Google Street View Captures Fire Truck Hitting Old Lady

The reason it may be blurred is the the shirt color changes from an off white to an orange shade then back to off white. Maybe they found a a section with an image no longer available and added their own. Or, the image has been removed for insurance reasons but that doesn't change the fact of the chameleon shirt.
She fell over, for sure... that's a straight left fall, tires still even, nothing bent... and look where in the street she fell. Stop suddenly... get shoelace stuck on pedal, and over you go.
Not only does it look like the fire truck was already past by the time she reached where she hit the ground, and she hit the ground outside the path of the fire truck, meaning the truck never touched her...
There is no mention of where on google streets this is... therefore no way to confirm it is legit...

I can only reach one conclusion. This really was taken from a google maps car, but the pictures were subsequently doctored up afterwards. What you don't see is that the Google Maps driver got out of the car, ran over and pushed Granny over. Upon realizing that the deed was caught on video, he removed all traces of himself before uploading the picture, and refused to disclose the location for fear of an investigation...

This story is a little more plausable.

Scroll down in the article. There's a Google Maps insert.

Google removed the image where grandma fell off her bike though. Check it out - click the forward button and you'll see "image has been removed".
every time you masturbate firefighters kill a bicycling geriatric, please think of the bicycling geriatrics.