Google Chairman: "The Internet Will Disappear"

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Is it just me or do you get creeped out every time you read something this guy says?

At the end of a panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland where his comments were webcast, he was asked for his prediction on the future of the Web. “I will answer very simply that the Internet will disappear,” Schmidt said.
Talk about a misleading quote. Without the context of the next paragraph, it's like you are trying to paint him as a fool.

"There will be so many IP addresses…so many devices, sensors, things that you are wearing, things that you are interacting with that you won’t even sense it,” he explained. “It will be part of your presence all the time. Imagine you walk into a room, and the room is dynamic. And with your permission and all of that, you are interacting with the things going on in the room.”
It will never "disappear" as long as it's tied to fragile software along the endpoints and route, or as long as protectionist laws bought for tens of thousands of dollars (or less) per corrupt politician protect and enable the status quo.
Thats a very misleading quote... I also started thinking about the internet disappearing as if it was going away... next paragraph filled in the much needed information in order to understand the quote. ;)
Ha, I think this article was written for the tech illiterate. Since the proliferation of smartphones the situation he describes is already here!
Talk about a misleading quote. Without the context of the next paragraph, it's like you are trying to paint him as a fool.

Thats a very misleading quote... I also started thinking about the internet disappearing as if it was going away... next paragraph filled in the much needed information in order to understand the quote. ;)

I will forward your complaints to The Hollywood Reporter. Maybe they knew if the headline was "The Internet Will Disappear" people would click the link......before it disappeared. ;)
We will become data pools... the Matrix said batteries, generators of electricity... but we will be generators of data.... for google (Apple, MS, Amazon - name your company). All about the Benjamins, $$$$ this is all that matters at Davos. He is saying that the internet connection becomes a function of "existing". Like breathing or better yet electricity in a house- it is just there - the majority could care less why or how (until it is gone).

Geez, I think I sound like I need a tinfoil hat ;) but it is the logical direction of "modern" societies current technological path.

I hope we can monetize this for the generators (err humans) a la Lanier's thoughts.

Your daily life generate what someone thinks is a good story? They pay you for the data.

I can see good coming from this as well... this mass collection of data can be used to pinpoint and solve/prevent diseases, mental illness, crime (<- already happening by the way). But the price is going to be very high (society wise).
Geez, I think I sound like I need a tinfoil hat ;) but it is the logical direction of "modern" societies current technological path.
I disagree, you don't need one, it's happening a lot now. It'll just grow. Like when I walk into the mall I'll be greeted by some screen or robot telling me what deals are happening at what stores I like. Then log everything about me it can down to what vibes I'm giving off.

They pay you for the data.! They own the data they get on you. You accepted that in the agreement no one reads.

I can see good coming from this as well... this mass collection of data can be used to pinpoint and solve/prevent diseases, mental illness, crime (<- already happening by the way). But the price is going to be very high (society wise).
It'll also solidify the classes. In the future, your only chance to become rich will be the lottery. They're red taping this system up, in my opinion. Just look at the patenting structure in this country.
I can see good coming from this as well... this mass collection of data can be used to pinpoint and solve/prevent diseases, mental illness, crime (<- already happening by the way). But the price is going to be very high (society wise).

Yeah, it's always been the intentions of powerful hands to help solve those problems. Well, eventually they try to look like they give a shit.
Even if taken out of context, it's kinda obvious he cannot mean it in a literal sense, more like "the internet as we know it will disappear".
I kinda miss the times when there was a certain amount of knowledge required to get on the internet. It did seem to keep the casuals at bay and the cute cat pics to a bare minimum.
This is in referrence to emergent mesh networks, but we are a long way off. I can't imagine replacing the current model of the internet, but meshing could certainly augment it given some dense area and sensible protocols are developed to handle the job. The current options are awful and extremely limited (e.g. DTN protocols and p2p protocols like Netsukuku).

Some other problems are slowly becoming significant such as the cost of materials required to build micro electronics going up in price due to the sheer number of devices. (namely copper, silver, and lithium.) Also, as we start shifting data through direct, wireless pathways rather than wired (or fiber), dense usage areas produce a detectable level of heat and static electricity. While the outcome of that is unclear, I bet some non-trivial and unexpected results will arise.
Yeah, basically saying the internet is the next electricity.. BS.. we are at a very real risk of not being able to keep the lights on as a society when you look at it from a time scale of 100s of years.
One of Google's problems is a denial of the present through an unhealthy fixation on a theoretical future. It allows them to fantasize that they've invented things like self-driving cars that can actually drive themselves anywhere, and so on...;)
Definitely don't need the "UN Agency for data protection and security" that was mentioned in the article. Don't like the thought of that at all.