Google’s Goal: To Organize Your Daily Life

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The Financial Times says that Google wants to run your daily life. Yes, I said “run your life.” To be honest, the article said “organize” but after reading the article myself, I couldn’t think of any other way to put it. If you think I am joking, read the article.

Asked how Google might look in five years’ time, Mr Schmidt said: “We are very early in the total information we have within Google. The algorithms will get better and we will get better at personalisation. “The goal is to enable Google users to be able to ask the question such as ‘What shall I do tomorrow?’ and ‘What job shall I take?’”
That is as freaky as it gets. I'm telling you, the cheese is slowly sliding off of Google's cracker.
That is as freaky as it gets. I'm telling you, the cheese is slowly sliding off of Google's cracker.

I came up with a giganticus "Whoah there, Nellie!" back when Gmail arrived and the signup for it included an agreement for them to retain all your personal data and messages even after you'd deleted it!

Then they wanted me to use their 'desktop search' which would've had their sticky fingers poking about in my machine. Use their applications software so they had hold of everything I did!

No thanks.
Not really. Optional services give you consent. I'd give them my consent on personalizing my searches.

Getting hot coffee is also optional...doesn't mean someone isn't gonna sue when they spill it on their crotch and burn themselves.
Before I let google "organize" my life, they first need to organize their Froogle (Google Product Search) to not include products that are in duffrent currencies
Yup, Microsoft is the big evil corporation. Good thing we have a non-corporation like google! :rolleyes:
Yup, Microsoft is the big evil corporation. Good thing we have a non-corporation like google! :rolleyes:

I don't exactly see what you're complaining about.

Perhaps you are overly paranoid, fear-mongering, or just took an overdose of the stuff that privacy activists take?
I don't exactly see what you're complaining about.

Perhaps you are overly paranoid, fear-mongering, or just took an overdose of the stuff that privacy activists take?

Perhaps you're overassuming, clueless, or jumping entirely to the wrong conclusions?

People were complaining about all the ways Internet Explorer was going to invade your computer and take all your data, people were complaining about all the ways .NET was going to draw you in, people were complaining about XP's customer survey system...

...and those same people embraced Google with loving arms because they exuded an "anti-corporate" aura, which turned out to be 200 proof bullshit.

I'm not a privacy activist, and I rolled my eyes at the aforementioned MS-haters. I am pointing out the irony. Go take an overdose of the stuff under the sink. :rolleyes:
IMHO, Google has become the most dangerous (to people's privacy) company in the world.

It all started downhill when they went public. Now it's all about money and satisfying shareholders, and they don't care who they mow over in the process.

"Do No Harm" my ass...
Your post seemed to reek of anger towards Google for their "anti-corporate aura" -- maybe I'm just not understanding your context as I don't treat Microsoft and Google differently.
Perhaps you're overassuming, clueless, or jumping entirely to the wrong conclusions?

People were complaining about all the ways Internet Explorer was going to invade your computer and take all your data, people were complaining about all the ways .NET was going to draw you in, people were complaining about XP's customer survey system...

...and those same people embraced Google with loving arms because they exuded an "anti-corporate" aura, which turned out to be 200 proof bullshit.

I'm not a privacy activist, and I rolled my eyes at the aforementioned MS-haters. I am pointing out the irony. Go take an overdose of the stuff under the sink. :rolleyes:

I will take 400 proof for $100 alex.

Yep, I couldn't agree more. I remember when people bashed microsoft day in after day and embraced google... look at it now.

I came up with a giganticus "Whoah there, Nellie!" back when Gmail arrived and the signup for it included an agreement for them to retain all your personal data and messages even after you'd deleted it!

Then they wanted me to use their 'desktop search' which would've had their sticky fingers poking about in my machine. Use their applications software so they had hold of everything I did!

No thanks.

never touched gmail nor desktop search for same reasons. Not going any further on my pc !
I don't know what you people are complaining about. This is great! Once Google knows all about everyone you can ask important things like, "Hey Google, should I have sex with this b*tch or will she stalk me?", and Google knowing her browsing, IM, email, medical, and all other personal histories will be able to answer this complicated question in 0.00038 seconds. Wow! Imagine not having to think anymore when making life decisions about employment and relationships. Imagine not having to think for yourself at all. All the energy in your head that will be saved for other things such as online shopping and clicking ads. I can't wait, I'm going to go upload my hard drive to Google in case they don't already have everything on it.
I don't know what you people are complaining about. This is great! Once Google knows all about everyone you can ask important things like, "Hey Google, should I have sex with this b*tch or will she stalk me?", and Google knowing her browsing, IM, email, medical, and all other personal histories will be able to answer this complicated question in 0.00038 seconds. Wow! Imagine not having to think anymore when making life decisions about employment and relationships. Imagine not having to think for yourself at all. All the energy in your head that will be saved for other things such as online shopping and clicking ads. I can't wait, I'm going to go upload my hard drive to Google in case they don't already have everything on it.

Godspeed, Comrade! For the motherland! :D
Godspeed, Comrade! For the motherland! :D

I'm now getting those suspicious looks after you make weird noises trying miserably to surpress laughter.

It's been said ad nauseum, but every time I read this sort of thing Skynet comes to mind.
Seeing how google cant even organize their own multi-billion dollar mess, Im not sure how they could help organize someones life, unless everyone has a schedule like mine:

Wake up, go to work
pretend to be busy at work
go home & watch tv, with or without beer.

Google seems to have become the Wal-Mart of the internet world, which is a bit ironic as Aelfgeft has said. Ironic, because Microsoft and Wal-Mart both are similar to google,yet have something that google doesnt:

People constantly moaning and bitching, about <insert large company here> and how they are out to screw us, and how <company name> is going to ruin the world, because of <Insert conspiracy theories and rambling rants>.
I'm now getting those suspicious looks after you make weird noises trying miserably to surpress laughter.

It's been said ad nauseum, but every time I read this sort of thing Skynet comes to mind.

Skynet hell, George Orwell's 1984!
I don't know what you people are complaining about. This is great! Once Google knows all about everyone you can ask important things like, "Hey Google, should I have sex with this b*tch or will she stalk me?", and Google knowing her browsing, IM, email, medical, and all other personal histories will be able to answer this complicated question in 0.00038 seconds.

Ho-ly SHIT that made me laugh!!! :D