Google Hangouts standalone installer that doesn't update Chrome

Silent Assasin

Aug 1, 2004
I'm trying to get Google Voice/Hangouts installed on a few computers in our domain at work. Problem is that the standalone installer file simply tries to do an update of Google Chrome to install the plug in. We have a GP that disables the software from updating itself so that users don't go and update to a version that breaks things in our environment. I'm trying to find a standalone installer that will just install the plug in my itself. I found one .msi installer that does this but the problem is that the version is too old for Hangout.

Has anyone been able to figure this out? I've been searching for a couple hours now and can't find one that works. All the installer files I'm finding are either too old of a version, updates Chrome, or is through 3rd party downloaders such as Sourceforge that I also cannot use on our domain. This is for the director or our IT department and we simply cannot figure this out without disabling this GP which we really don't want to do.
So I finally got him working with Google Voice now but the plug in version is still too old to use hangouts.... I need another .msi installer for version for Hangouts to work....

Any suggestions would help or please ask some questions if I confused anyone. I'm just getting sick of working on this already.
Just an update. I figured out a slight workaround. I was able to disable the GP from the registry temporarily, do the install, and then re-enable the GP in registry again. Now I just need to write the script to do this automatically...