Google Drops Bid for DoD JEDI Program


Mar 3, 2018
Following a promise to keep their AI out of weapons, Google dropped out of the Pentagon's $10 billion cloud contract competition. The Department of Defense's Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure cloud will need to handle massive amounts of sensitive data, and competitors are supposed to deliver proposals via DVD just 3 days from now.

"Had the JEDI contract been open to multiple vendors, we would have submitted a compelling solution for portions of it,” the Google spokesman said. “Google Cloud believes that a multi-cloud approach is in the best interest of government agencies, because it allows them to choose the right cloud for the right workload."
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I hope Oracle wins. That will be a fireworks show of outages and security holes worth busting the popcorn out for.
I hope Oracle wins. That will be a fireworks show of outages and security holes worth busting the popcorn out for.
not gonna matter much who gets the contract, dumb user will find a way to mess it up even if its "secure"
I hope Oracle wins. That will be a fireworks show of outages and security holes worth busting the popcorn out for.
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Crap like this is how China will overtake us. I understand standing by the principle of not wanting to 'do evil' by extension of having your tech possibly involved in hurting people. But humanity is full of a**holes that want to control everything and those a**holes aren't often on your side. So you do what you must to stay ahead of the game.
Crap like this is how China will overtake us. I understand standing by the principle of not wanting to 'do evil' by extension of having your tech possibly involved in hurting people. But humanity is full of a**holes that want to control everything and those a**holes aren't often on your side. So you do what you must to stay ahead of the game.
Not to mention their work on a china specific search engine.
Crap like this is how China will overtake us. I understand standing by the principle of not wanting to 'do evil' by extension of having your tech possibly involved in hurting people. But humanity is full of a**holes that want to control everything and those a**holes aren't often on your side. So you do what you must to stay ahead of the game.

Not sure what this is supposed to mean? As if Google is the only company in the world that could pull this off? How is China's policies somehow better off in this sense? China is far more strict about what businesses can do, especially when working for the government. Is being more strict somehow more conducive to faster and better R&D?
Not sure what this is supposed to mean? As if Google is the only company in the world that could pull this off? How is China's policies somehow better off in this sense? China is far more strict about what businesses can do, especially when working for the government. Is being more strict somehow more conducive to faster and better R&D?

It means that our delicate mindsets can't seem to understand that DoD stuff is necessary. It means that Google's already been working on this stuff for DoD and now someone else has to reinvent that part of Google's wheel to catch up to where they were at. Or at least until the next set of snowflakes bitches about their tech being in DoD hands.
As to China's policies? You mean totalitarian "you will work for the PRC or else"? And by extension having just about any resource at their disposal they could possibly need? You mean that policy? As opposed to the ability to pull out of gov't work at will...
No, not for a second am I saying companies should be force labor. Simply that we as a people need to get our heads on straight or start teaching Mandarin in schools as a primary language.
BTW, the link in the OP is incorrect.

It means that our delicate mindsets can't seem to understand that DoD stuff is necessary. It means that Google's already been working on this stuff for DoD and now someone else has to reinvent that part of Google's wheel to catch up to where they were at. Or at least until the next set of snowflakes bitches about their tech being in DoD hands.

First, the DoD rarely leaves anything in the hands of one company.
Secondly, they dropped out of competition for the contract. They weren't already developing the technology. The contract has not even been awarded yet.
Third, companies have dropped out of contract bids before because of perceived ethical issues. However, in this case, I believe Google dropped out because they were likely losing to Amazon anyway. Amazon already has a huge presence in the DoD which Google does not. This way Google saves face and looks better to some of their more skittish employees and customers.

As to China's policies? You mean totalitarian "you will work for the PRC or else"? And by extension having just about any resource at their disposal they could possibly need? You mean that policy? As opposed to the ability to pull out of gov't work at will...
No, not for a second am I saying companies should be force labor. Simply that we as a people need to get our heads on straight or start teaching Mandarin in schools as a primary language.

How does that help China, that was my question? Google has no obligation to work for China or do anything for them. They choose to because of the money they are given and because of the circumstance. Creating a massive firewall to block information is not the same as being asked to create an algorithm that may be used as a weapon. I am also confused how apparently China's way is somehow now superior to the USA's way. Btw, the US government is quite explicit in its language for contracts. If a company does something for the government, that product belongs to the government. I just don't get your comparison here.
This is good news, Google is evil and we don't want evil companies working with our upstanding DoD. Go Azure! :rolleyes:
So working with the Pentagon might “conflict with corporate values”, but they will happily work with China on censoring search results. I just want to make sure I am clear on how this works.
This. They should just admit being anti America and be done with it.
Google hasn't been doing well lately with the security breach, closing Google plus and refusing to testify at the senate hearing. Dropping out of JEDI is a way for them to save face. They knew they wouldn't win and now they can say that they weren't interested.
Very hypocritical of Google, imo. Most of their IP (including Android and ChromeOS) is already in the hands of the China CMC, thanks to most of the manufacturing taking place over there and being controlled by the Chinese government...
Very hypocritical of Google, imo. Most of their IP (including Android and ChromeOS) is already in the hands of the China CMC, thanks to most of the manufacturing taking place over there and being controlled by the Chinese government...

all about the money

americans don't care about doing shady business with China. Press has taught them to be angry about 'Russia', and only 'Russia'
Seeing how Googles corporate values allows them to help the communist Chinese similar to how IBM helped the socialist Nazis makes me think that we are just fine keeping Google as far away from our government as we can.
So working with the Pentagon might “conflict with corporate values”, but they will happily work with China on censoring search results. I just want to make sure I am clear on how this works.
They fact they will bow to China makes this a good thing.