good wireless keyboard/mouse for 10+ feet?


Jan 11, 2009
My couch is about 8-12 feet away from the TV (L-shaped, angled to the TV) and I cannot find a good keyboard/mouse combo with good range. I've seen a couple for several hundred, but I'm looking for something less than that. I tried searching this forum and other sites but can't find one I'm looking for.

Can anyone recommend any with good range? Thanks.
I'm interested in this as well. I don't plan on doing any heavy gaming, but my couch is about 15 feet away form the PC. I was thinking about that little Logitech one, which I heard is great, but jeeze, that's about what I was planning on spending on a mobo/CPU. Seems like a lot for a input device.
is bluetooth the best for gaming? i played some HL2 last night and was trying to get used to the ever-so-slight lag of the mouse.
I used to use a Logitech bluetooth mouse, and I never noticed it. Truth be told, I'm a pretty lousy FPS player, so I don't know that I would have been able to tell the difference. I've heard other people mention bluetooth lag, though.
You won't be able to use S510. I have one and its range is 5 or 6 ft at best.

If you're going to spend 100 bucks on rocketfish, I would seriously consider dinovo edge for 50 bucks more. And at 10 ft or more, I would look for bluetooth keyboard/mouse only.... nothing else.

And all wireless (bluetooth, ir, rf.... whatever) keyboard/mouse has a slight lag. Tournament game players only use wired mouse and wired keyboard.
+1 for the dinovo edge (as a keyboard - you might want to get a BT mouse as well since the touchpad takes some getting used to). It is the best keyboard i've ever owned. Every other wireless keyboard i have owned has gone through batteries quickly, had crappy range, or were just finicky. The dinovo always works perfectly and is damn sexy as well. If you used the bundled adapter it even works before windows boots - the flaw with this is if you have other BT devices you will need a REAL bt adapter for them.

It is more expensive than i would like, but its worth it in the end.
+1 for the dinovo edge (as a keyboard - you might want to get a BT mouse as well since the touchpad takes some getting used to). It is the best keyboard i've ever owned. Every other wireless keyboard i have owned has gone through batteries quickly, had crappy range, or were just finicky. The dinovo always works perfectly and is damn sexy as well. If you used the bundled adapter it even works before windows boots - the flaw with this is if you have other BT devices you will need a REAL bt adapter for them.

It is more expensive than i would like, but its worth it in the end.

+1 to the edge. There was another thread on this forum recently about this same topic. One of the guys sold me one and I have been using it ever since. My computer sits about 15 ft from my 59" TV and I have no problems. Hell I have been in the kitchen typing shit through a wall before with this keyboard :D.
Here is what I use, reception is NEVER an issue. I love the air mouse/remote as well.

I would have to give a negative review for Gyration. The current models are a bit glitchy unlike the previous model line from a few years ago. Since my older Gyration keyboard/mouse eventually died, I decided to buy Gyration. It worked fine for a short time, but eventually it became glitchy. Problems are:

1. Mouse is a power hog compared to older model.
2. Mouse does not always re-charge when placed in the recharger. Many times it is necessary to fiddle with it for the mouse to recharge.
3. The reciever does not alway pick up on mouse movement.
4. Sometimes when a key is press on the keyboard, the corresponding letter will be "typed" twice on the screen.
5. The keyboard reception sometimes have lag. I type something and nothing appears on the screen. At times it takes up to 1 minute for the reciever / keyboard to respond.
6. A few times it seems the keyboard is transmitting or the reciever is mis-interpreting signals, for example pressing "t" results in "y" and "h" appearing on the screen. This can last for several minutes.

I will probably buy the Logitec DiNovo Edge the next time I see it on sale. Not a critical purchase at the moment since it is for my HTPC.


These problems occur even when only using the Gryration keyboard/mouse 3 feet away from the reciever.
Thanks for the replies. I've actually been using the Rocketfish keyboard/mouse combo for a couple days now and it's working nicely and as nice range (30 feet, but I'm only about 15 ft away). Mouse is very responsive and there's even media controls on the mouse itself which is nice when pausing/skipping shows in a playlist. The keyboard also has several launch and media buttons. It's only 100 bucks as well.

Are there any bluetooth ones for less than that? Also, has anyone been using the rocketfish one for a while and still happy with it? Thanks.
+++1 for the Dinovos.. I could turn my vol up and down out of my house with the media pad while i do car wash.. and i had this two(sets) since 03 or 04 i think..

Freakin wonder though why the keyboard sells same price all these years?... 149 lowest...
i have a gyration compact keyboard and gyration ultra mouse... the mouse is pretty much awesome for a budget air mouse. i actually find it works really well for tiger woods 08 (no controller support for that game), it ends up very much like a wii controller. the keyboard is feels and looks great, but the keys input to the computer slow and if you type more then say 20wpm it will start missing keystrokes. if i sell my desktop and turn my htpc into a catch-all pc then i will surely need to get a better wireless keyboard, but it works fine for here-and-there use.
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I ordered a DiNovo Mini, should be here tomorrow. I'll report back once I've had a chance to use it a bit.
I ordered a DiNovo Mini, should be here tomorrow. I'll report back once I've had a chance to use it a bit.

You shan't be disappointed. :cool: It's a great little piece of hardware. Perfect thing for an HTPC across the room.
After a couple of days with it my impressions are as follows:

Range is great, I need about 15-17 feet in my living room, and it has no problem.

Keyboard part is not bad, you don't want to type a novel on it, but it's serviceable and quite compact.

The touchpad works well, but it's difficult to do precision mousing with it. There are independent click and page up/down buttons that work very well in boxee (Windows version),

The AC adapter doesn't fight very well into the back, and will fall out sometimes if you move the keyboard much while it's charging (it does work while charging, which is nice). I may just have gotten a bad one or something.

All-in-all, it's a nice device, and well-suited for the living room. I wish it was about half the price, however.
I recommend the logitech dinovo mini for htpc couch work. I am using it right now to type this message on my 50" plasma. You cant do precise photoshop work with this device but you can easily type and surf while laying down or reclined. I have the dinovo edge as well but I prefer this for htpc work. I set my DPI in Vista Ultimate to 200 and it makes the touch pad much easier to use. I do not want to have to lean over to a coffee table to use a standard mouse and keyboard.
I recommend the logitech dinovo mini for htpc couch work. I am using it right now to type this message on my 50" plasma. You cant do precise photoshop work with this device but you can easily type and surf while laying down or reclined. I have the dinovo edge as well but I prefer this for htpc work. I set my DPI in Vista Ultimate to 200 and it makes the touch pad much easier to use. I do not want to have to lean over to a coffee table to use a standard mouse and keyboard.

I have been unhappy with adjusting the dpi in vista ultimate (I have a 40" LCD and sit about 10 feet away). So i'm looking into remote administration via my laptop. OP you may want to consider that.

Blk02: Is adjusting the dpi to 200 the only change you made? How do you handle web browsing? For example if I was to head here to the forums I understand you can use the ctrl + wheelmouse to zoom the webpage. ...but its the drop down menu's like your shortcut links, File, Tools, Help that have small text. Do you do anything to get around this? If so could you please share your settings?
I deal with the same problem but I can still make out the text on my 720p 50" monitor. I believe there is also a magnify option that follows your mouse arrow, which could be the solution you are looking for. For all the heavy administrative work on the htpc I use remote desktop from my main rig, so people can still watch TV while I am adjusting settings, updating software, or installing software. Be aware that only vista ultimate and vista business have remote desktop features, so you need two separate computers with two versions of either piece of software to make remote desktop work.
I'm using the Logitech mediaboard. Just for shits and giggles, I tried it from the back yard and it still works perfectly. Thats about 70 feet and 3 walls.

I did have some issues w/ interference with my N router. I changed the frequency for the router and it resolved the problem.