Google Employee Loses Prototype Phone In A Bar

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Phone lost in a bar? Better send in the secret Google police...oh wait, they did. Just wait until Apple hears that Google is infringing on its patent to lose phones in bars. :eek:

“Dave sort of freaked out. [He said] ‘Google lost a phone. You just got a guy fired…The Google police are coming,’” Barton recalled to the tech magazine. “I probably shouldn’t have shown it to him. But I did. He didn’t work for Google, but Google had him pretty worked up. They told him he could be an accessory or something.”
Sounds like Google is turning more into Apple :p

Whatever happened to the Nexus Q?
No... Apple should bide it's time until Google tries to get police action then sue for the obscure design similiarities, lost phone marketing, and the way to retrieve phone with government money.
I'm just waiting for them to put "You are not allowed to take prototype phones into a bar" into their contracts.
I'm just waiting for them to put "You are not allowed to take prototype phones into a bar" into their contracts.
I'm surprised that wasn't already a requirement for employees working on prototypes. It seems like common sense.
I couldn't count the amount of times I've been nearly blackout drunk at a bar/club/event and never left my phone behind, let alone a prototype. This shit has to be intentional.
I couldn't count the amount of times I've been nearly blackout drunk at a bar/club/event and never left my phone behind, let alone a prototype. This shit has to be intentional.

Not everyone is like us. My ex-wife could never find her keys, even 5 minutes after she walked into the house. Go figure. :confused:
I'm a little skeptical. Bits of the story don't add up.

First, the bartender admits that people lose their phones all the time. So, does he show every phone he finds to his "tech-industry expert" friend? Was that guy there when he found the phone, or did he make a note to show the locked phone to the guy when he saw him next?

How did the guy immediately recognize it as a yet to be released phone? I'm fairly up to date on phones but I doubt I could identify every phone on sale right now, much less a prototype. How do you even get in touch with Google to let them know you found a phone?

And as much fun as it is to talk about a secret police working for google, it seems odd that they'd offer a free phone in exchange for keeping things quiet if the guys were as shaken as they claimed to be. In particular, "he felt he was being harassed" but he doesn't describe why?

What the story shows, without the touch ups, is that these guys told Google they had their phone. Google sent a guy who couldn't prove he worked for Google, so they followed up by sending a suit that had the requested proof. And then offered a phone in exchange for keeping it quiet, but they decided instead to sell the story.

My own interpretation from the article is the "tech expert" tried to ransom the phone first, which is what got him shaken when Google's people threatened legal action, then they decided to sell the story to get some cash out of the whole deal anyway. It just doesn't make much sense otherwise.
No LTE, glass back, gets lost in a bar. The [strike=]iPhone[/s] Nexus 4.
I love the way all these tech companies are endlessly losing phones in bars. Seems like a great place to work.
LOL, if someone forgot a prototype phone that I found and Google or Apple called me up and started threatening me with legal action, that phone would break the sound barrier somewhere in their large intestine.
As the late Steve Jobs said "We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas". Seems like Google is not shy about steal great ideas too!
One day we're going to see a "a beta tester and a smartphone walks into a bar" joke.
Did you all hear the one about a guy who walked into a bar with a prototype phone... :D