Google Gives Workers $1K Cash Bonus + 10% Raise

Schweet. Someday soon I may throw my hat in the ring to work for em...if I continue to work for others, that is.
This. Every person I know who works for Google is frighteningly smart, and most of them have or are working on PhDs. Hell, I know a guy who has a degree from Harvard Business and was a VP at Goldman Sachs who was turned down by Google because his GPA was too low.

damn so I got no chance :(
yeah 1/3 ... fat fingers and no edit button FTL ... :)

Thats pretty good. Our company laid off about 3/4 with more slated for next year. Whoohoo! But hey, nevermind that the work load hasn't dropped too much so now everyone has to work a whole lot more (with pay cuts, no overtime allowed, and mandatory "vacation"). Nevermind the work quality and timliness has suffered significantly. Lets just keep the shareholders happy, they are all that matters.
This. Every person I know who works for Google is frighteningly smart, and most of them have or are working on PhDs. Hell, I know a guy who has a degree from Harvard Business and was a VP at Goldman Sachs who was turned down by Google because his GPA was too low.
You sure it wasn't because of the bad reputation from Goldman Sachs?
Damn, that's pretty awesome of them to do for all those workers.

Well, all except one!

The company didn't take kindly to workers spreading news of their windfall. Google CEO Eric Schmidt's memo was leaked late Tuesday to Business Insider. Within hours, the company notified its staff that it had terminated the leaker, several sources told CNNMoney. Google's spokesman declined to comment on the issue.


Good job, Google.

Good job indeed!
I don't understand firing someone for the "leaking" of this memo. Of all the innocuous things to "leak" is the fact that 25,000 people got a raise at your company. Were you expecting to keep that a secret??
If the leaked memo was flagged for "internal use only" then yes termination would be a likely repercussion. We get "internal use" memos all the time about corporate business, earning and such, that are not publically released for a day or two later.
The company I'm with has not given across the board pay raises since Q2 2007.
I don't understand firing someone for the "leaking" of this memo. Of all the innocuous things to "leak" is the fact that 25,000 people got a raise at your company. Were you expecting to keep that a secret??

Well, for one, they violated confidentiality. If your employer explicitly states "this is confidential, don't tell anyone" and you tell someone, does it really matter what it was? How could the company trust you to not leak other confidential information?

Second, there is also a bit of a security aspect with the cash bonus. Having, say, $10 million in cash kicking around on a single evening would make the mountain view campus quite the target for muggers and thieves.
oh its been said. also google is all about secrets so its probably heavily in their contract already they would be fired.
I was generalizing, insert which ever US car manufacturer you deem necessary. I used Ford because they held their ground and did not take any TARP funds, or did not declare bankruptcy and allow the tax payer to correct their mistakes. I used BA because they turned a profit during a "recession" even with losses in Mortgage and credit areas. They both must be doing something right. However the current mood is that "big business" or "mega corporations" must make no outward show of paying back their employees for a good job, cant' have that!

I guess I figured the regulars would have caught that.

Only problem people would have with Ford GM or the other car makers pay their employees is that a monkey on an assembly line doesn't deserve $40/hr ever! Its not skilled labor, at least Google employees are.
Forwarded to my boss. Ehem.....Hint-Hint
((waiting patiently));)
And all they had to do to afford it was sell off a few million names, phone numbers and archived search records. Neato!
Yeah.... have you seen their stock price lately?

I was so going to buy in the $390s.... (kicks self)

Stock market,stock market... man I could have made some cheddarrr on a few I eyed ):
damn 10% company wide? that's a low of money, and quite an investment. IN addition to the $1k cash. Do you think it's straight cash homie or is it a check?
Yeah.... have you seen their stock price lately?

I was so going to buy in the $390s.... (kicks self)

Stock market,stock market... man I could have made some cheddarrr on a few I eyed ):

damn $622. fuck, that's a lot of money
damn 10% company wide? that's a low of money, and quite an investment. IN addition to the $1k cash. Do you think it's straight cash homie or is it a check?

Its a dope fly funky fresh check homes. Nobody uses straight up no trippin' cash these days, yo. Word. Eaaiight. Know what I'm saying, gee?
damn 10% company wide? that's a low of money, and quite an investment. IN addition to the $1k cash. Do you think it's straight cash homie or is it a check?

If it's like my company's bonuses (which I think is pretty standard wherever you go), it will be direct deposited as if it were any other paycheck, with taxes and any voluntary deductions (401k, health savings accounts, etc), plus any deductions for insurance. A $1000 bonus usually is "only" around $700 for me. Not complaining!
If it's like my company's bonuses (which I think is pretty standard wherever you go), it will be direct deposited as if it were any other paycheck, with taxes and any voluntary deductions (401k, health savings accounts, etc), plus any deductions for insurance. A $1000 bonus usually is "only" around $700 for me. Not complaining!

Yep, but in this case, Google is grossing up the holiday bonus and paying for the taxes so the take-home pay exclusive of employee deductions (like 401k or ESPP) is actually $1,000.
Glad to see someone is still appreciating their employees, though this still doesn't compete with the article posted last year around this time. A company was sold by the owners, and each employee got a share (~30k) of the money earned from the article.
Yep, but in this case, Google is grossing up the holiday bonus and paying for the taxes so the take-home pay exclusive of employee deductions (like 401k or ESPP) is actually $1,000.

Considering the tax situation for each of its employees is different because of marital status, dependents, and claimed withholdings, I find that hard to believe.