Google Apps Help


Jun 22, 2000
We currently use a shared spreadsheet in Google apps to input new orders. Our production team then updates the spreadsheet when the order has been acknowledged, filled, etc.

Part of this is a face to face delivery of the product with the customer onsite. We have 3 people that handle these deliveries with the customer. They typically last about 30min or so.

We would like to have a shared calendar that shows what date/time each delivery person has a delivery scheduled for. A lot of the time, we schedule the delivery at the time the order is placed.

Can you guys think of a way to link that spreadsheet with a calendar so that we don't have to enter the order/customer's info twice?

For example a form that populates the spreadsheet with necessary info and also creates an entry in the shared calendar booking that date/time for one of our delivery people.

try this:

It claims to have this as a feature: "Entering events in a Google Spreadsheet which are then pushed to Google Calendar and optionally Sites."

I was also looking to do something similar at one point. Never got around to testing it though. let us know please.