Google Fights Back Against Critic

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
So Google is a bit miffed over an article that claimed the company uses 21 times more bandwidth than it pays for. The search giant has fired back and the whole thing is getting downright dirty.

The report that Mr. Cleland issued today -- alleging that Google is somehow unfairly consuming network bandwidth -- is just the latest in what one blogger called his "payola punditry." Not surprisingly, in his zeal to score points in the net neutrality debate, he made significant methodological and factual errors that undermine his report's conclusions.
That is going to leave a mark. :D

Got to give a hand to Google for not pulling any punches.
Perhaps if Google and other search services would clean their data banks of dead links and stop balancing who paid how much for add placement by the needs of the user things might be a bit less clogged.

Time for some Drano; the net could use a good enema.
Cleland's report is so full of fail it isn't even funny.

He is doing statistical analysis that requires years of education and the assistance of very expensive modeling software to do right, and he just used basic math and excel. WTF?

You can tell he has no statistical background to speak of because he does intensely stupid things like estimates the rate of change in Google market share for Video-to-PC over the past year and then applies that rate without any adjustments as an estimate for the next 2.5 years. Never mind that a freaking third grader could intuit that the closer your market share gets to 100% the slower it HAS to grow. Proper modeling allows for really simple and obvious stuff like this.

This is not a minor mistake either. It is one of those "I see this and can immediately declare the entire report to be complete crap." kind of mistakes. This is because it is the kind of error that even people with no formal statistical training can, and do, easily catch. If the person preparing the report didn't catch the error then he is either to stupid to listen to or he is a biased liar intentionally trying to mislead readers (which is clearly the case). Either way, when you see an error like that it is best to just disregard absolutely everything in the report.
I was reading the comments on this post, someone said if you look at his chart. He extrapolates that Google will have 130% of the Video-To-PC marketshare. Not a 130% increase, 130% of the market share. DOH:rolleyes:
Good for Google on this one. I don't know a lot about a lot when it comes to this stuff...but from what I have read this guy seems like an idiot. haha

Google pwnz0red u my friend PAYS for bandwith? I thought they were the internet, I didnt think there was a highe tier to go to, they are the website, the ISP, the server, they are all.

Google i had thought was the equivalent to god, there isnt supposed to be a higher power, like someone giving THEM bandwith, i would think Google could somehow make and use it's own bandwith,.....or something....
Going up against Google is like going up against the mafia these days... You may end up with a pair of cement-shoes.

Beware the Google mafia!
If I'd have written that as a university paper I'd have been thrown off my course, without even getting into the poorly reasoned arguements and 5th grade statistical sampling, it's barely literate.

I want to know which fricking schools keep churning out this constant stream of people that write with a 'business' style. That's 'business' as in "My cognitive reasoning and standard of english is so poor I cannot ellucidate a point; instead I will mask my illiteracy with excessive verbiage and circular reasoning in the hope that my audience falls asleep or gets confused, thereby defaulting to a default level of believing I am smarter than them. So, not willing to risk exposing their own foibles they will just nod the fuck along and miss the point, the one that says that I'M A F'ING MORON"

It grates. Good work on people for calling this one guy on it. Now there's just 95% of the remaining corporate world to go.
If I'd have written that as a university paper I'd have been thrown off my course, without even getting into the poorly reasoned arguements and 5th grade statistical sampling, it's barely literate.

I want to know which fricking schools keep churning out this constant stream of people that write with a 'business' style. That's 'business' as in "My cognitive reasoning and standard of english is so poor I cannot ellucidate a point; instead I will mask my illiteracy with excessive verbiage and circular reasoning in the hope that my audience falls asleep or gets confused, thereby defaulting to a default level of believing I am smarter than them. So, not willing to risk exposing their own foibles they will just nod the fuck along and miss the point, the one that says that I'M A F'ING MORON"

It grates. Good work on people for calling this one guy on it. Now there's just 95% of the remaining corporate world to go.

I laughed my ass off at this post. If we did rep points on this board, I'd hit you.
It doesn't matter that google uses more bandwidth than it pays for, whatever that dumb metric is supposed to mean. The other end of the connection also pays for Internet service, and last I checked, ISPs were still making money.