Google’s New Search Index: Caffeine

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Google has just announced the completion of a new web indexing system called Caffeine. According to Google, the new web indexing system provides 50% “fresher” results. Fresher?

So why did we build a new search indexing system? Content on the web is blossoming. It's growing not just in size and numbers but with the advent of video, images, news and real-time updates, the average webpage is richer and more complex. In addition, people's expectations for search are higher than they used to be. Searchers want to find the latest relevant content and publishers expect to be found the instant they publish.
I don't think it's slow as it is; I've done test searches of terms that I've found in posts here at the [H] and discovered them in Google searches (usually in the top 10 hits, but I have 100 hits per page as the default) and it's usually < 30 minutes after posting so, at least the [H] is indexed pretty quick.
Sure, the searches come up quickly, but then, how many times have you had to go back to the advanced search functions and change the date criteria on a search? I know I've had to quite a few times when I keep getting searches that are too old to be relevant.
Yea same. I often notice when I am searching for specifics which do not necessarily have an expiration date, I still get old results that do note help. I would prefer if "Fresh" "Fresher" and "Freshershest" results came automagically unless there were no results otherwise.
Yea same. I often notice when I am searching for specifics which do not necessarily have an expiration date, I still get old results that do note help. I would prefer if "Fresh" "Fresher" and "Freshershest" results came automagically unless there were no results otherwise.
Agreed. It's amazing how 2009 seems so old already. People on these forums are so up to date that refuting a point with online evidence requires hunting for news items no more than days or weeks old.
Thank goodness though I'd be sad if tech was stagnate. Google or someone needs to find a way to implement date into their searches, cause when I do put in latest I usually get mostly garbage websites and it still takes a while to find what exactly i want.
Sure, the searches come up quickly, but then, how many times have you had to go back to the advanced search functions and change the date criteria on a search? I know I've had to quite a few times when I keep getting searches that are too old to be relevant.

Ditto. So often that I wish I could check it on the main google page. Info from 2003 isn't helping me, Google!