Good time to show up? (360 thread)


Dec 30, 2004
Hey, I am going to Target on Monday at about 5pm and I will stay there until the store opens the next day to get an Xbox question is this: what is a "good" or "best" time to be there?

Also: I am interested in seeing which store you are going to and the time, please post, so myself and other people can get a general idea of when to start showing up! :)
Quite frankly, I wish I had the disposable income to buy an Xbox 360 on launch day. As it is, I plan on waiting at least until next year, if not until '07, to get one. I just can't see spending $400 on something that will eventually come way down in price.

Yes, I know that the same could be said if I bought an NES today, or if I waited to buy a new video card or motherboard. But the difference is that video game console technology doesn't move as fast, and thus has a longer lifecycle. Not only that, but you don't have to "upgrade" a console to play the newest games--thus, I can buy an Xbox 360 on January 1, 2007, and play all the games that just came out the Christmas the week before.

Gotta love consoles. :D
I plan on going to BestBuy at around midnight, maybe even later. Since I know how many consoles they will have for sale I can count my spot in line and know whether I will get one or not. I dont really have my heart set on getting one, but I would like one. I am more interested in the prospect of selling it on eBay and making a profit. A profit which I can use to buy some games when I rebuy another X360 a bit later.
Erasmus354 said:
I plan on going to BestBuy at around midnight, maybe even later. Since I know how many consoles they will have for sale I can count my spot in line and know whether I will get one or not. I dont really have my heart set on getting one, but I would like one. I am more interested in the prospect of selling it on eBay and making a profit. A profit which I can use to buy some games when I rebuy another X360 a bit later.

You know, I hadn't thought this way. I wonder if it'd be worth my time to drive out to podunkville and wait in line...
about 4 am im gonna drive by all you guys and blow an airhorn and throw rotten vegetables


just kidding!
5pm - 8am is a little crazy, i bet if you got there by 12midnight u'd still be 1st in line.
Oh, forgot to mention: please no comments on how rediculous it is that I am going there at 5pm! :p I understand it's a little extreme, but I am a very impatient person and I'd rather wait a night for one then a few weeks or possibly longer. But please, more posts on the times you are going! :)
Local walmart is opening its doors at 12:01 so ill prolly camp out with a few buds from around 10:30PM. ILL make a pass around 9ish to make sure a line isnt starting up already. Should be fun, hopefully I can con my parents into footing some of the bill as an early Christmas present.
I'm going to hit circuit city in my town up in the early am. I'm still waiting to find out from my buddy who works there how many they are getting in. The fewer they are getting = the earlier I show up. But, the colder it is the later I can show up and start waiting. I'm going to bring a chair and a laptop. I've got some pretty extreme cold weather gear, so I plan to be able to wait pretty comfortably. Hot chocolate in the thermos, and I'm good to go.

Circuit is doing vouchers pretty early too, so I will be able to retreat to the car by around 7a. Hell they might even open early like they did for the gamecube and PS2 launches.

I'm guessing I'll show up anywhere from 4am -6am
To the people showing up at places early in the AM (like 4-6am): have you ever waited in line at a console launch? Usually there are a good amount of people in line by 10pm.....and much earlier in other areas....going in sometime early in the AM will get you nothing!
If I were to do this: I would start the day at about noon or so and see if there's anyone waiting. Then I'd go about my busniess, do homework or play videogames at home, then I'd swing by again at 3PM. If there's no sign of a line I'd just go back to whatever I was doing. This is practical enough for me because there's a Best Buy and Circuit City very close to where I love. Also, I would have whatever materials I need in the car with me at all times. You know, snacks, sweaters, books, MP3 player, PSP/GameBoy ect. Keep checking back every few hours or so and if there's a single person waiting I'd park my car in the lot. Basically I'd hang around the shopping mall, browse the stores, play at the arcade, get dinner. Once there's a few people in line, I'd just grab my stuff then park my ass in line.
Killdozer said:
If I were to do this: I would start the day at about noon or so and see if there's anyone waiting. Then I'd go about my busniess, do homework or play videogames at home, then I'd swing by again at 3PM. If there's no sign of a line I'd just go back to whatever I was doing. This is practical enough for me because there's a Best Buy and Circuit City very close to where I love. Also, I would have whatever materials I need in the car with me at all times. You know, snacks, sweaters, books, MP3 player, PSP/GameBoy ect. Keep checking back every few hours or so and if there's a single person waiting I'd park my car in the lot. Basically I'd hang around the shopping mall, browse the stores, play at the arcade, get dinner. Once there's a few people in line, I'd just grab my stuff then park my ass in line.

This guy has the best plan. I plan on doing this on Black Friday for Best Buy. Are Best Buy opens at 5am and im sure are line would start at 10 pm.
Are wal marts going to hand out tickets like they did for the ps3 launch or what? That stupid thing is what cost me getting a ps2 at launch, I got there and they had already handed out "tickets" to everyone for the systems they had in stock, but no one told me/said anything about it. Then they opened the doors and I ran back to the electronics and waited in line for like 20 minutes just to be told:
"Ticket please."
"uh....what ticket?"

Also my wal mart is a 24hours/7days one, so will they sell the console at like 12:01 am?
yep...12:01. same here :D speaking of tickets...i think they hand them out at 10 PM...dont quote me on that tho.
You gotta be kidding me? Is showing up an hour or two before the store opens not adequate enough?? :eek:
inotocracy said:
You gotta be kidding me? Is showing up an hour or two before the store opens not adequate enough?? :eek:

Short answer. No.

Long answer. Noooooooooo.
lesman, what target are you planning to show up at?i have a cousin who works at one in hardford and will just hold me a premium behind the counter
i'm just going to wait in my comfy house for the UPS man to drop off my 360 on saturday the 19th.
Going to check the local Wal-Mart early int he afternoon, and once the line for the ticket forms I'll hop in it.

If/when I get one I might head to BB and see if I can sell it for a slight profit and someone's spot in line, since I want to get it at BB w/ my rewardzone card and get a performance plan on it.
Anyone know if MS plans on selling the bundles after X-Mas? If so I am going to wait. No way I amgetting up that early for a game system.
Ballz2TheWallz said:
lesman, what target are you planning to show up at?i have a cousin who works at one in hardford and will just hold me a premium behind the counter
Well, I live in Lancaster, California, so....that's where I am at, and that's where I'm getting it. :) Better tell him to conceal that badboy well.....I remember working at Wal Mart last year around this exact same, customers get crazy! Nothing was stopping them from checking out what was behind the counter!
Ballz2TheWallz said:
oh shit i thought you were in maryland for some fucking reason

smokeing bud is bad kids
Ha ha, how'd that happen? :p Nope, never even been there! ;)
Is there any info as to how many MS is shipping? I mean this ain't Sony and their 500,000 shippments on the PS2(or is it)?

For some reason I just don't think it will be hard to find and least not for ppl in smaller cities/towns.
Okay, so I personally work at Target. I know for a fact that my store in phoenix has 50 of the 360's. Which types? That I do not know.

I do know that on the 22'nd the Target will remain the same hours as allways 8:00-10:00 M-S and my guess is that people might start lining up at around 4:00AM.

Earlier than that? I doubt it, unless you live in like NY where or some overpopulated town. But yes, expect there to be very few 360's at your store. When they are gone dont expect another shipment for atleast a few more weeks.

I can tell you that with the Nano's we had probally 20 when they released and then they sold out within a few days. Next shippment we got a whoppin 2 iPod Nanos.
lesman said:
Hey, I am going to Target on Monday at about 5pm and I will stay there until the store opens the next day to get an Xbox question is this: what is a "good" or "best" time to be there?

Also: I am interested in seeing which store you are going to and the time, please post, so myself and other people can get a general idea of when to start showing up! :)

Don't go until it closes?? There really isn't a line until the store does actually close...

For those planning on going to Best Buy, you should check with your local Best Buy to find out if they are doing a midnight release or not. Not all Best Buy locations are selling at Midnight.
Twinkie said:
For those planning on going to Best Buy, you should check with your local Best Buy to find out if they are doing a midnight release or not. Not all Best Buy locations are selling at Midnight.

Actually only 4 bestbuys are doing midnight releases, and they are easily identifiable on the shipment chart. The 4 bestbuys doing midnight releases all have over 100 consoles, the rest have around 40-60.

Overall it seems like there are around 500k X360's going to N.A. on launch day.
Xanok said:
I do know that on the 22'nd the Target will remain the same hours as allways 8:00-10:00 M-S and my guess is that people might start lining up at around 4:00AM.

Earlier than that? I doubt it.
I'm going to the same Target that I stayed the night at when the PS2 came out....I got there around 11pm and the line already had 19 people in it before me, so I was number wasn't a slow line growth, either...I was pretty much lucky as hell to get the 20th spot...right after I showed up, about 10 minutes later there were already about 50+ people that were shit outta luck...I'll take my chances with least I know I'll get one!
Thanks for the info so far guys. Im planning to stop at Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, WalMart, and K Mart tommarow to ask about how they are gonna be doing the launch.

I might end up going to Kmart in the end, I actually got my PS2 there 3 days after launch LOL!
Elmntskater1588 said:
Im pretty sure walmart is not doing bundles, i sure hope not.

I heard they are doing bundles actually..
I was intendeding to get my system from Walmart - since I live in a rather remote area....
I'm guaranteed to walk out with at least 2 if I wanted :) But I've been told that they are selling bundles.... and most Walmarts will be getting CORE SYSTEMS..... (also what I've been told, not to be taken as fact)

But.... as luck would have it, my system will actually arrive tomorrow via FedEx :eek:
I work at bestbuy. At my store, we're getting about 30 of them in (20 plat, 10 core). Most bestbuys are opening at 8am for the launch. We'll be doing tickets around 7 or so. Frankly, the line will be short, as we only have 30, but I'm guessing it'll form around 10-11pm the night before. Should be fun.