Google Street Blur

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
This is what Google Street View looks like in Germany after the courts ruled that people can have their house removed. Thanks to [H] reader Izzy Reed for sending us this this image.
I think I'll just put up opaque glass panels in front of my house so it looks just like that to pedestrians.
I was figuring you know, they would actually remove the house. Not just slightly blurr it.
I was figuring you know, they would actually remove the house. Not just slightly blurr it.

Why? This is obscure enough that the house can still be used as a navigator for landmarks, but that you can't possibly see in windows or make out any kind of detail.
See when the robot overlords rise up the blurred infidels will definately get it first. Other than that, as i've said before, no one cares about you or your shitty houses stupids! The world does not care about you, Sorry.
See when the robot overlords rise up the blurred infidels will definately get it first. Other than that, as i've said before, no one cares about you or your shitty houses stupids! The world does not care about you, Sorry.

But but, tons of criminals are perusing Street View looking for houses to rob! That blurred photo indicates to any John Q. Criminal that there is a house at that location! Without it, they'd never know there was a house there... oh wait...
But but, tons of criminals are perusing Street View looking for houses to rob! That blurred photo indicates to any John Q. Criminal that there is a house at that location! Without it, they'd never know there was a house there... oh wait...

Well the next crime spree I go on in germany, i'm going to take my andriod whatever fire up google maps and only rob the blurry houses. Because I know for sure that they have some decent stuff, or have some information I can blackmail them with for more money! :D
See when the robot overlords rise up the blurred infidels will definately get it first. Other than that, as i've said before, no one cares about you or your shitty houses stupids! The world does not care about you, Sorry.

So then there's no reason to put it on street view as no one will be looking, right?
wouldn't a real criminal or other creeper bring their own camera and do their own surveillance anyway? If you're targeted, I would doubt it's because of Street View...
So then there's no reason to put it on street view as no one will be looking, right?

No, when the robot overlords take over in 2012/whenever intel finish ivy bridge, then they will seek and destroy the "temples of information" aka blurred houses on street view. They have made their choice, now they shall feel the wrath of robotty death!!!
So then there's no reason to put it on street view as no one will be looking, right?

I don't think you understand. A blurred photo of a house and a big gap tell you the same thing: There is a house there someone doesn't want you looking at.
wouldn't a real criminal or other creeper bring their own camera and do their own surveillance anyway? If you're targeted, I would doubt it's because of Street View...

This... Street View is harmless because it's shit you could see just walking down the street. And it isn't constantly monitoring like CCTV; one static picture was taken, and that's the Street View pic.
Oh no people can see the stuff just like if they drove down my street! Now that it's blurred my privacy is secure bawahaha T_T

There are a lot of privacy issues with google street view is like the 1023912th one on my list.

It's street view not drill a hole into your house and put a tiny surveillance camera in there view. Hell and street view is horribly outdated in most cases.
Pointless really. I do know for a fact after watching some CSI series, that this kind of blur can be easily enhanced back to at least HD quality without any quality loss.

I don't think you understand. A blurred photo of a house and a big gap tell you the same thing: There is a house there someone doesn't want you looking at.

That's not a reason to be blurred instead of blank.
All I know is that it is going to be awesome when GPS handhelds start showing the actual view as you go down the street. Having it switch over to the street view for the last mile of your trip would be great.
All I know is that it is going to be awesome when GPS handhelds start showing the actual view as you go down the street. Having it switch over to the street view for the last mile of your trip would be great.

Yea it's like that not looking away from the screen on the device to see the stuff for real is ever an option. :p

But that's pretty silly, I can still see pretty much the whole house, plus you can still see where it is in relation to the nieghbors home.

It's street view not drill a hole into your house and put a tiny surveillance camera in there view.

I'm surprised they just don't have a rfid canon on the vehicle too that shoots a bunch of them at your property as it drives by. They'd be bound to attach to something that would leave the premesis and move around to track. They already wardrive, so why not? Not like it'll be breaching and further into privacy than they already do.
when I squint I see a nude woman sunbathing by the side of the house. I can understand why they want it blurred....
damn no-edits, forgot to add, that might be just the way my imagination works...
Before I could blur my house I had way to many autograph seekers stalking my home. Now they just look for the blurred one. Classy Google.
See when the robot overlords rise up the blurred infidels will definately get it first. Other than that, as i've said before, no one cares about you or your shitty houses stupids! The world does not care about you, Sorry.

Stupids? Seriously??? :rolleyes: How old are you? (Or is it just intrinsic immaturity?)
"The world" that wants control of their privacy doesn't care your "sorry" butt either. :eek:

So then there's no reason to put it on street view as no one will be looking, right?

The only things that should be allowed on "street view" by default is any business that is intended to serve the public, buildings either paid for, or intended for use by the public (city hall, police dept., stadiums), and public lands (local parks, state parks) etc.

*Unless* homeowners opted in, they should never have been included. In the truest sense of the term, they are, private property. Even though technically, stadiums etc. are privately held, they are definitely intended for public use. And in today's law, intent is key. Even though Google had no ill intent (I'd bet), I firmly believe that privacy trumps all in this type of situation.

Indeed, it was a novel idea, but the scope ran way outside of their legal bounds, and will only continue to be tested and limited IMO. Business is far too nosy as it is. Google Street View was an invasion on a whole new level.

Now what would have been *really* useful, was if they actually did a "Street View" of our gorgeous national parks/forests...

Is this part of the MLAA article too?

lol -it would seem so, as the filtering is definitely being applied post-processing. :D
This is about as intelligent as their video game censorship.
*Unless* homeowners opted in, they should never have been included. In the truest sense of the term, they are, private property.
And it wasn't trespassed on. There is nothing in Street View that you can't already see ... from the street.
Indeed, it was a novel idea, but the scope ran way outside of their legal bounds, and will only continue to be tested and limited IMO. Business is far too nosy as it is. Google Street View was an invasion on a whole new level.
Way outside of their legal bounds? Invasive? Please. :rolleyes:
Stupids? Seriously??? :rolleyes: How old are you? (Or is it just intrinsic immaturity?)
"The world" that wants control of their privacy doesn't care your "sorry" butt either. :eek:

The only things that should be allowed on "street view" by default is any business that is intended to serve the public, buildings either paid for, or intended for use by the public (city hall, police dept., stadiums), and public lands (local parks, state parks) etc.

*Unless* homeowners opted in, they should never have been included. In the truest sense of the term, they are, private property. Even though technically, stadiums etc. are privately held, they are definitely intended for public use. And in today's law, intent is key. Even though Google had no ill intent (I'd bet), I firmly believe that privacy trumps all in this type of situation.

Indeed, it was a novel idea, but the scope ran way outside of their legal bounds, and will only continue to be tested and limited IMO. Business is far too nosy as it is. Google Street View was an invasion on a whole new level.

Now what would have been *really* useful, was if they actually did a "Street View" of our gorgeous national parks/forests...

lol -it would seem so, as the filtering is definitely being applied post-processing. :D

cry us a river of tears. boo hoo.. omg a picture of my house is on the interweb.. oh wait that's right there's a ton of pictures of my house on the interweb back when it was being sold 6 years ago and are still there. god people and their so called privacy.. get the hell over it already. its a damn picture of a house.

honestly if it wasn't for googles street view id of had a lot more trouble finding shit where i use to live since half the streets weren't even on a map and/or in the completely wrong spot.