Google Partners with AMD for Google Stadia Game Streaming Service


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Google has selected AMD as its partner for the Google Stadia game streaming service. Google will use high-performance, custom AMD Radeon datacenter GPUs for its Vulkan and Linux-based Google Stadia. AMD noted how its commitment to open-source AMD Linux drivers would allow Google and its development partners to inspect the code and understand exactly how the driver works, enabling them to better optimize their applications to interface with AMD Radeon GPUs. AMD supplies other tools such as the AMD Radeon GPU Profiler (RGP) that allows developers to identify timing issues that might lead to optimizations. The Google Stadia service will feature game streams with resolutions up to 4K HDR 60 FPS. Google announced a 2019 launch time for the game streaming service.

Streaming graphics-rich games to millions of users on demand and from the cloud requires ultra high-performance processing capabilities to minimize latency and maximize game performance. It also requires advanced technologies to tackle unique datacenter challenges, including security, manageability, and scalability. The AMD graphics architecture supports a wide range of today's gaming platforms -- from PCs to major game consoles -- enabling developers to optimize their games for a single GPU architecture and extend these benefits across multiple platforms which now include large-scale cloud gaming platforms.
I am curious if the GPU is based on Navi, or if it is just a cut down Radeon Vega VII (AKA Less RAM).
I knew I should have on-boarded more stock yesterday. Way to go AMD and Google even though I think streaming game services are DoA due to the massive input lag, maybe just maybe they figured this out finally.
they are only 2 outcomes for this:

1) everyone drops this streaming game service idea because of the inherent lag that will instantly infuriate most gamers that i do not see a technical solution for - least likely
2) the lag becomes the new norm a la lootboxes and more filthy casuals move in to throw their $ at the service, further marginalizing pc and 'gamer' enthusiasts - most likely

scenario 2 becomes all too familiar when you imagine the massive load of cash the industry has discovered from the "free-to-play"(but lootbox) model. I guarentee that google will be giving the thin-clients/consoles away. I dont think they will just charge $50 or even $20. I think the base console will be free. and when you boot it up the first thing that happens is that you agree to a EULA for the microphone to be turned on perpetually, hidden in the fine print. look in your hearts you know this is true.
This will probably be attractive to your average gaming consumer. I don't see this pertaining to people that frequent this forum as I know I don't have an interest in this.... with what little info they provided.
This will probably be attractive to your average gaming consumer. I don't see this pertaining to people that frequent this forum as I know I don't have an interest in this.... with what little info they provided.

Raise your hand if you want to rebuy all of your titles to play on their service
In exchange for living on the shores of Cruiser Lake our internet is 30Mbps, while that's not so bad for out her it means that this sort of service will never be for us.

It's still a good trade off, coffee on the dock on a summer morning is worth all the gigabit internet in the world.
Apparently their third bullet point says they fixed latency "via the industry’s first hardware-based GPU virtualization solution"

Just guessing but I could see a humongous VDI farm working if they can assign X number of GPU cores to a VM

they are only 2 outcomes for this:

1) everyone drops this streaming game service idea because of the inherent lag that will instantly infuriate most gamers that i do not see a technical solution for - least likely
Raise your hand if you want to rebuy all of your titles to play on their service
Apparently their third bullet point says they fixed latency "via the industry’s first hardware-based GPU virtualization solution"
That's techno babble for "we hope you don't mind the latency".
Just guessing but I could see a humongous VDI farm working if they can assign X number of GPU cores to a VM
Which none of it solves the latency issue what so ever. Google will just put servers everywhere to reduce latency. Keyword here is reduce not eliminate.
Apparently their third bullet point says they fixed latency "via the industry’s first hardware-based GPU virtualization solution"

Just guessing but I could see a humongous VDI farm working if they can assign X number of GPU cores to a VM
I'm far more afraid that they will consider 30-60ms latency unnoticeable and then games will be designed with autotargeting, timewarp and other latency mitigation slop will come to be the norm. Nvidia claimed much of the same but the latency is noticeable streaming to the shield. So is in home streaming, just playing any RTS is a struggle.
I see this huge schism developing.

PC Gamers, with the crypto market bottoming out, RTX 2xxx, GTX 16xx out and soon Navi coming out, have a plethora of options to match up with quickly dropping 144mhz monitor prices.

Non-PC gamers move to this google box...and get used to massive input lag/reduced performance because it comes "cheap"

I think it's going to be harder & harder for pc gamers who hit refresh rates of 100fps+ (10ms) with a nice sync technology to boot, to adjust to something like 30ms+ from a cloud service & another 30ms+ from their tv.
I'm far more afraid that they will consider 30-60ms latency unnoticeable and then games will be designed with autotargeting, timewarp and other latency mitigation slop will come to be the norm. Nvidia claimed much of the same but the latency is noticeable streaming to the shield. So is in home streaming, just playing any RTS is a struggle.

b b b but there's a magic stadia controller that connect to wifi, problem solved! It's magic!
I am curious if the GPU is based on Navi, or if it is just a cut down Radeon Vega VII (AKA Less RAM).

Neither. It's a reject MI25. Last gens part.

Stadia's specs per Google:

Custom AMD GPU with HBM2 memory and 56 compute units capable of 10.7 teraflops

16 GB of RAM with up to 484 GB/s of performance

Radeon MI25's specs:

16GB of HBM2 memory at 484 GB/s with 64 compute units capable of 12.29 TFLOPs

12.29 * (56 / 64) = 10.7.

So a Vega 56 with more vram, basically.
So will lans in the future be all tablets and smart devices? I still appreciate a CRT and a Packard Bell Legend case mod every now and then. Well if it works, then I like the idea that I can ditch Windows for upcoming games.
I'm kind of surprised noone's mentioned all the buffering alongside lag; no longer will it be "loading" written on-screen, but "buffering"! Oh, and that new SSD you picked up isn't helping any, thx lol
No thanks, I’ll keep building expensive PCs or buying gaming laptops. I base this off my prior experience of hotel internet / reading on current ISP speeds and data caps.
Why is every company trying to convince us we don't want to own any hardware or software and pay to rent everything. This is a money grab, it offers nothing in return that isn't better on your local machine for a front loaded investment. I only hope the disposable generation doesn't fall for this.
Why is every company trying to convince us we don't want to own any hardware or software and pay to rent everything. This is a money grab, it offers nothing in return that isn't better on your local machine for a front loaded investment. I only hope the disposable generation doesn't fall for this.

In the case of google, they're after all that sweet, sweet gaming data.
Why is every company trying to convince us we don't want to own any hardware or software and pay to rent everything. This is a money grab, it offers nothing in return that isn't better on your local machine for a front loaded investment. I only hope the disposable generation doesn't fall for this.
Probably because they know something we don't. Like how the PS5 and Xbox Two probably have an uphill battle to get people to jump onto their new hardware and that new hardware is going to be at least $500. Since there's a transition and a gap in the market the companies figure they can disrupt the market. Gaming market is clearly shifting downward in terms of sales so some might see this as new found growth. They are wrong.

There's no way that testing is accurate. They even said they used Google's own internet connection. Stadia has the same latency as an Xbox One? Yea no, that's bullshit. Less latency than Steam's Link? That needs some real world testing.
The licensing cost of that ad must have been pretty substantial. They have so many different sources of copyrighted content, lol.
Why does it need to be so powerful if it is just streaming?

The powerful hardware is on Stadia's datacenters side, not the client's side. Yes, you'd technically be able to stream high quality games to a potato of a device granted your Internet connection can keep up.

Ouya Online? Yeah, no thanks.

Ouya? Ouya is a console that primarily plays Android games natively on hardware that more closely resembled a smart phone's tech. Stadia isn't even remotely similar to Ouya.

It's more similar to GeForce Now, OnLive, and PS Now services. I imagine they're aiming at a subscription-based business model, probably something where customers can subscribe to several tiers of publisher bundles (e.g. Ubisoft Game Pass), franchise bundles (e.g. Assassin's Creed Bundle), or a la carte (one-off specific titles).

Overall, I'm onboard for this to complement my primary gaming setup. If the latency is acceptable and there's more mainstream developer adoption, I can even see Stadia bringing affordable high quality PC gaming to my friends and family who do not have the budget or technical knowledge to build/maintain a gaming rig. As a guy who supports dozens of his friend's and family's computers, the idea that I can deploy cheap Chromebox solutions and still deliver high quality/performance gaming experiences is very attractive to me.
I bet it will be as great as their VR headset they PR'd with my pixel xl 1 that is completely useless. Or as craptastic as my pixel 1 that broke 3x in 18 months from normal use... then abandoned like bigillion other products they make. What it will do is help justify Microst's rumored streaming push as a norm for better or worse.
Probably because they know something we don't. Like how the PS5 and Xbox Two probably have an uphill battle to get people to jump onto their new hardware and that new hardware is going to be at least $500. Since there's a transition and a gap in the market the companies figure they can disrupt the market. Gaming market is clearly shifting downward in terms of sales so some might see this as new found growth. They are wrong.
With all the new markets opening up (other countries that now have more cash for entertainment) why wouldn't the global sales of consoles be going upwards? It's easy to believe the competition from other forms of entertainment is going to cause North America/Europe/Japan to buy new consoles at a slower rate. What is the rest of the world doing for entertainment though? If they can't afford the new models, are they buying the old models still?
I for sure will give it a good spin and a good chance.
Those that think, you 'owe' any games in your PC, don't be so sure.. I don't think you 'owe' anything since the 2000s.
All that DRM fucked things over.. with activations that don't activate your nice physical media, and all that shit.
The only games you would truly own to the extent humanly possible is anything from GOG.
This "Streaming" gaming service will only be useful for slow games. Anything that requires split second reaction times will be LOL on a server based game stream. On most peoples internet connection, just sending the signal from a mouse movement to get to the server will take longer than an entire game frame to process from mouse press to display for your eyes on a local PC. Game streaming will be relegated to garbage like Minecraft etc.