Good OS for older PC?

Electric Boogaloo

Apr 17, 2005
I recently aquired a P2 266Mhz and since I don't really have anything else to do with it I decided to play around with Linux/BSD/whatever.

Since the hardware is obviously rather dated, are there any distros with a small footprint that would run decently on this computer? Also, since I haven't used anything like this before, it would be nice to get one that is easier for a noob to use.

As far as I can tell, it's a
P2 266Mhz
128 Mb RAM (I think)
6 Gb HDD (But I have another I would throw in there which is probably good for a few Gb.)

Thanks in advance!
Since you don't really want to use too many graphical tools, you'll want to find something that's nice from a CLI. FreeBSD, perhaps?
Any lnuix distro that isn't full of wasted junk like fedora and SuSE should be just fine. NetBSD would be a good choice.
Debian (testing, unstable or Ubuntu) would be my call. Just don't run Gnome/KDE and you'll be fine.