Google Doodle of Caesar Chavez Lays an (Easter) Egg

Get your facts straight please. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a historical fact, not fiction. Please, take the time to find things out before you decide to say what is what.

Don't be silly. It could be a fact, but it is unproven.
I thought it was very brave of Google to do this as you can tell by the backlash. Alot of people, especially white people (Republicans to be precise) took offense to what they did. I thought it was great to honor this man since in some places people are getting the day off for his efforts. I know alot of people will whine about this, but I say go pick some fruit or vegtables for a day to see how messed up they have it even to this day.
Get your facts straight please. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a historical fact, not fiction. Please, take the time to find things out before you decide to say what is what.

What are your thoughts on the prior existence of dinosaurs?
I thought it was very brave of Google to do this as you can tell by the backlash. Alot of people, especially white people (Republicans to be precise) took offense to what they did. I thought it was great to honor this man since in some places people are getting the day off for his efforts. I know alot of people will whine about this, but I say go pick some fruit or vegtables for a day to see how messed up they have it even to this day.

What backlash. People upset isn't going to translate into anything to them. People are so lost as to what the internet is, they cling to brand names. The entire board at Google could be convicted of molesting 5 years olds and people would still cling to Google.

Where did the Republicans = white people crap have anything to do with anything so far? Or did you feel incomplete without constant reminders of the propaganda needed to terrorize minorities from straying from the Democrats?
Google is usually right at the top of their game when celebrating special days with their Google Doodles, but not so this Easter. Google’s decision to honor Cesar Chavez over the celebration of Easter, has been met with controversy, generating negative comments from all corners of the Internet. Yay or Nay on the Chavez doodle?

I don't see what the big deal is.

Zero F's were given in my house. We celebrated by watching The Walking Dead since it's basically the same thing...
I thought it was very brave of Google to do this as you can tell by the backlash. Alot of people, especially white people (Republicans to be precise) took offense to what they did. I thought it was great to honor this man since in some places people are getting the day off for his efforts. I know alot of people will whine about this, but I say go pick some fruit or vegtables for a day to see how messed up they have it even to this day.

Your a moron and obviously a minority of sorts with the typical chip on the shoulder. People like you need dictators in order to achieve anything as you cant under your own gumption.

I'm curious what influence Chavez had to help propel Google to where it is today.
Don't be silly. It could be a fact, but it is unproven.

No, it is a historically provable fact just as WWII and the holocaust is. The fact that someone does not want to think something happened does not mean it did not happen. (Jesus the Christ is also a real person, not some fictional character.)
I thought it was very brave of Google to do this as you can tell by the backlash. Alot of people, especially white people (Republicans to be precise) took offense to what they did. I thought it was great to honor this man since in some places people are getting the day off for his efforts. I know alot of people will whine about this, but I say go pick some fruit or vegtables for a day to see how messed up they have it even to this day.

I really do not care what Google does since I no longer use them and have not for about 1 year. Brave it is not, just silly and stupid.
Maybe you should learn to read things in context. I specifically stated I had no issue with the man himself and I know exactly what he did. What I did say was insignificant was this particular birthday. 86 is of no relevance for anything in this world to point it out. As someone previously stated, maybe if it were his 85th (which, to me, is still not near as significant as 75 or 100) birthday it would hold more relevance. I don't care if t was Abraham Lincoln or Benjamin Franklin. 86 is of no relevance.
The issue isn't context it's your ignorance over the significance of March 31st to Californians.

If you had bothered to look it up like I suggested instead of digging your heels in to try and prove a nonsensical point you would have learned it's our state holiday. So whether you feel Cezar Chavez Day is a significant day to celebrate or not is immaterial to whether Google (headquartered in California) thinks it so (and President Obama for that matter).

You might have also learned that Chavez himself was a Roman Catholic and would have been observing Easter had he been alive.

I doubt you knew these facts when you posted your response.
What are your thoughts on the prior existence of dinosaurs?

They existed, no doubt about that. (Scripture even points that out.) Most, however, from what I understand, were destroyed in the world wide flood.
Source of this information?

His source is, the bible says god is real. And how is god real you may ask? Because the bible says so

I love religious logic... no facts, just a cult. Can we go back to The Walking Dead plz, Daryl just killed the walking jesus that came to life
Of course Jesus existed. Was he the son of Was he a good and influential person....yes.
Get your facts straight please. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a historical fact, not fiction. Please, take the time to find things out before you decide to say what is what.

exactly, it is also historical fact that jesus was a socialist.
The issue isn't context it's your ignorance over the significance of March 31st to Californians.

If you had bothered to look it up like I suggested instead of digging your heels in to try and prove a nonsensical point you would have learned it's our state holiday. So whether you feel Cezar Chavez Day is a significant day to celebrate or not is immaterial to whether Google (headquartered in California) thinks it so (and President Obama for that matter).

You might have also learned that Chavez himself was a Roman Catholic and would have been observing Easter had he been alive.

I doubt you knew these facts when you posted your response.

I know exactly who the man is, what he did and his importance to labor unions and the hispanic community. I live in Texas so I am just as familiar with him as you are because it's a state holiday here as well. Besides, even had I not known, it's far too easy to Wiki him to find out before I start spewing information I may be wrong about.

It's still immaterial to the fact that google decided to celebrate his birthday (an insignificant 86th at that) instead of the day itself. Here let me point out the fact that they were celebrating his birthday and not the day itself:

Even if they had decided to celebrate the day itself, the particular day it fell on this year, Easter Sunday, was in bad taste, at least to the majority of America.
If you're not a Christian, then it would make sense to celebrate Cesar Chavez day in light of the Resurrection.

In the light of the Resurrection? No, they were celebrating his birthday in the light of the fact that he was born on that day.

Sorry, but Christians don't own the world. It wasn't Easter everywhere.
In the light of the Resurrection? No, they were celebrating his birthday in the light of the fact that he was born on that day.

Sorry, but Christians don't own the world. It wasn't Easter everywhere.

But why 86? It's not a significant year, as was posted earlier.
Get your facts straight please. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a historical fact, not fiction. Please, take the time to find things out before you decide to say what is what.

your fairy tale book has as much truth as game of thrones series or Harry Potter book :rolleyes: although they have dragons so i'll give them that ;)
Eh, whatever. If you care that much about what a search engine makes their page look like, I think you should take a step back. Besides, it's a company. Respecting everyone's beliefs should be a priority, not just Christianities beliefs.

I second the no fucks given.
But why 86? It's not a significant year, as was posted earlier.

Why not? Maybe someone at Google said "hey did you guys realize that Chevaz's birthday is coming up?" "Really? Lets make a doodle page for him" "Sounds like fun, lets get right on it". Why wait until the next generation of Google employees make the doodle? What's so magical about the number 50 or 100?

As for all those who demand respect for Christianity, I don't think so. This nation shows absolute contempt for the world's largest religion - Islam. Practice what you preach.
Sorry, but Christians don't own the world. It wasn't Easter everywhere.
The most humorous thing is that it wasn't even Easter everywhere for all Christians...but the people taking issue with this are unsurprisingly exhibiting ethnocentrism. It's an extremely tiny vocal population that doesn't accurately represent Christian belief or values.
Why not? Maybe someone at Google said "hey did you guys realize that Chevaz's birthday is coming up?" "Really? Lets make a doodle page for him" "Sounds like fun, lets get right on it". Why wait until the next generation of Google employees make the doodle? What's so magical about the number 50 or 100?

As for all those who demand respect for Christianity, I don't think so. This nation shows absolute contempt for the world's largest religion - Islam. Practice what you preach.

It just seems silly and is quite possible that it was intended to drum up controversy. I don't really celebrate Easter too much, and this doesn't offend me, but it seems like a "statement".
It just seems silly and is quite possible that it was intended to drum up controversy. I don't really celebrate Easter too much, and this doesn't offend me, but it seems like a "statement".

All I did this weekend was eat my daughter's Easter candy and watched the original Trilogy of Star Wars and Life of Pi. I didn't go to church. Have I offended anyone? :-P

It's only a statement if you want to find it to be one. Personally I think the conservatives are particularly sensitive about it right now because there's a liberal in the White House. You can't deny that. It's all over Facebook for the past 5 years.
I'm not sure why I would want it to be a statement, I'm no conservative nor am I particularly religious. I don't even find Chavez to be a distateful person.
As for all those who demand respect for Christianity, I don't think so. This nation shows absolute contempt for the world's largest religion - Islam. Practice what you preach.

Not that I give two shits about either religion, just to be your antagonist there, Islam is not the largest religion in the world. I won't even bother to provide a link because every relevant link on the first page clearly states this. Also, since the Unites States is a majority Christian nation, you are aware of the past relevance between these two religions right? Neither one respects the other.

Now, on the other hand, I'm with you.....where is the kids basket so I can raid their candy. I can do that while they watch Rise of the Guardians. Haha, another topic of fairly tale characters, woohoo. Here comes the boogeyman.
Now, I may be wrong, but doesn't Google try to do something different for each day for their doodles? Don't they try NOT to make the same doodle for the same day each year? I figured it was some form of attempt to raise awareness of all kinds of significant and relatively insignificant historical dates and factoids. If so, then the fact that they had an Easter doodle up years ago mean they did honor the holiday already?
Not that I give two shits about either religion, just to be your antagonist there, Islam is not the largest religion in the world. I won't even bother to provide a link because every relevant link on the first page clearly states this. Also, since the Unites States is a majority Christian nation, you are aware of the past relevance between these two religions right? Neither one respects the other.

Now, on the other hand, I'm with you.....where is the kids basket so I can raid their candy. I can do that while they watch Rise of the Guardians. Haha, another topic of fairly tale characters, woohoo. Here comes the boogeyman.

My mother in law got some candy for myself and my wife, including these 3 pound chocolate eggs that were filled with buttercream. FILLED.

After a few bites, I felt like I had diabetes setting in.
They existed, no doubt about that. (Scripture even points that out.) Most, however, from what I understand, were destroyed in the world wide flood.

So if I am to understand your post, you believe that scripture is "fact", as in, if it's in the bible, it's a fact because the bible was God's word, given to mankind through prophets and the deciples of Jesus Christ and, therefore, cannot be wrong. Correct?
So if I am to understand your post, you believe that scripture is "fact", as in, if it's in the bible, it's a fact because the bible was God's word, given to mankind through prophets and the deciples of Jesus Christ and, therefore, cannot be wrong. Correct?

You asked, I told you.
My mother in law got some candy for myself and my wife, including these 3 pound chocolate eggs that were filled with buttercream. FILLED.

After a few bites, I felt like I had diabetes setting in.

The Cadbury ones? Oh man, I think I can feel my teeth melting when I bite into those! :eek:
Not that I give two shits about either religion, just to be your antagonist there, Islam is not the largest religion in the world. I won't even bother to provide a link because every relevant link on the first page clearly states this. Also, since the Unites States is a majority Christian nation, you are aware of the past relevance between these two religions right? Neither one respects the other.

Now, on the other hand, I'm with you.....where is the kids basket so I can raid their candy. I can do that while they watch Rise of the Guardians. Haha, another topic of fairly tale characters, woohoo. Here comes the boogeyman.

Whether Christian is the largest or the smallest has no bearing whatsoever. We're supposed to be a melting pot. The Christian Right has forgotten that - or chose to ignore the fact.

As for the largest - it appears you're correct. Islam is a close second largest according to the United Nations - but it is the fastest growing, while Christianity is in a slight decline.

And I bought those candy, so I can eat them whenever I want :-P
And I bought those candy, so I can eat them whenever I want :-P

It was the Easter Bunny, I'm telling you. He sneaked into your house and did his magic to make you think you bought all that candy! He's a sneaky one.:p