Google Assistant Is Coming to All Android 6.0 and above Devices


Aug 20, 2006
Those of us who bothered to download Allo or own Pixel devices have already gotten a taste of Google Assistant, but now the feature is seeing a wide release and will be available on all devices running Android 6.0 Marshmallow and above. It is being touted as an evolution of Google Search and "OK Google"—lazier folks may love it, but it seems like a massive channel for eavesdropping.

…think of it as an evolution of Google Search and "OK Google," with a bit of added functionality like smart home controls, remembering things, and an open API developers can plug into. However, don't be surprised if you notice that Assistant on your phone is still oddly missing some features that Google Search has had for a while, like recognizing songs, reading messages, and adding items to specific Google Keep lists. The hope is that when Assistant launches on non-Pixels this week, it will truly replace Google Search and not lack any commands users have been issuing for years, or disappointment will ensue.
Unless of course your phone's OEM assistant wants to be prioritized over Google's. They'll they'll bicker back and forth over it before opening the OEM store and OEM browser and encouraging you to download their update that disables or hides it.
Unless of course your phone's OEM assistant wants to be prioritized over Google's. They'll they'll bicker back and forth over it before opening the OEM store and OEM browser and encouraging you to download their update that disables or hides it.

God that was such a pain trying to get "ok google" working on my Note 4. You can't disable or remove the Samsung voice assistant at all, and it fights with Google over control of the mic (it randomly flips between the 2, so "ok google" worked sometimes but not every time).

The Note 4 was especially frustrating because I had also paid $200 for the GearVR (it wasn't free at the time) and you HAD to use the stock rom to get the GearVR to work. Otherwise, I would have just used something AOSP-based and said goodbye to Samsung's crap software.

It finally got to a point (right after the latest OTA broke the GearVR) that I gave up, sold the Note 4, and went back to my Nexus 5, which was like a breath of fresh air.
What's with the one guy with the white hair in the audience that's there like 9 times? That's weird.
I guess it's some odd in-joke...

As for the assistant, it would be nice if it recognized something besides OK google. Gets a little annoying when all your devices respond.
I don't honestly care for these digital assistants. Call me old school but we have pcs on us at all times now connected to the net. Now we can't even just type a request into a search bar or tap the program we want to run? No thanks I am an old grandpa. So if they do force this as long as I can keep it turned off I wont care.
I don't honestly care for these digital assistants. Call me old school but we have pcs on us at all times now connected to the net. Now we can't even just type a request into a search bar or tap the program we want to run? No thanks I am an old grandpa. So if they do force this as long as I can keep it turned off I wont care.

I used to think the same thing. I used it a few times and thought it was kinda lame.. now I use it about 40 times a day. I had to go back to my Samsung S4 for a while and it was excruciating.
The only time I use "ok Google" is while driving to send a text if needed. That's maybe once a month. Otherwise I see no need for it.
The last time i use the voice to text was at work. text the office that i was done with the master bed room an response to was i almost done hooking up a sound system in a new house. She got "im done masturbating in the room and im moving on to the family room" :( now i just type it out!
It would be great except it doesn't really do anything I want it to do and seems just like the search in conversation format with no history.

While it can send texts and hangout messages, ask it to read one to you. Nope.
Ask what was that notification?, nope
Ask it to read your email, nope.
Tell it to set a course for [place], doesn't open maps and do that, doesn't respond with aye captain.

I don't need to tack down some trendy restaurant then make a reservation with open table.