Google Glass - $1500

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Holy crap 4 pages already, you guys must really love Googleass to pay $1,500 for it.
back on topic, other than becoming a voyeur pervert, what else can i do with this?
Here's an unofficial list of ...

why don't you post the terms of service for the glass?

i can't believe people are dumbed down to the point they would actually pay google $1500 or whatever to become their spy robots, lol, it's ridiculous
back on topic, other than becoming a voyeur pervert, what else can i do with this?

It could / can be an efficient interface to your phone. That's what is really missing. There was once a time when everyone kept a pocket watch that they had to gracefully pull out of their pocket to check. At some point most people gave up on that and moved to wrist watches because it was so much more convenient to just glance at the watch to get the information. Wearable interfaces to phones are starting to give us a taste of what could become of phones. There are tons of ways that having something like glass will be extremely useful to many people. All the advantages of a blue tooth headset plus many more. What if you are working on your car and you decide to call your knowledgeable friend. With your phone maybe you could not get a good picture because you had to be using your hands. Now just snapping a picture via voice command or sending him a video while keeping both hands free is easy in a device you might already always be using. What if you see a driver on the road acting a little funny, could be nothing right? Normally you wont pull your phone out of your pocket or where ever and try to record. But now you can just do that easily, if nothing happens you delete it. If something does happen you have proof he was at fault.

I see tons of ways this can become an integrated part of life. Its one of those tools that people seem to think is useless until they start using it. I can think of a few other tools like that, computers, smart phones etc..... Bunch of people saying what can you do with it, who cares.
why don't you post the terms of service for the glass?

i can't believe people are dumbed down to the point they would actually pay google $1500 or whatever to become their spy robots, lol, it's ridiculous

hey bud, i think you dropped your tin foil hat over there..... ;)
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You have that backwards. You're talking about it here like it's the person exposing themselves on purpose who is at risk, and it's not. It's the people going about their daily lives that others choose to exploit with their devices that are at risk. It's a big enough concern already, and there's no good reason I've seen presented that convinces me we should encourage the acceptance of every person having a tiny camera on their face in public so they can capture anything and everything they glance at. You're talking about making a practice already viewed as distasteful when people attempt to do it in secret acceptable 24/7 simply because we have jerks running around doing it already. That's the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

Yeah I don't think I was going that way at all, if it seemed that way. Point is, we can't really put an end to people spying on other people. It's just going to happen.
Too expensive but if it was cheaper like 200-300 dollars, I'd probably buy one. I want to be able to watch some videos on it. Like if I was watching porn and no one would know.
Too expensive but if it was cheaper like 200-300 dollars, I'd probably buy one. I want to be able to watch some videos on it. Like if I was watching porn and no one would know.

Now we're getting somewhere. I'd totally just sit there at work watching porn on it.
Too expensive but if it was cheaper like 200-300 dollars, I'd probably buy one. I want to be able to watch some videos on it. Like if I was watching porn and no one would know.

2 years from now they will be 300 or less. I can wait.
Too expensive but if it was cheaper like 200-300 dollars, I'd probably buy one. I want to be able to watch some videos on it. Like if I was watching porn and no one would know.

So its not just me!!! :D:D:D
My order is pending. :D
So what happens when google opens a tech center in Florida & all of these employees with GG stand their ground ? :D
Tinfoil hats and so many internet tough guys who never leave the basement. Add in some extreme nerd rage... this thread delivers.

Someday when the technology comes down in price I would consider it.
People hate Glass because this is exactly what an impulsive egotist would buy. I sense this will be a big hit for Apple users.

So.. who has the bigger ego? Someone that wants to record what they are doing.. or someone who thinks they are so important they don't want to be recorded? That's what it boils down to in my mind. All the "I don't want to be recorded" people have too high opinion of themselves by thinking anyone is really interested in what they are doing walking down the street ;)

If I had the cash to buy a $1500 toy I'd sign up for no other reason than recording traffic in my neighborhood and posting pics of people running stop signs, speeding, and passing stopped school buses in a residential area on our neighborhood facebook page :p
If I had the cash to buy a $1500 toy I'd sign up for no other reason than recording traffic in my neighborhood and posting pics of people running stop signs, speeding, and passing stopped school buses in a residential area on our neighborhood facebook page :p

Or you could mount a GoPro to your dashboard, pay me a $200 thank you, and bet $1000 on black.
Everyone in this forum is more interested in the Occulis Rift, for 1/5th the price I may add.
>$1400 cheaper and people can't tell you are a glasshole.

Google glass is for attention whoring posers.
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for the stereotype of us nerds being smart - there are some pretty dumb fucking people here.

If you are in public - you have no expectation of privacy. You can be watched, filmed, photographed, or I can just sit across from you in the park and stare you down. Not a damn thing you can do about it.

There are however two things that should make you feel better about the whole situation:

1) You don't have to go out in public unless you choose to - you are safe from the prying eyes of the world in your mom's basement, nobody will ever hurt you down there, so calm the fuck down.

2) Nobody actually wants to film you -- yes, YOU. Unless you are causing a scene, breaking the law, or doing something crazy to draw attention to yourself... really.... nobody cares who you are or what you are doing.

The internet tough guys are hilarious - threatening bodily harm to someone just because they chose to embrace a piece of technology? Statements like that quite literally make you look like some back woods primitive ape who's only reaction to something you don't understand is violence.

On the off chance you are dumb enough to follow through with an assault on someone just for wearing Google Glass -- you should be removed from society (jail or death) because honestly, the human race already has far to many humans prone to senseless violence.
The internet tough guys are hilarious - threatening bodily harm to someone just because they chose to embrace a piece of technology? .

These internet tough guys are almost as tough as those internet tough guys threatening bodily harm to Battlefield 4 hackers..............
If you are in public - you have no expectation of privacy. You can be watched, filmed, photographed, or I can just sit across from you in the park and stare you down. Not a damn thing you can do about it.

Try this at a playground and see how quickly you get arrested or punched in the face.
Try this at a playground and see how quickly you get arrested or punched in the face.
I know your context, but just to be clear, as a parent to a young child myself, I can say not only do I *not* see a problem with making a home video of my child at a playground, but many times I've been at the playground I've seen parents doing exactly that. For this sort of thing, Glass would actually be a benefit as it would allow me to record hands-free, so I can catch her when she nearly goes off the side of that swinging bridge thing.
Try this at a playground and see how quickly you get arrested or punched in the face.

Because every man that ever happens to be in proximity to ANY person under 18 - is automatically a pedophile right? As creepy as it would be, there still isn't anything directly illegal about videotaping (even near a playground) And the fact remains, if you are in a public place -- there is no expectation of privacy, period.

If your local area does not have anything on the books about photographing in public, and doesn't mention playground... so what? Yes it's creepy, but it's allowed. (it's not an good idea by any means but it's legal) And anyone that thinks their child is so special as to assault a stranger over the matter needs to be put in jail. If your child's pretend safety is that important, build them a playground in your backyard.

I'd hate to be a male that lives next to a school and happens to be an avid bird watcher.
I'm so glad I wrote " they should come with a free punch in the face". It should have been totally obvious that I was kidding (I mean really, would anyone actually do that?) so it's extra amusing listening to you guys argue about it.

I think I've succeeded at my 1st non-attempt at trolling :D
I know your context, but just to be clear, as a parent to a young child myself, I can say not only do I *not* see a problem with making a home video of my child at a playground, but many times I've been at the playground I've seen parents doing exactly that. For this sort of thing, Glass would actually be a benefit as it would allow me to record hands-free, so I can catch her when she nearly goes off the side of that swinging bridge thing.

Different when you have a kid compared to just hanging out at the playground filming random kids because "it's a public space".
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