Google Launches Datally, an Android App for Monitoring Mobile Data Usage


Aug 20, 2006
Google has launched a new app to help solve one of the biggest and most irritating problems for smartphone users - running out of data. Datally lets Android users keep track of usage over time, as well as minimizing the amount of data they waste. The software can also point you in the direction of nearby Wi-Fi hotspots, as well as blocking background activity completely.

Mobile data is expensive for many people around the world. And what’s worse, it’s hard to figure out where it all goes. That means you're never just chatting, playing games or watching videos on your phone—you're also anxiously keeping an eye on how long your data will last. That’s why we built Datally, an app that helps you understand, control and save data.
Hmmmm. I wonder why Google needs to know the whereabouts of all the Wifi hotspots? What could they be up to?
Funny, the built in Android data settings should be able to do this already... But that's broke as fuck thanks to just about everything getting lumped into "Android Services". So instead of fixing that.. they come up with a separate app. That's rich..
That is strange because they already have a built in app in System that shows data usage by app and you can disable an app from using data.
You know there is something nefarious going on. Google never actually tells anyone what they are really doing.
Snarky responses aside, this seem neat. I mean I use Comcast Mobile because my wife and I hardly use any data outside of the house, so paying $12*/month for 2 phones is kind of nice.

* the reality is we pay about $62/month for 2 phones, because we pay the "rent" on our S8s, but in 19 more months they will be ours!!!... it's still cheaper than GhettoPCS we used to have, with shitty budget phones that we actually had to buy.
Hmmmm. I wonder why Google needs to know the whereabouts of all the Wifi hotspots? What could they be up to?

They already know the whereabouts of those hot spots, they are just telling you where they are so you can use them.
Hot spots change constantly, so maybe this is a way for them to keep track closer to real time than they have been in the past.
Colluding with the ISPs I see?

google: Hey ATT/VZW/etc, create artificial scarcity called "data cap" and we'll monitor their behavior and usage and if you pay us, we'll sell you that data.

ISP: like what stuff?

google: what time they access Netflix, where they access it from, how long they spend on it per session, how much data they consume on it, etc

ISP: oh by golly that's great! and with NN being trashed, we can charge them premium fees for streaming video access!! Maybe we can create a streaming video cap too! and overage that ish!! Maybe throw in "surge" pricing too! bahahaha!!

google: now you're getting it!
With their idiotic fractured Android roll-out by maker system, they have left 1+ Billion phones open to Krack ... but they'll help you find the nearest WiFi point where you can get hacked.
With their idiotic fractured Android roll-out by maker system, they have left 1+ Billion phones open to Krack ... but they'll help you find the nearest WiFi point where you can get hacked.

Google isnt the one responsible for the fracture of Android really, I blame the manufacturers mostly for that. They are the ones that take android and customize it to their liking. Google doesnt force them to customize it. The manufacturers are also the ones responsible for pushing out the updates for their phones not Google. Your anger is in the wrong spot
Google isnt the one responsible for the fracture of Android really, I blame the manufacturers mostly for that. They are the ones that take android and customize it to their liking. Google doesnt force them to customize it. The manufacturers are also the ones responsible for pushing out the updates for their phones not Google. Your anger is in the wrong spot

Funny, from what I can see, Google is the one that keeps breaking shit with their shitty updates.

I don't know how many times Google has severely fucked my battery life with one of their updates on my Galaxy S7. Massive data leaks due to an endless list of items lumped under Android System. Culprit? Location Services... Shocking, coming from Google /s. Google seems to go to great lengths to ensure it has that info. Set it to battery saver mode, and every fucking time I open Google Maps it nags me to allow it full battery / data drain mode.

Check out Googles feedback / bug reporting system for pretty much any bug / issue, and you'll see they never respond, and if something gets fixed - your lucky. I particularly liked the one where I couldn't delete a photo with Google Photos from an SD Card through the app. I had to go back to the built in gallery app to delete photos.. super fucking annoying. Wasn't an issue limited to Samsung phones either.. Some phones that came with Google Photos as default couldn't delete photos on SD at all! They didn't even acknowledge the problem for a couple years, then suddenly some half measure shit comes along in an update.

Googles software QC is garbage. I'm starting to wonder if it's a result of all that diversity policy stuff Damore claimed.
Googles software QC is garbage. I'm starting to wonder if it's a result of all that diversity policy stuff Damore claimed.

May or may not be related but i got one of those spam emails saying "Forward this to 20 of your friends and get a free ipad!". One of the people on the email chain was some girl that had a signature line of "Google Network Security". >.<
I bought (and later returned) an LG V30+ phone from Sprint.

The best feature on that phone was the ability to enable and disable wifi and mobile data based on location.

I hate being out of the house and my phone finds some locked down wifi and tries to login without asking me so I manually turn off wifi out of the house.

Problem is, it's easy to forget to turn it back on when I get home and I can end up using a lot of mobile data with Youtube/Periscope/etc

I ended up getting the Note 8 which I like a lot more but it doesn't have the location based controls that the LG has and I have not been able to find an app that does this.

To me, this should be a baseline feature in any mobile OS, not some fancy feature in just a few phones.