Google Buying Valve?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Charlie Demerjian over at TheInq claims that Google is going to buy Valve “any second now.” Since it isn’t even 6am on the west coast yet, we’ll probably have to wait more than a few seconds to find out if this rumor is true or not.

WELL PLACED SOURCES tell us that Google is going to be buying Valve any second now. If you have to stop and think about why, you probably are not aware of Steam, Valve's amazing content distribution platform. Google Portal may be a nice idea, but that is irrelevant. Google Content Distribution (Beta) however should make just about every other competitor lose several years of sleep, most of their remaining hair, and large gobs of stock price.
Actually I think it'd be awesome if Google bought Valve....Google is def one of my favorite companies. They do alot of thinking outside the box. I also hope that they make an OS to give M$ some competition.
Since this is coming from The Inquirer, I'm going to take it with a grain of salt. I like Valve and Google, but I don't think they would make a good pair. Besides, the Valve-guys are rabidly loyal ex-Microsoft employees from what I've heard. I'm not sure that they would want to be in bed with Google.
I can see it now. All steam games will force you to have ads brought to you by google.
In the coming Microsoft vs. Google apocalypse, I wouldn't want to see Valve on the wrong side.
An upside to this actually happening would be that Valve could have a literally unlimited budget for HL3. yesplz
An upside to this actually happening would be that Valve could have a literally unlimited budget for HL3. yesplz
Catering to that line of thought, they wouldn't spend 10 years making, either. :p
Besides, the Valve-guys are rabidly loyal ex-Microsoft employees from what I've heard. I'm not sure that they would want to be in bed with Google.

Everyone has a price
Say it ant' so! C'mon Valve your one of the few left don't sell out.
yea this could make sense if they promote ads in games begining with steam.
Actually I think it'd be awesome if Google bought Valve....Google is def one of my favorite companies. They do alot of thinking outside the box. I also hope that they make an OS to give M$ some competition.

I thought they did make an os... Or maybe its just a platform? Steam for android? Not exactly steam(to much resources), but a derivative for their phone platform.
I hope not, I think Google is becoming what people don't like.. to big for their britches.
Try to look at it in a different.

If Valve is going to be bought out by someone--and that's a big if, this is the The Inq we're talking about--then who do you want to do the buying? EA? MS?

I'm not saying it's a good thing (although it could be), but I am saying it's not as bad as it could be. Oh well, c'est la vie.
I don't know about this one...

Valve has been doing very well on it own, and to me thatst he reason why they've managed to do great things. They only had to answer to one 'person'.. The consumer. They didn't have someone looking over them, with another agenda.

Mind you, if someone is to buy Valve, I'd much rather see Google there, rather then EA, or Activision... But I'd still rather see Valve as a standalone company.
While I do not necessarily have something against Google, this is one of those things I hope does not go through. But when the big dolla is in front of you, anything can happen I guess. I am hoping if they are going to accept, they at least maintain a decent controlling stake if Google decides to take the general direction askew.
I doubt this rumor... I think it's more likely that Kyle would have sex with Steve wearing a pinata costume. Valve is doing too well on its own to want to sell.
As a consumer, I find steam to be the least objectionable DRM. If I buy a steam game, and can have it installed on my main PC and my laptop, and play it whenever I want. It also doesn't appear to slow the games down, and I don't need an optical drive at all. I just wish it had more appealing content on it.

If I were a company looking to get into game spublishing and digitial distribution of such on the PC, steam is probably the best answer out there, and thus the one I'd prefer to buy.

From valve's persepective, it is a double edged sword. You potentially get a very big payday, but you also don't get to reap the profits directly. Valve hasn't exactly lost money on a game. Google has plenty of cash to develop a game, but you only get to spend it for as long as google thinks you should to produce a game. Google's strengths could allow steam to scale beyond anything valve could do anytime soon, and do it without large capital investment. But that means giving up any revenue steam generates, likely a much smaller slice of the pie. Then of course, once you aren't in control, are you making the games you want anymore aand doing it the way you want to? If not, why stay?

Valve made steam because no publisher wanted to do what they wanted in terms of publishing a game. If valve can sell steam off to someone who they think will run it in the way they intended, I could see that as a way to reduce operational overhead and get an infusion of cash while leaving them to make games the way they want to. An outright sale might see HL3 completed, maybe, but probably would have most of their senior folks runnign out to do independant projects with their windfall from the sale. Bcause if you ahve a pile of money, why shouldn't you be doing what you want the way you want to?
everyone is a fucking fool to trust for any useful news. They are so full of shit.

Even IF this is right, they have been wrong in the past. They are wrong most of the time.
Try to look at it in a different.

If Valve is going to be bought out by someone--and that's a big if, this is the The Inq we're talking about--then who do you want to do the buying? EA? MS?

I'm not saying it's a good thing (although it could be), but I am saying it's not as bad as it could be. Oh well, c'est la vie.

i would rather ms than google.

do you really want your steam games in beta forever?
I'd much like to see Valve on its own, rather than being bought by anyone, can't imagine HL3 on beta forever too :D
AWESOME!!! We're about 3 or 4 buyouts away from a toll after toll internet structure... when google own it all.. watch the price go wooo hoooo gooogle...

no really.. not awesome,.
I thought they did make an os... Or maybe its just a platform? Steam for android? Not exactly steam(to much resources), but a derivative for their phone platform.

They make a mobile OS...i'm talking about a real OS.