphics, sadly :(.
If you like FPS games too try out Global Agenda. I downloaded the trial about a month ago and have been playing ever since. It is only $30 now and no monthly fee. They just implemented a store where you can buy a boost that gives you double XP and Tokens for 10, 30, or 90 days. Totally not necessary if you don't want to spend more money, but totally reasonable at $8, $15, and $30 respectively if you're short on time.
For F2P, Runes of Magic comes to mind. Atlantica Online was GREAT, and very different, but it could get a little laggy. Also, try Dungeons and Dragons Online. Seems to be about the best example to date of how to run a good MMO on the F2P model.
eve online is really good

do a quick search on [H] for the eve thread to get more info if interested
Global Agenda is good and it has an endless free trial but you stop leveling at 15. Go get the trial off Steam.
EVE you'll either love or hate. I liked it but I know no one who plays it. This too has a free trial (14 days) you can get off Steam.
I personally am waiting on Guild Wars 2.
FFXIV is definitely worth trying. Enjoy the OB for now, release is Sept 30th, see if you like it.

Also, Guild Wars 2 is down the road.

I used to be big on MMOs, but nothing has appealed to me at all lately. I'm banking on FFXIV bringing a new flavor to me, something that I can enjoy, but I doubt it will. Maybe GW2, maybe nothing. As it is right now, I don't feel like there are many solid MMOs out, especially if graphics are a big deal. I have played a couple low budget indie MMOs that were pretty cool, but graphics were like 2k1.
I'm strictly pointing the finger at point and click mmo's where all you're doing is clicking on bad guys and waiting for the fight to end.

I think if you made an entire house out of all the pizza boxes you've gone through in your life of playing Age of WoW quest lineage you'd find a far greater sense of accomplishment than over anything you earned ingame.

That said I've personally been playing Crimecraft lately which is Ureal Tournament with a GTA style persistent world and I enjoy it because it's as much FPS skill based it is level grinding. I don't come out of every match feeling like I played an excruciatingly boring game of solitaire.
Yeah give FFXIV a shot.

WAR can be fun for a bit if you get on a good server. But for a month bit, it's not a long term MMO.

Aion..... I played Aion for almost a year and despite acomplishing a lot, not sure I really liked it. Made some friends that kept me in the game and as soon as those friends dropped out I did to.

The new starwars MMO is coming out soon as well. If I wasn't so hyped up about FFXIV I would be hyped about that game.

But seriously, give FFXIV a shot, if they correct some problems in FFXI (which I knew were there but overlooked for 4 years because I enjoyed it so much) the game will be a serious hit with serious MMO players. It's not WoW and it's not competiting for the wow kiddie market. However it looks to be a great MMO.
Warhammer Online was alot of fun, but I never got into a active guild, I mostly play solo, so alot of the running around got boring. But starting game was alot of fun, graphics were great, quests were alot of fun. Realm vs Realm was great, instances were great. I will revisit later, but I am a play to level 20 and quit type of guy.
I guess I will, but I hated all F2P systems with real world money involved like that, kill the immersion to me :(.

Turbine is pretty good about how they do F2P, you might want to give it a shot with LOTRO. Its nothing like some Asian F2P MMOs where people just buy their way through the game.
Just my personal preference, but I've played WoW, Global Agenda, WAR and LOTRO and AoC, and just paid for another month of AoC last night. Not perfect, but with Stonerune UI mod installed it comes the closest out of all of them for my tastes.
City of Heroes just released an expansion thats basically targeting new players. I recommend it :).

@Direwolf20 is my global name over there.
Warhammer Online was alot of fun, but I never got into a active guild, I mostly play solo, so alot of the running around got boring. But starting game was alot of fun, graphics were great, quests were alot of fun. Realm vs Realm was great, instances were great. I will revisit later, but I am a play to level 20 and quit type of guy.

There are some games where you miss a lot ("end game") by doing that. However, Warhammer really wasn't one of them. Once you'd had a fort raid in Tier 2, you'd seen them all. They just scaled up. Twas fun holding off lots of people with a couple of tanks and healers though.
FFXIV all the way! I have been waiting for SO long for this greatness to come, and finally I can get my fix in the beta. Get on board now!
If you want graphics you may want to just wait for the "next gen" of MMOs to come out, some I know of, graphically they are a big step up from current ones -

Vindictus (Mabinogi Heroes)
Star Wars
Blade and Soul
Guild Wars 2
Diablo 3 (if you want to count this as a MMO, somewhat like GW 2 in that sense)
unannounced Blizzard MMO (yes they've already began development on another MMO)

Personally I'm kinda bored of the click/auto target/skill sequence type MMOs (since I've been playing those since EQ?), and am waiting for the more active targeting type ones on that list.

I mean if you consider WOW or LOTR online to have good graphics, these aren't even comparable (or likely to be). The best MMO graphically I can think of right now is Aion, in my opinion anyways. Though granted the rest of the game may not be as stand out.
I never suggested they were alike in terms of games. I am merely referencing the fact that most people tend to consider MMOs to be more fully persistent, open, and shared (across your realm/server anyways), as opposed to games that rely more instancing. Is GW2 not a mix of persistent areas/instances like GW1?

Honestly I don't even like Diablo, and I prefer persistent towns/instanced combat areas nowadays, so it wasn't meant as a negative comment. But it is a bit of a gray area isn't? If you want to not consider something like Diablo a MMO.
How is that Earth and beyond game? I remember enjoying E&B way back in the day, and then it got canned. Is it stable, does it play well, and does it have a good community?
I mean if you consider WOW or LOTR online to have good graphics, these aren't even comparable (or likely to be). The best MMO graphically I can think of right now is Aion, in my opinion anyways. Though granted the rest of the game may not be as stand out.

LOTRO has some really good looking environments and effects, I would put it well beyond what WoW is capable of displaying. Plus LOTRO runs pretty well on average hardware, even in Direct X 10 mode.
FFXIV is horrible. Don't bother unless you're a masochist. LoTRO is a good, story-driven MMO with wonderful scenery on high. GW2 is going to be a persistent world like traditional MMOs, and it looks like it's going to rock, but it comes out next year.
FFXIV is horrible. Don't bother unless you're a masochist. LoTRO is a good, story-driven MMO with wonderful scenery on high. GW2 is going to be a persistent world like traditional MMOs, and it looks like it's going to rock, but it comes out next year.

"Zomg it's not WoW *sob* *sob* *sob*". FFXIV isn't the second coming, but it's a solid MMO. At least be grown up enough to say that it's not your style or if you enjoy X you probably won't like it.
I am not sure which LOTRO you guys are talking about, but the one I downloaded I had to uninstall before I was even through the tutorial quests because it looked so shitty. EQ2 has some good graphics but it's largely dead from what I hear.

The Final Fantasy MMOs in general are a lot like EVE, either you really like it or you really don't, there's no room for middle ground.
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LOTRO has some really good looking environments and effects, I would put it well beyond what WoW is capable of displaying. Plus LOTRO runs pretty well on average hardware, even in Direct X 10 mode.

I meant LOTR/WOW compared to the next gen MMOs coming out, not each other.

For the people saying GW 2 is going to be fully open/persistent like a traditional mmo, have they conclusively come out and said this? All the information I can find is that it will be a instance/open mix. Essentially all the "combat" type areas are instanced, while the player areas (like towns) are open/persistent. And I honestly prefer that system, since I am a bit tired of dealing with/watching for random griefing and etc. in shared PVE areas.
I am not sure with LOTRO you guys are talking about, but the one I downloaded I had to uninstall before I was even through the tutorial quests because it looked so shitty. EQ2 has some good graphics but it's largely dead from what I hear.

Maybe you got the LOTRO client without the high resolution textures :eek: Other than that I think it looks great using Direct X 10 Ultra High settings.

EQ2 can look great however I swear it runs like shit on every possible PC configuration that I have ever seen.
The Final Fantasy MMOs in general are a lot like EVE, either you really like it or you really don't, there's no room for middle ground.
Very much so. They're polarized and targeted toward a particular group. Either you're in that group or your not.
Nah I did download the 2.6 GB hires texture pack and I am pretty confident that I had the setting maxxed, though I have to be fair in adding that the character animations and the controls were offputting as well, it wasn't just the look of the environment.

There really isn't a good MMO out there right now. I played WoW for a long time but it's like the Facebook of MMOs, people log on to socialize as there's very little else to do that's not totally trivial and hence not really worth doing (strangely most still don't manage to kill the LK, but whatever).

New MMOs won't be anything like current ones. The current model MMO model is exhausted and few will be willing to sink hundreds or thousands of hours into the same old grind with different textures and slightly different mechanics.

While I currently don't have many good things to say about CCP, the company behind EVE Online, they do have one thing right which is the dynamic nature of the environment. Players are given a sandbox with some constraints and what happens in there is up to the players. Politics, territorial claims, rise and fall of enormous player built entities, intrigue, espionage, backstabbing, all that is part of EVE and of the appeal that MMO has. There simply is no other MMO in which the actions of a single player can permanently affect thousands of other players.

New MMOs will be like that. The pre-scripted linear MMO has seen its days and will not be back with any commercially notable success. Dynamic and self-regulating environments will have to be the future because players will simply be bored of anything else.
Nah I did download the 2.6 GB hires texture pack and I am pretty confident that I had the setting maxxed, though I have to be fair in adding that the character animations and the controls were offputting as well, it wasn't just the look of the environment.

the highres texture pack is currently 9.79gb for lotro (i just looked at my download file). So you probably got the lowres pack.
been playing Dungeon Fighter Online, which is basically a 2D Arcade Beat Em Up for core gameplay with RPG elements to back it up

it's free to play although buying a chest upgrade (bank) makes playing a lot more manageable

one huge reason why I play it is that it has very minimal time commitments. most dungeons can be completed in less than 10 minutes if you party.
Thing I really liked about LOTRO and WOW was how immersive they both are. You can travel from zone to zone without the need of a loading screen. Something I really missed in AOC, you basically had to always load into something new, was really confined. Maybe I will try FF, or LOTRO when it is F2P in few days.
Yeah, the music of WoW is pretty immersive too. I was flying around Hyjal in the Cataclysm beta and heard this Night Elf theme come up. It really fits serene natural setting of the zone while giving a sense of urgency at the same time.
LOTRO has some really good looking environments and effects, I would put it well beyond what WoW is capable of displaying. Plus LOTRO runs pretty well on average hardware, even in Direct X 10 mode.

That is what I thought, but I wouldn't say that it's more beautiful than wow. Lotro looks amazing in some aspects, like water, dx10 objects, shadows. But it is blended with popping textures, some texture lag, and some sharp objects which don't feel all too smooth. Wow looks plain looks polished everywhere. It doesn't have amazing textures, nor engine, but you feel immersed, the level of Polish is amazing. I played the beta thing when they released the death Knight, it actually was really really good as far as new graphics went.
MMOs have lost there appeal to me.

Too much time is required to get to the fun parts now.

ahh growing up isn't as fun as I hoped.
MMOs have lost there appeal to me.

Too much time is required to get to the fun parts now.

ahh growing up isn't as fun as I hoped.

I remember playing hours upon hours of wow or Lotro a day, having fun with my friends and building our characters up. Now, I want to play, yet I don't see myself being able to dedicate enough time to be good like before.