Google Execs Convicted in Italy, Sentenced To Jail

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Three Google executives were convicted by an Italian court of invasion of privacy and sentenced to six months in jail. The case stems from a 2006 incident in which kids uploaded a clip (to Google video) of them bullying a classmate with Down's syndrome.

The three were sentenced to six months in jail after being convicted of invasion of privacy, the judge said. A fourth executive was found not guilty.
Is there more to this? Did the google execs do something illegal or are they just being blamed for having control over google video?
This is just more evidence to add to my case "Italians hate Google" This does not however affect my case "Germans Love David Hasselhoff"


There's a clause in the American system which is the, what do they call it, the free carrier company or something? Its the dont-shoot-the-messenger clause in the court system. I figured it existed in one form or another everywhere, evidently Italy never got the memo.

Yeah this is just... facepalm. Tragic facepalm if these execs actually end up spending time in prison :p
Surprising no one has compared this to the plight of torrent sites yet. You could almost play madlibs with that article.


There's a clause in the American system which is the, what do they call it, the free carrier company or something? Its the dont-shoot-the-messenger clause in the court system. I figured it existed in one form or another everywhere, evidently Italy never got the memo.

Yeah this is just... facepalm. Tragic facepalm if these execs actually end up spending time in prison :p

has anyone respected Italy? honestly they lost their respect back in WWII.. its just typical EU bullcrap.. they hate the fact that they cant control everything thus they invent these bullshit laws out of no where just so they can say they are controlling something..

these exec's will never see the inside of a cell.. it will be another 2-3 years of google appealing this bogus ruling, which they should be.. not to mention these guys will never have to go to jail.. the US isnt going to extradite them to Italy.. so the Italian government will file a warrant for their arrest and they will never be able to visit Italy for the rest of their lives.. big deal..

btw thank you for the cnet link space ranger..
I found a picture of the bully!


But seriously, has the court gone after the parents of the bully? I haven't seen a stitch of news in relation to the punishment of the parents or the bully that did this. I don't understand how the culpability of the crime gets passed onto Google. Next week they'll be on trial for a murder video uploaded.
So what you're saying is Italy has a messed up justice system? Yeah, we didn't know that already...
They received suspended sentences. I believe that means they're not actually going to jail, and that this sentence is essentially a way of setting legal precedent.

Still a crappy decision.
Retarded justice system indeed. They didn't want to look like mean bad bullies themselves by going after the kids who uploaded the video so instead they go after high-profile people. How freaking stupid is that??? :rolleyes:
Wow, I wonder what vid they were talking abouut, they should throw every single website that host vid in jail than. it is prob everywhere now
I am Italian, and I can tell you my country is the worst piece of sh.t in politics and the justice system. We are in urgent need of a major refactoring in those systems.

You should see a courtroom while in process. It's like a circus. My justice system is neither fair nor just.

Let me get this straight.

1) Kids make fun of another kid with down
2) Kids upload video to google video
3) Italian law on anti privacy and non consent from parties of videos kicks in
4) Execs are out playing golf and doing business stuff, have nothing to do with uploading or server management
5) Execs accused of anti privacy law 0_o
6) Execs agree to take down video and cooperate
7) Italian judge finds them guilty

Now i am not in agreement with this ruling what so ever, but the targets should have been the system administrators and now the execs. IN REALITY THIS CASE SHOULD NEVER HAVE EXISTED!
Last month Google pulled out of China.
This month Google pulls out of Italy.
Who's next on their list?
I am Italian, and I can tell you my country is the worst piece of sh.t in politics and the justice system. We are in urgent need of a major refactoring in those systems.

You should see a courtroom while in process. It's like a circus. My justice system is neither fair nor just.

Shhh, careful, don't let the mafioso see this.
Italy, the land of zero justice (and pussy military).

Woo Woo. Guess where I'm never going.
Wow, what an epic failure of a "justice" system.

Note to self: add Italy to list of countries to destroy if I come to power.
Wow, that's messed up!

That would be like imprisoning the civil engineers who designed the interstate highways because some drunk driver happened to plow into a minivan and kill a family of four.
The convictions just mean that the judge and the prosecutor did not receive the bribe money before the bullshit charges were filed. The suspended sentences mean that the crooks received the bribes later.
Here's a fun game for google to play; and they are big enough to get away with it.

step 1: Country unjustifiably attacks google or any of the subsidiaries. (such as this case or China's)

step 2: Google redirects any user coming from this country to a page telling them they are not allowed to use google/youtube/ect because the policies of their country conflict with the idea of free speach. Also give the people attempting to get to these pages as much contact info as possible for the government agency that created this problem (note: don't do this with China/NK, they will just kill anyone that questions the government).

outcome a: Government reconsiders their policy, google opens their doors back up, everyone is happy.

outcome b: Government refuses to back down and citizens revolt.

outcome c: Everyone in oppressed countries stop using google/gmail/youtube. (haha, right)

step 3: PROFIT! (hey, legal defenses and settlements get expensive)
The biggest question I've had from all this is. If a company is based in the US and their servers are in the US. How can some other country have any legal claim against them? Doesn't that company just have to abide by the laws of the country they and their equipment is in?

Like if I was hosting a site from my home in Texas that was accessible by anyone in the world and what I was doing violated Italy's, EU, Japan's privacy laws but not the US's laws. I'd assume I could simply give them the proverbial finger
Why? They're probably the only ones that can deliver anything resembling justice...

Sure, if your idea of justice is standing in a bucket of wet concrete until it sets and getting pushed off a dock - but not before they give you an Italian necktie as a farewell gift.
This just in:

Researchers have determined that, not only can lead poisoning lead to brain damage, but it can also be passed down to your descendants for a minimum of 2000 to 2500 years.
This just in:

Researchers have determined that, not only can lead poisoning lead to brain damage, but it can also be passed down to your descendants for a minimum of 2000 to 2500 years.

Na, it just skipped 50 generations ;)
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
What's even more suspicious about this case:
According to the Cnet article that Space_Ranger so helpfully linked to, Google notes that there is a specific process outlined in EU law that addresses this very situation:
"European Union law was drafted specifically to give hosting providers a safe harbor from liability so long as they remove illegal content once they are notified of its existence."

Also note that the kid being bullied has autism, not Down's syndrome.
The entire infrastructure of Italy is corrupt. The citizens are basically living under the rule of the italian crime bosses who control everything from the garbage removal and politicians, to the football clubs. One bribe, charges gone no jail time. I guess they shouldnt have pissed someone off to begin with, and i highly doubt whatever they did has anything to do with a video. Extortion sucks when you refuse to pay and they are the government.
Who the hell bullies a kid with downs syndrome? I mean c'mon, that's too easy. At least go for the fat kid or the slow learner, but targeting the downie? There's no competition there.
Thank God I live in a country that is not Euro-socialist EU crap and I get judged by a jury of my peers and not just some random judge making a decree.


Let me get this straight.

1) Kids make fun of another kid with down
2) Kids upload video to google video
3) Italian law on anti privacy and non consent from parties of videos kicks in
4) Execs are out playing golf and doing business stuff, have nothing to do with uploading or server management
5) Execs accused of anti privacy law 0_o
6) Execs agree to take down video and cooperate
7) Italian judge finds them guilty

Now i am not in agreement with this ruling what so ever, but the targets should have been the system administrators and now the execs. IN REALITY THIS CASE SHOULD NEVER HAVE EXISTED!
Wow, that's messed up!

That would be like imprisoning the civil engineers who designed the interstate highways because some drunk driver happened to plow into a minivan and kill a family of four.

like... OJ Simpson...

What's even more suspicious about this case:
According to the Cnet article that Space_Ranger so helpfully linked to, Google notes that there is a specific process outlined in EU law that addresses this very situation:
"European Union law was drafted specifically to give hosting providers a safe harbor from liability so long as they remove illegal content once they are notified of its existence."

Also note that the kid being bullied has autism, not Down's syndrome.
This is an Italy thing, not an EU thing. Italy are known for being corrupt. They can probably appeal to the EU courts over this because the Google-Italy did everything they legally have to, ie pulled it once they were informed.
Such bullshit, aside from doing their duty in filtering out what they can, they are by no means the primary responsible people! Do we jail the gun makes for making it possible for them to kill people? Do we jail owners of rave clubs because they foster drug addicts? weak
Thank God I live in a country that is not Euro-socialist EU crap and I get judged by a jury of my peers and not just some random judge making a decree.

This has nothing to do with Euro Socialism, this is Italy an old country which needs some major refactoring all-around.